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Ep. #5863

Ridge tells Brooke that Steffy knows now that blackmailing her was wrong. Nick tells Aggie he can stop if she's not ready, Aggie insists that she is. Liam finds himself in a tough situation when he comes across a recording of Ridge and Steffy talking about Brooke and Oliver. Steffy tells Oliver that her plan backfired and has to make an a announcement at a press conference. Justin listens to the recording thinking he's got something he can use. Nick and Aggie become intimate for the first time.
Episode Overview

Ep. #5864

Ridge explains to Stephanie he has something to tell her before anyone else does it's a press conference involving a tribute to Brooke. Justin catches Liam and asks if he was planning to delete that recording. Rick and Amber do some catching up after a long time, and that little Eric is doing well at his new school. Brooke listens at the door while Hope offers Steffy a chance at being friends again. Justin tells Liam that what he has here could help Bill get Forrester Creations back again, and comes up with a clever plan so everyone can hear it.



Ep. #5865

Steffy tells Stephanie that she's gonna find out later on what she has on Brooke. Liam asks Justin what he plans to do with the recording. Stephanie sees that Amber arrived and is a guest of Rick's. Liam learns alot more about Spencer Publications while accompanying Jarret to the press conference. Everyone is shocked when Brooke's infidelity is revealed during the video tribute.
Episode Overview

Ep. #5866

Hope asks Brooke if what was said on the video is true or not, she angrily storms out of the. Stephanie tells Taylor that she can't believe that Brooke has done it again to one of her daughters. Steffy swears to Ridge that she didn't alter the video tribute, and can prove it cause it's on her computer. Marcus asks Oliver while looking for Hope if it's in fact true. Liam tells Justin if he knows that he just created a scandal at Forrester Creations. Brooke catches up to Hope but she says for her to leave her alone and that she's not the person she thought she was. Steffy can't believe when the footage is on the tribute and swears it wasn't there before.



Ep. #5867

Stephanie wants Ridge to take back what he said about firing Steffy. Taylor lashes at Ridge for using his daughter to keep his head in the sand. Owen brings Bridget some ice cream to beat the heat until her a/c is fixed, and says that her mother did it again this time with Hope's boyfriend. Oliver wants to explain to Hope that he loves and he wouldn't have done this intentionally. Stephanie heatedly confronts Brooke in the showroom and to leave Hope alone. Hope looks to Bridget to comfort her and asks how their mother could do this again.

Ep. #5869

Steffy tells Liam she hired Ed a I.T. guy to find out who tampered with her laptop. Brooke goes to see Bridget while avoiding the press. Aggie meets Jason Castro and that Oliver plans to have him serenade Hope. Bridget asks Brooke that she did this once with Deacon and if she knew that it wasn't Ridge. Stephanie tells Hope that she doesn't think Oliver should be punished for what her mother did, and offers her to stay in the guest house. Brooke asks Bridget she has to know what she told Hope.



Ep. #5870

Hope tells Oliver that it's gonna take some time before she can forgive him. Steffy tells Ridge that she's looking into whoever revealed Brooke's secret. Stephanie tells Brooke that Hope will be moving into the guest house. Ridge tells Steffy that in order for her to come back to the company she has to deal with her issues. Stephanie tells Brooke she's not gonna let her hurt Hope anymore. Oliver surprises Hope with Jason Castro, and plays some songs for her. Taylor makes a shocking move by giving Steffy her 25% of the company and to share it with Thomas. Hope and Oliver share a kiss, but she's reminded of the party and says she can't do this. Brooke pushes Stephanie and she falls back and hits her head.

Ep. #5871

Nick is shocked when Aggie tells him Whip is doing the shoot on the campaign he said he scrapped. Brooke checks and sees that Stephanie has a pulse, she's surprised when Stephanie calls 911 saying she was intentionally pushed. Nick puts a stop to Jackie and Owen's photo shoot. Ridge comes to the hospital and asks what exactly happened at the house, Stephanie tells him that Brooke pushed her. Bridget walks in on Aggie and Nick and asks if there's something going on between them.



Ep. #5872

Taylor helps Steffy to win her confidence back. Bridget discovers the truth about Nick and Aggie's relationship. Owen and Jackie prepare a surprise for Bridget. Ed comes to the conclusion that whoever put that video on the tribute didn't leave a trail behind. Bridget tells Jackie that Nick has moved on with Aggie. Liam tells Steffy that he knows that she didn't do this.

Ep. #5873

Brooke asks Hope to come back home where she belongs. Taylor tells Stephanie that she had to come and see for herself if she was alright. Hope tells Brooke her relationship with Oliver is tainted and it's all because of her. Steffy seeks to prove her innocence to Oliver, but she tells him to go to Hope. Taylor tells Stephanie that she gave her 25% to Steffy so she can focus on her patients. Oliver comes to see Hope and finds her with Brooke, but he sees the same look on her face she had earlier, Hope makes it clear that she's not going home with her.



Ep. #5874

Stephanie punishes Brooke for the destruction of the Forrester family. Oliver suggests to Hope how they can mend their relationship.

Ep. #5875

Ridge tells Brooke that Hope needs to spend some time with her dad. Hope tries to understand what really happened at her graduation party, by recreating the night for Oliver. Taylor sees what Hope is planning and calls and lets Brooke know. Brooke and Oliver try to get Hope to forgive them.
Episode Overview

Ep. #5876

Hope to Brooke and Oliver how can she move on knowing two people she loves betrayed her. Taylor tells Stephanie to let everyone work things out themselves. Bridget reveals that Hope is living with Stephanie by staying in the guest house. Hope tells Oliver that maybe they can't move past with what happened. Bridget and Owen feel their baby kick for the first time. Stephanie consoles Hope after she returns to the guest house, and goes and does battle with Brooke.



Ep. #5877

Ridge demands that Stephanie apologize to Brooke for slapping her last night. Donna tells Bill that she feels that Brooke deserves a part of the company. Taylor makes a shocking declaration at the Forrester Creations board meeting. Bill tells Katie he just learned that Taylor signed over her shares of the company to Steffy.

Ep. #5878

Ridge becomes angry with Stephanie and wishes to speak with Hope alone. Jarrett calls Bill saying he located Steffy at Bikini Beach. Brooke is shocked after hearing Stephen explain Bill's plan about obtaining Donna's shares. Steffy tells Bill that Jarrett wasn't exactly subtle in blending in and knows exactly why he's here. Ridge admits that he was apalled and tries to get her to see that what happened was only an accident, but Stephanie says that Hope isn't going anywhere.



Ep. #5879

Stephanie tells Steffy that she can see that Steffy misses her dad. Taylor explains to Ridge to have faith in Steffy and to believe she didn't do this to Brooke. Liam meets Hope and can't hide the fact he knows about her. Stephanie vows to prove Steffy's innocence. Steffy calls Bill and invites her to come to the beach house. Stephanie approaches Liam and asks if he worked on Steffy's laptop prior to the tribute, and discovers he has a second job working for Spencer Publications.

Ep. #5881

Ridge becomes enraged after learning about Liam's part in the video, and is shocked when he claims he's his father. Hope pulls away from her kiss with Oliver, saying she needs to let him go. Bill tells Steffy that Justin is responsible for editing and adding the conversation. Ridge punches Liam and tells Stephanie to call security to have him thrown out. Stephanie gives Oliver some sound advice regarding Hope. Liam intervenes when the press won't leave Hope alone, and that Ridge punched him earlier. Ridge asks Bill what he's trying to pull with Steffy this time. Liam confesses to Hope about what Justin did, she lays into him for saying anything that cleared Steffy.



Ep. #5882

Steffy remains strong while Ridge and Bill argue. Hope agrees that what Liam did was wrong but refuses to hit him. Ridge tells Steffy to not give into Bill's offer. Liam confides in Hope about telling Ridge he was his son, cause his mother told him he worked at Forrester Creations. Katie thanks Bill for getting her back into the executive suite once again.
Episode Overview

Ep. #5883

Oliver goes over some music and gets a visit from Steffy. Stephanie tells Brooke that Ridge will explain the details of Liam sabotoging the tribute video. Liam opens up to Hope, but he hides when Ridge stops by. Steffy and Stephanie discuss her new position over Brooke. Liam listens as Ridge tells Hope to keep her distance from him. Ridge tells Brooke that Steffy agreed to come back to the company. Oliver calls Hope but she says that they have nothing to talk about.



Ep. #5884

Owen feels uncomfortable with Whip's latest campaign. Stephanie tells Oliver that there's a guard posted and whoever comes will be arrested. Liam tells Hope that he had to come back and see her. Oliver comes up with a romantic plan to win back Hope's affections. Aggie and Nick disagree about Jackie's future. Liam plants another kiss on Hope, and Oliver sees it and pretends to be Stephanie to get her to answer the door and come with him. Amber asks Bridget if she and Jackie are in fact sharing Owen.

Ep. #5885

Hope asks Oliver how he managed to pull this off past the security at the gate. Steffy tells Liam he's lucky her father or Thorne isn't here, Liam tries to explain his actions to her. Owen shares his feelings for his future with Bridget. Ridge assures Brooke that they are gonna face her troubles together. Owen tells Jackie that he needs a purpose and something to do cause Nick doesn't want him around anymore. Steffy tells Liam that he just stood bye and didn't say anything to stop it. Hope is touched by Oliver's gesture.



Ep. #5886

Oliver tells Brooke that he and Hope are back together. Thomas comes home to find out Taylor gave Steffy her shares of the company. Hope explains to Brooke that she wishes things could be the way they used to. Bill tells Liam that Spencer Publications is being sued, and fires him for his actions regarding the tribute video. Ridge tells Steffy that he doesn't trust Liam. Hope tells Oliver she's not ready to wear her necklace again. Bill is lost for words when he finds a picture of Liam's mother and comes to a shocking realization.

Ep. #5887

Stephanie thinks that Brooke leaving the company is the only option. Eric wants to know why Steffy is calling an emergency meeting all of a sudden. Nick and Brooke reflect on their time together. Thorne shows Eric the downsiding numbers concerning the recent Brooke scandal. Steffy has a plan to rid Brooke from Forrester Creations. Thomas tells Taylor that Steffy is using the stock and if she isn't bluffing when she says she'll give it to Bill Spencer.



Ep. #5888

Steffy tells Stephanie that this thing isn't over and will get Brooke out of the company. Amber shows everyone her latest designs, Jackie seems quite impressed. Jackie shares her feelings with Nick about his relationship with Aggie. Steffy tells Brooke that there's no way she's gonna allow them to work together. Nick tells Jackie that he doesn't think he can do the whole marriage thing again. Brooke reminds Steffy she has the power to bring peace to the family. Stephanie tries to tell Ridge about his future.

Ep. #5889

Liam makes Ridge an offer while Hope listens in, but he cautions him to stay away from his daughter. Jarrett gives Bill information on Liam and his mother as he requested. Thomas tells Steffy that she needs to lay off Brooke. Ridge tells Brooke that she isn't going anywhere. Katie asks Bill why he's so interested in Liam, he reveals that he could be his son. Steffy shows Ridge what the reporters did and proves that Brooke should leave Forrester Creations.



Ep. #5890

Katie asks Bill just how involved he was with Liam's mother. The Forrester family is stunned when Thomas sides with Brooke over Steffy. Thorne is startled when Stephanie tells him that Kelly Hopkins is Liam's mother, she's surprised when she and Thorne dated briefly. Liam sees that the only good picture of his mother is missing and realizing he left it at Bill's office. Bill tells Katie that he feels no connection to Liam none what so ever. Ridge is forced to make a decision about the company by asking Brooke to leave for a while. Thorne tells Stephanie that he might be Liam's father.

Ep. #5891

Thorne tells Stephanie that the timing fits and he could be Liam's father, but Ridge thinks he's just out for a payout. Katie insists that Bill come to the hospital to be certain that he's not the father. Thorne asks Hope tp bring Liam to the hospital so a blood test can be done. Bill starts to see some similarities between Thorne and Liam. Stephanie and Ridge realize that Liam's intentions may be sincere. Thorne tells Liam about his daughter Ally and if the test come back, he would be a wonderful big brother to her. The doctor takes samples from Bill and Thorne, also from Liam to determine paternity.



Ep. #5892

Stephanie tells Eric that Thorne is at the hospital taking a blood test to determine if he has a son or not. Hope tells Bill to stay at the hospital when the results come back. Stephanie tells Eric that Liam feels sorry for dragging the whole family into this scandal. Ridge is forced to deal with his decision about the company. The DNA results are revealed and Liam learns that Bill is his biological father.

Ep. #5893

Liam copes with the consequences of having Bill for a father. Oliver tells Steffy he's getting his stuff out thinking he'll be fired soon. Stephanie sees that Thorne is disappointed that the results didn't go his way. Bill tells Liam a story of how once Kelly meant alot to him. Thorne says that he wanted this to happen cause his life felt empty since Darla died.



Ep. #5894

Stephanie asks Bridget what went wrong in her marriage to Nick, she admits that Owen is the father of the baby and not Nick. Ridge asks Hope if she's spoken to her mother, and says she's taken a leave of absense from Forrester Creations. Katie announces to Donna and Brooke that Bill has a son he never knew he had. Stephanie questions Jackie about the paternity of the baby. Bridget begins to go into labor, and tells Owen that it's coming right now.

Ep. #5895

Owen makes Bridget feel comfortable while the contractions get closer together. Brooke comes downstairs and sees the table is set for dinner. Stephanie tells Jackie that she can see that this thing with Owen is hurting her. Bridget tells Owen that there's no time to get to a hospital cause the baby is coming right now. Ridge tells Brooke that he invited Hope over for dinner tonight, and she says that she wants to come home again. Bridget is worried when the baby doesn't cry thinking it happened again, but then it starts to cry and she and Owen share a kiss.



Ep. #5896

Owen and Bridget grow closer as they bond over their baby boy and thanks for helping bringing him in the world. Stephanie tells Jackie she thinks this arrangement she has isn't for the best, cause someone will end up being left out. Jackie learns that Bridget gave birth to the baby and says she's coming up there, but Stephanie insists on letting Bridget and Owen spend time with their son. Owen and Bridget decide on Logan as the name for their son. Stephanie gives Eric the good news of Bridget giving birth at the Big Bear cabin. Bridget and Owen listen as Jackie refers Logan as her baby.

Ep. #5897

Bridget presents baby Logan to the rest of the family. Katie tells Bill not to go into work cause she invited Liam over so they can get to know one another. Brooke hears Jackie tells Stephanie she'll wait to give Logan a proper nickname. Brooke and Stephanie worry about Bridget's homelife. Stephanie gives Jackie a stern warning about her losing her husband to Bridget. Rick asks Bridget what exactly does she feel for Owen. Bill tells Hope that he feels no connection to Liam and isn't the son he'd rather have. Brooke insists that Bridget come stay with her after discovering that her daughter is falling for Owen. Liam listens as Hope gives it to Bill.



Ep. #5898

Owen overhears Bridget admit her feelings for him to Rick and Brooke. Katie is angered over Bill's actions towards Liam.

Ep. #5899

Owen tells Bridget that they now have a family to take care of, but says that he loves Jackie. Amber shocks Brooke by asking if Rick is or isn't available. Rick tells Jackie that if things don't go accordingly to plan then she'll have him to lean on, Jackie says that's not going to happen so he can stop with the seduction. Brooke tells Amber that if Rick wants to talk to her he can call her. Bridget inadvertanly sees Rick kissing Jackie.

Ep. #5900

Brooke tells Ridge that she can't wait for him to see Bridget's baby. Jackie quickly pushes away from the kiss and says she's a happily married woman, Owen then sees the two of them from the top of the stairs. Brooke tells Ridge that Bridget's feelings for Owen are getting out of control. Bridget tells Rick she saw him kiss Jackie and asks what he's up to, he says that he's doing this to help her be with Owen. Jackie is surprised when Rick has a candlelight dinner on the roof.



Ep. #5902

Hope and Katie work to get Bill and Liam in the same room together, despite their hatred for one another, Bill walks in and asks what Katie has planned. Liam calls Hope and she asks for him to meet him at Brooke's house. Steffy learns that Bill is Liam's father and thinks this could get interesting. Oliver apologizes to Hope for being so busy and not having time for her, and is surprised that she's been having out with Liam. Bill tells Liam that he's sorry for not treating him fairly. Oliver asks Hope if she wants him to take off his necklace.

Ep. #5903

Bill offers Liam a second chance to get to know one another. Oliver tells Hope that if she wants to time apart then he'll never stop loving her. Liam gives Bill a map of Clark lake with a heart circle indicating a spot and never knew what it meant til know. Brooke and Ridge learn from Oliver that Hope broke up with him and learn that Hope has feelings for Liam. Bill thanks Katie for bringing his son to the house today. Hope tells Liam that she broke up with Oliver today, and admits she's falling for him and he tells her that he loves her as well.



Ep. #5904

Hope, Ridge and Brooke engage in an emotional reunion. Oliver has it out with Liam over stealing Hope away from him. Steffy discuss her feelings for Liam with Taylor and that she isn't the only with eyes for him. Ridge tells Liam that he'd better not disappoint his daughter. Steffy assures she's not playing games with Hope this time.

Ep. #5906

Jarrett wants answers to the claim that Owen is the father of Bridget's baby. Thomas chooses to side with Brooke which infuriates Steffy and Stephanie. Liam is appalled at Bill's latest action towards Jackie. Whip wonders how this thing will affect the company. Rick quietly looks on as Owen comforts Jackie. Ridge tells Stephanie that once the scandal goes away Brooke will return to the company. Rick is shown as a statue saying to himself that Owen will lose Jackie to him.



Ep. #5907

Rick continues to watch Owen and Jackie in disguise. Stephanie goes to see Brooke and says her leave of absense from Forrester should be permanent. Thomas thinks Eric should realize all the contributions that Brooke has made to the company over the years. Owen is called away, Rick then makes his move on Jackie but hurries on the stage before he's caught. Thomas tries to get Ridge to see how the lengths that Stephanie will go to get rid of Brooke. Stephanie begins to cough uncontrolably during her visit with Brooke. Owen witnesses Rick and Jackie in a compromising position.

Ep. #5908

Brooke tells Stephanie that the paramedics aren't coming and to stop cause she can tell she's faking. Rick tells Owen that he should focus on his baby with Bridget and he can be there for Jackie. Stephanie calls the paramedics while on the floor. Bridget thanks Amber for watching Logan and wonder why Rick hasn't returned any of her calls. Ridge is hopeful when Brooke wants to work on her relationship with Stephanie. Stephanie is told by Dr. Lewis that she must remain in the hospital a while longer cause she has cancer.e is faking her injury.