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LP №05-06 (618-619)


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"Раны любви" (Мексика) - резюме на испанском языке

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     Daira asks Berta if she's told Alejandro that she came between his parents. Renata keeps insulting Juan as Raul feels guilty. Miranda tells Cesar he's also to blame for the fraud since the investors from his section but he throws all the blame on Julio. Lizania gets after Renata for being rude as she says they're not in the same social class as Juan and Lizania tells her not to include her considering she's not like her. They ask for Fr. Buenaventura and Renata learns from a nun all about Miranda's charity work when she learns they're sisters. Raul follows Lizania into the church and apologizes to Lizania for what he did and she tells him to call her. Santiago is happy to meet Lizania.

     Daira threatens Berta and tells her not to interfere between Fernanda and Alejandro because she knows Alfredo's life and assures her that she knows for a fact that he always loved Fernanda and not her. Berta gives Daira the necklace that Alejandro asked for and tells her to never threaten her again. Alejandro tells Gonzalo that bond was denied as he says he's never done anything to dirty his name. Alejandro tells him if it's true then he has nothing to worry about as he thanks him for his help.

     Cesar tells Miranda that they should be with Gonzalo and not Alejandro and she tells him he knows what he's doing. Lizanio tells Renata that Fr. Buenaventura told her to call her uncleas she tells her she learned plenty about Miranda's donations. Lizania sees Raul and his family and wants to buy some of the food they're selling when Renata starts insulting the family. Embarassed, Lizania drags her away. Alejando tells Miranda the Bustamante brothers were the ones who pressed charges against her father when Julio arrives and she blames her for Gonzalo's downfall. e doesn't understand what she accusing him of and Alejandro explains what his sons did and he starts to feel bad.

     Fernanda talks to Juan when Cesar arrives and tells her he knows she's his godmother. Raul meets with Sanson and asks him who Renata and Lizania are but he says he doesn't know them. Cesar asks Fernanda why she left so many years ago as she begs him not to tell her daughters who she is. Julio suffers a heart attack as Alejandro offers Miranda his support but she turns him down saying Fabricio will take care of everything when he returns. He tells her to look at reality, Fabricio is her brother-in-law when Rebeca arrives and asks them about Julio. Fernanda tells Cesar all her life story and blames Berta not realiaing he's going to use the information to his advantage. She learns Gonzalo is in jail. Sanson tells Raul that they're next job is to rob a bank.

     Alejandro becomes nervous when Miranda asks Rebeca if she knows who Julio sold the reserved shares to. She tells her what she knows as Alejandro offers to take her to the hospital and Miranda researches what she told her. Pamela learns what happened to Gonzalo when Nuria arrives and tells Miranda all of their assets have been frozen. Fernanda and Juan tend to Julio when Rebeca arrives and learns he's in critical condition. Renata is shocked to learn Gonzalo is in jail.

     Gonzalo tells Miranda that the only person he trusts is Alejandro Luque and to lean on him but she tells him she doesn't trust him. Alejandro confesses to Fernanda that he bought the reserved shares to ruin Gonzalo as he tells Miranda to give Pamela all the money that's in the safe and to do what Alejandro says. Alejandro becomes bothered with Fernanda when she begins to waver on getting revenge against Gonzalo. Tomasa gets after Renata for worrying about what people are going to say when Florencia, Berta and Fabricio arrive. Florencia faints after she learns about her father.

     Vicente (Ruben Morales) informs Gonzalo of Julio's condition. Tomasa gets after Renata but she insults her in return. Miranda hugs Fabricio when she sees him and learns Florencia fainted. She and Berta begin to argue. Cesar keeps manipulating Nuria as she keeps helping him. Fabricio tells Berta, Miranda and Renata to calm down. Nuria tells Cesar that Berta knows she's having his child. She also tells him that she owes her loyalty since she's her godmother and helped her all her life. Vicente tells Gonzalo that Cesar is to blame for the fraud.



  Episode #22

     Vicente tells Gonzalo that Cesar is responsible for the fraud but needs to investigate further to get proof they need to put him in jaul. Nuria tells Cesat she doesn't know who her parents are as he tells her to be careful of Berta. Vicente tells Gonzalo that since he signed all the documents he's the one the authorities blame for the fraud. Renata complains about being poor as she's embarassed to be the daughter of a thief. Miranda gets after her as Berta defends her. Miranda offers Berta a truce and she accepts. Fabricio offers her his support as Renata tells her to forget him and move on. Raul calls Lizania and asks her out. Daira gives Alejandro the necklace Berta gave her as he plans to investigate if Berta has his father's designs. Miranda assures Florencia their father is fine. She surprises her when she tells her Fabricio is still in love with her.

     Florencia tells Miranda what Fabricio told her about her child. Miranda swears to her sister that she won't let Fabricio get near her. She cries as Florencia tells Berta she told her everything she told her as she feels guilty for what she did. She then tells to get rid of Lcas as she says she'll get rid of her before she gets rid of her dog. Joel asks Amparo why she never married. Raul learns her story and makes a decision. Alejandro talks to Berta and she tells him of Miranda's treatment of Fabricio and lies about what happened which makes him angry. Miranda thinks of Alejandro's words and says he's right and makes a decsion; she's going to ask him for his help. Rebeca tells Fabricio what Cesar is doing to her. Daniel and Angel believe Julio is faking his heart attack. They call Cesar and he tells them Julio is fine. Miranda kisses Alejandro and they admit their love for each other. She calls him Fabricio and he awakens saying he's not going to let her play with him.

     Renata informs Berta of Miranda's charity work and that she met Fr. Buenaventura much to Berta's surprise. Lizania tells Alejandro of her meeting with Santiago as he tells her and Daira that his uncle and mother were close but something happened that separated them and is going to ask his uncle the reason why. Vicente tells Gonzalo that he has two options; have the shareholders drop the charges or to prove that Cesar is the real culprit. Vicente gets a call informing him Gonzalo is being transferred to prison.

     Miranda greets Alejandro and he tells her he's not there to see her and they begin to argue. He admits he's interested in Florencia but it's innocent. She accuses him of falling in love with his friend's wife as he accuses her of harassing Fabricio. He grabs her and is about to kiss her when Florencia and Fabricio arrive. He greets Florencia and Miranda leaves. She then tells Renata that they need to cut costs as her sister tells her of her donations to the poor. Florencia tells Alejandro of her problems with Fabricio and he defends his friend saying if he was in his place he would think of her health first and that he didn't mean to say it with any bad intentions. Alejandro smiles as the couple make-up.

     Vicente tells Gonzao he won't be released due to pressure from all sides. Rebeca arrives as he tells her that Cesar is to blame as she denies to believe it. Miranda tells Renata the donation she made were from her personal income so she has no reason to explain her actions to her. Berta becomes bothered when Florencia tells Miranda to go after Alejandro and she tells her she'll think about it. Rebeca tells Gonzalo she's not going against Cesar. Alejandro tells Fabricio to love Florencia for the few months she has left like it was a lifetime and to stay away from Miranda. Luis Alberto and Nuria suggest to Cesar that he leave town. Roman arrives and Cesar tells him he answers to him now. Rebeca tells Gonzalo to understand her position as he tells her that both his sons will pay for what they did to him and his family. Cesar learns what Gonzalo has done to Fernanda. Fabricio arrives and he and Cesar get into a fight. Miranda becomes jealous when she learns Alejandro came to take Berta to see Gonzalo.



#23 серия

     Miranda becomes jealous when she learns Alejandro came to see Berta. Renata tells her she's jealous seeing Alejandro with Berta but she denies it. Florencia tells her sisters that Berta isn't interested in Alejandro because she's going to marry their father. Miranda slaps Renata after she insults their father. Fabricio tells Cesar to take his frustrations out on him and not their mother. Tomasa tries to console Miranda as she says she's going to save her family no matter what it costs. Gonzalo tells Berta to take his daughters to the ranch as she makes him feels guilty. Miranda tries to apologize to Miranda but she insults her and tells her they'll never be united.

     Miranda offers his support as he tells her she can't town at the moment. Tomasa talks to Fernanda and learns the mansion beongs to her. Gonzalo talks to Berta when Alejandro arrives and tells him his powerful friend isn't able to help him. Fabricio tells Rebeca of Gonzalo's threats and she tells him if she was in his place she would do the same. She's floored when he tells her that when Florencia dies he's going to marry Miranda so his child can have a mother as Rebeca wonders where she went wrong with her sons. Veronica puts some items in Renata's purse. Miranda talks to Cesar about the financial situation as he dreams she pays attention to him. Vicente arrives and tells Cesar that Gonzalo wants to see him. Pamela arrives and Miranda delays her trip to acompany her friend to the hospital. Renata insults a salesperson and then is stopped by a security guard who searches her purse and shows her all the jewelry she 'stole'. Florencia arrives to see Fernanda with Berta in tow. Gonzalo confronts Cesar and threatens to kill him.

     Cesar denies knowing anything and when Vicente leaves he yells at Gonzalo. Florencia tells Fernanda is she doesn't let Berta be with her she'll leave. Berta enters and makes fun of Fernanda and then throws in her face that she and Gonzalo are lovers. Miranda comes to Renata's aid. Carola helps Amparo earn some money selling jewelry. Gonzalo tells Cesar that there's no such thing as a perfect crime and will uncover what he did and to stay away from Miranda. At that moment the agents arrive to take him as Cesar mentions Fernanda and that he knows what he did to her. Alejandro offers to help Vicente as Cesar says it's not necessary; he's there for Gonzalo. Berta tells Fernanda to disappear as she gets Florencia's results; the baby is fine, but she's worse. Renata cries to Miranda and tells her she's not a thief as Miranda tells her their father isn't one either.

     Berta denies to Florencia that she's interested in Alejandro. Sanson tells Carola he knows she loves Juan. Lizania and Daira ask Alejandro to help Gonzalo. Fernanda informs Miranda that she is not responsible for Julio's heart attack and that Florencia will more likely not give birth. Francisco supports Amparo. Daira tells Alejandro to beware of Berta, in that she tells lies in truths to confuse people. Berta and Cesar kiss. Fernanda asks Miranda about her mother when Juan arrives and tells her Julio went into a coma. Miranda calls Julio's sons but they don't believe her. Berta and Cesar make love. Fabricio tells Florencia of his feelings for her as Miranda hears him and comes to a realization.



     #24 серия

     Miranda worries about FLorencia as she tells Fabricio how her sister always took care of her when they were little girls. Miranda recalls when she told Florencia she would always take care of her and Renata. Miranda makes a decision and calls Alejandro. She apologizes for calling him so late and wonders why she did. He tells her she did because he called her with his thoughts and offers to pick her up so they can talk. Later at a restaurant Miranda asks Alejandro for her father and says she's alone. He makes her smile as she tells him she now knows why Berta is so interested in him. He offers to tell her of his interest in Berta is she doesn't ask any more questions and she agrees. He tells her she has something that belongs to him and is going to return it to him. He asks her to dance as they become comfortable with each other.

     Raul receives a call from Lizania and she invites her to her home. Miranda tells Alejandro that she can't believe she out on the town and dancing considering what her father is going through and with a man she can't stand. He answera saying she shouldn't suffer all the hours of the day and that he can't stand her either. They laugh as she asks him why he lied about being married and he says there's no other reason than he's an idiot. They laugh as she says that's explanation enough for her. She asks him if he's ever been in love and he admits he never has. He also admits to dating many women and that he's a man and not a saint and doesn't want to lie to her in that aspect. She asks him what he thinks about love and he answers saying that it has to have her name on it or it won't have any significance and they kiss.

     Renata thinks she's a cleptomaniac and recalls how she was treagted and then how she treated Juan and begins to cry. Berta tells Tomasa to forget seeing her granddaughter after she tells her Miranda is with Alejandro. She then enters Renata's room and berates her. Miranda arrives home and tells Alejandro that they can't be an item; it was only a moment. He tells her life is made of moments and to give him a chance. She reminds him that she loves another man and he tells her she means Fabricio but that it's not love she has for him it's an obsession. She asks him if he's analyzing he and he says there's only one cure; a kiss. As they kiss Berta walks in and sees them.

     Berta greets Alejandro with a kiss as Miranda looks on. Alejandro leaves and Miranda's surprised to find Berta in her room. She tells her to stay away from Alejandro but she denies to saying he's not an object and that she separated her and Fabricio but will not allow her to separate her from Alejandro and to look at another man she's not interested in. Miranda reminds her of the past and asks her aunt if she's going to kill Alejandro like she killed the man she and her mother were in love with because they didn't pay attention to her. Berta is speechless and leaves as Miranda says she beat her at her own game as Berta vows revenge.

     Alejandro describes what he's feeling for Miranda to Daira as she tells him he has discovered true love. He tells him he's afraid as she tells him not to be and that she's discovered he's the most romantic man she's ever met as he shows her his happiness at what he's discovered about himself. Juan talks to Fernanda when Alejandro arrives and tells her he's in love; with her daughter Miranda as she waits for Pamela. She tells her of her confrontation with Berta when Juan arrives and learns Miranda is Renata's sister. Alejandropromises Fernanda he'll spent more time wih Florencia as she wishes him all the best with Miranda.

     Gonzalo can't believe he's in prison. Cesar learns his accounts are being investigated. Cesar asks Romas to do two jobs for him; investigate Nuria and Fernanda. Berta plants a pearl necklace in Renata's purse. Pamela cries over her situation as Miranda cries to Fernanda over her problems. Sanson's men spy on Raul and Lizania. Francisco supports Amparo in whatever she wants to do. Berta pays a visit to Fr. Buenaventura and he's startled when he hears who she is. He calls her a devil and blames her for his sister's death and though he doesn't have any prrod he knows she changed her pills for sugar ones. She becomes bothered and leaves but not before telling him she'll return to tell her who really killed Sofia. Gonzalo meets 'El Magnate' (Ricardo Blume) who nicknames him 'El Duque'. He tells him he's his protection from those who are trying to kill him.



  #25 серия

     El Magnate tells Gonzalo he's his protection and to never separate from him. Tomasa talks to Florencia about her pregnancy. Berta blames Charo for the disappearance of her necklace but she denies she did it and Berta fires her. Alejandro tells Fabricio that he understands Gonzalo's point of view of what he and Cesar did to him. Fabricio asks him friend what his interest is in Florencia when the jeweler appears and tells Alejandro who made the bracelet Berta gave him. Miranda learns from Lulu that Alejandro was the one who moved the patients to the nursing home that Fernanda runs. Miranda's surprised at Alejandro's generosity and asks her for Naty. She wonders why Fernanda lied to her saying Naty was with her family.

     Berta tells Tomasa she runs the house and not Miranda. When Renata grabs her purse the pearl necklace falls out and she faints. Vicente advises Gonzalo not to accuse Cesar without proof. He also tells him of an old enemy who happens to be in the same prison as he is and not to forget that the only one that can protect him is eL Magnate. Raul and Lizania continue to be followed. Alejandro confesses to Fabricio that he and Florencia are brother and sister. They're interrupted by Roberto Escebeda who is rude to them until he learns who Alejandro is. He asks him if he's the one who made the necklace and he admits he did and that Berta de Aragon ordered it with a design that belonged to his father. Renata and Berta lie to Miranda on why Renata fainted. She leaves and Renata cries as Berta tells her she has a problem and needs help. Cesar shoves it in Gonzalo's face that he created him and threatens him saying he'll tell the press he killed the supposed lover of his wife years ago.

     Alejandro and Miranda get ready to go out on a date. He gives her an orchard and a necklace and earring set telling her his father cut and set the diamonds himself. He tells her he wants to give her a romantic night and spend every night with her from now on and gives her an engagement ring his father made for the woman he was going to marry. He asks her to marry him and she accepts but tells him not at that moment. She reminds him that when he gave her Cacao she told him he wasn't going to win her over with gifts. He tells her it's not a gift; it's his wish and desire. She explains all her reasons and though saddened he accepts. She asks him for time as he agrees saying they're officially engaged. He tells her he'll do anything she wants and if she wants the stars he'll get them for her. 'Really' she asks. 'Yes' he says 'Starting tomorrow' and he gives her a kiss.

     Gonzalo says he should have killed Cesar when he had the chance so at least his imprisonment would be justified and realizes Fernanda told Cesar everything that happened in her life and that they're accomplices. He says the only person he can trust is Alejandro as he and Miranda go out to dinner. She realizes people arestaring at her and tells Alejandro she wants to leave. He tells her if they leave people will believe her father is guilty. She asks him why he's helping her and he says that Gonzalo asked him to take care of his daughters. She doesn't know how to thank him as he says he doesn't want her gratitude but her love as they hold hands. Fabricio tells Rebeca that Alejandro and Florencia are siblings. Berta arrives and asks what he said about Alejandro but he covers knowing she didn't hear what she told Rebeca. She confronts him about telling Miranda to wait for him.

     Alejandro tells Miranda that for the first time in his life he's in love but she doesn't believe him. He says it's true; that when he was with all those other women he tried to find the brightness of her eyes and only then he would know he had found true love. She tells him she's afraid to love and be loves. She asks him how hw knows this is the real thing. He answers; 'Wanting to be with you at any and every moment, asking you to marry me all of a sudden, the desire to have you in my arms and never let you go, acting like a teenager who wants to yell how he feels to the world and that people says that love is crazy then I'm crazy in love with you' and they kiss passionately.

     Lizania tells Daira that she's in love with Raul. Fabricio confronts Berta of hurting Miranda on purpose. Berta calls Cesar and tells her to look for Miranda. Juan talks to Julio and he moves his hand. Miranda arrives home to find a crying Charo and learns what happened and re-hires her. Alejandro advises Miranda not to confront Berta. She asks him how long she has known Fernanda when Cesar arrives and tells her he has to talk to her.



    #26 серия

     Cesar tells Miranda he needs to talk to her alone. She and Alejandro kiss each other goodnight as Cesar sithers in jealousy. Fernanda prays for her daughters when Rebeca arrives. Cesar questions Miranda on her sudden interest in Alejandro when she couldn't stand and why is she betraying Fabricio when she tells him Alejandro asked her to marry him. Rebeca confronts Fernanda on her lying about Florencia being Gonzalo's daughter and she tells her she also has a secret so she shouldn't judge her. Lizania talks to Alejandro about Raul and learns he asked Miranda to marry him and both she and Daira are thrilled for him.

     Rebeca tells Fernanda that Julio looked for her for years believing she was innocent and that caused a rift between him and Gonzalo. Cesar tells Miranda that Alejandro is using her and to give him an opportunity. She denies to saying she doesn't love him and never will. He leaves after he denies to tell her why he's there. Alejandro tells Daira he's giving up his revenge against Gonzalo. Joel's about to reveal what Raul is doing but Juan covers saying he's out on a date. Sanson threatens Raul and Carola intervenes. Miranda recalls when she and Alejandro met and she laughs saying she acted childless. Alejandro recalls when he kissed her after Fabricio left her and says he was cray telling her what he did. She recalls the say he gave her Cacao and he the night he told her to make him a wound of love and says that with her lips Miranda made him not one but several wounds of love.

     Rebeca tells Fernanda she can't leave or she'll sue her for neglicence. She orders Juan to call security to throw Rebeca out. She threatens to tell her daughters who she is and she threatens to tell Gonzalo who Cesar and Fabricio's father really is. Alejandro visits Gonzalo and learns Cesar knows he killed a man. He talks about the man he killed and Alejandro sithers in anger. He asks him in his father's memory to keep Miranda away from Cesar. Rebeca and Fernanda throw jabs at each other. Vicente confides to Miranda that she needs to make a decision concerning the company. Gonzalo tells Alejandro he has to talk to Miranda.

     Cesar informs Berta of Alejandro's proposal and she says they have to separate Alejandro and Miranda. Daira tries to calm down Alejandro but he's angrier than ever and vows revenge against Gonzalo forgetting his promise not to. Rebeca complains to Berta about Fernanda and that she's on the way to Tabasco. Nuria learns Luis Alberto is divorcing and he learns she's pregnant with Cesar's child. Roman keeps Cesar updated on the jobs he ordered him to do. Vicente tells Miranda the only one that can save Gonzalo is the silent partner. Alejandro orders Luciano to come to come to Mexico. Lizania tells him to forget about his revenge but he denies to. Florencia and Fabricio argue as Berta puts Renata against Fernanda. Cesar learns Gonzalo in danger. Gonzalo tells Fernanda that it's her fault that Cesar is blackmailing him. Miranda and Alejandro argue over Cesar as she tells him she trusts him



#27 серия

     Miranda tells Alejandro she trusts Cesar. Gonzalo tells Fernanda that Cesar is to blame for the fraud and that he can't accuse him because he's threatened to tell all he knows. He also says that he should have also killed her when he had the chance. She tells him he did and leaves. Vicente tells Cesar that Miranda ordered a meeting of the shareholders. Miranda tells Alejandro she'll take a flight to Tabasco so not to bother him. Vicente tells Cesar to cover his desire to ruin San Llorente Enterprises just a little as Cesar says there's no proof against him. Fabricio recalls Pamela's words and says he's paying a heavy price for what he did to Miranda.

     Berta and Florencia plan to make Fernanda's life miserable. She also tells her about Renata as she argues with Tomasa. Amparo tells Francisco to talk to Raul about dating a rich girl when Fernanda arrives and tells them about her visit with Gonzalo. Miranda tells Pamela that Alejandro's attitude has changed as her friend tells her to talk to him to clear things up but she denies to. Fernanda wonders if she made a mistake confiding in Cesar. Lizania invites Raul to her home. Carola tells Raul he won't be able to leave Sanson's gang. Juan tends to Julio when Dr. Cohen tells him he's wasting his time and he confronts him telling him Julio is a human being. Dr. Cohen congratulates him on his determination and says Alejandro and Fernanda were right in recommending him for the job. As he leaves Julio awakens. Unknown to Miranda, Alejandro enter the hospital room and Pamela asks her if she loves Alejandro and she admits she does. She then becomes embarrased when Pamela acknowledges him.

     Pamela tries to encourage Miranda to go with Alejandro when Andrea arrives and receognizes not only her daughter but Miranda as well. She also meets Alejandro who tells Miranda that mother and daughter need time alone. Julio asks for his sons. Sanson threatens Raul. Roman arrives at Amparo's and overhears Alejandro's name. Miranda apologizes to Alejandro for her attitude and asks him if they can leave the following day as they kiss. Juan arrive and they learn Julio came out of his coma and then meet Dr. Cohen. Berta tells Gabino to wait for Miranda and give her all his complaints and not to involve her.

     Francisco wonders of Amparo's intentions. Andrea recalls Pamela and her father from a picture. Raul confronts Roman. El Magnate tells Gonzalo of the years he has spent looking for his family and of the powerful man who wants to get rid of him. Miranda asks Alejandro to trust her judgement and asks him why he's changed towards her and he thinks of Gonzalo's words. She shakes him out of his thoughts and kisses her. Raul and Lizania talk about being from different classes.

     Julio awakens and recognizes Fernanda. As Miranda talks on the phone Alejandro says he can't hurt her but has to get to Gonzalo for what he did to his father. Daira overhears Lizania and Raul's conversation. Cesar's able to get in contact with Luciano (Jan) who he believes is the silent partner. Miranda tells Fernanda that she and Alejandro are an item and that she knows he helped her move all the patients to another clinic. He's surprised she knows and she kisses him. Miranda tells Fernanda they need to talk and she says she's ready and that she's the first one that will know she's her mother.



#28 серия

     Miranda tells Fernanda they need to talk. As she and Alejandro leave Fernanda says she'll be the first one to know she's her mother. In Tabasco, Fabricio tells Berta to stop trying to ruin his life. Alejandro denies to accept Raul and Lizania's romance especially how it initiated. He and Lizania are shocked to learn Daira met their father when she stole his wallet.

     Fabricio threatens Berta telling her not to manipulate him when Lucas arrives. Charo's able to make Miranda laugh, She then informs Fr. Buenaventura she won't be able to help him for a while economically as he tells her she can lose everything but not to lose her faith. Florencia tends to Fabricio's wounds as he says Lucas only defended Berta. As they question her she covers and thanks Fabricio for caring for Florencia. As Berta leaves Fabricio asks Tomasa what she thinks and all she can say is Judas.

     Cesar insults Julio and asks Rebeca tha name of the man Gonzalo killed and informs her he's selling the ranch. Miranda decides to help her father as he says no one can know who she really is and not to do anything to help him. Lizania reluctantly agrees to return to Italy if her mother decides if Raul is not right for her. Berta keeps manipulating Renata and Florencia. Nuria tells Miranda that someone's on the line saying the meeting she's having is illegal since he's the silent partner and isn't present.

     Amparo tells Juan about Roman. Miranda learns the name of the silent partner Luciano Santori (Jan) and gives her the reasons she has to cancel the meeting. Cesar denies to Fernanda he's blackmailing Gonzalo and to cover his tracks he shows her papers where he was going to throw her out of the neighborhood.

     Tomasa insults Berta as she tells her she'll never see her granddaughter again if she doesn't tell her where she and Naty hid her gun that night. She denies knowing where Naty is. Miranda tells Alejandro and Vicente that someone inside the company is giving Luciano information. Raul tells Juan he's leaving Sanson's gang as Amparo tells Santiago her worries. Daira decides not to give classes to some rich ladies she finds unbearable. Nuria and Luis Alberto tell Cesar everything that's going on including that they offered to stay until necessary to Miranda. Daira and Lizania arrive at the Jimenez home.

     Cesar learns Alejandro could be the one protecting Fernanda. Everyone arrives at the ranch and Berta kisses Alejandro which makes Miranda jealous. As they leave Fernanda tells her sister not to come between Miranda and Alejandro. Miranda tells Alejandro he's paying too high a price to Berta and isn't going to allow it. She orsers him to tell him what Berta has that belong to him or to stay with her. Tomasa tells Alejandro she's stubborn and to give her time saying that love is not only blind but deaf.

     Fernanda argues with Berta when Florencia and Renata arrive and defend Berta. Tomasa greets her and offers her support. Cesar tells Roman to investigate Alejandro. Daira talks to Francisco. Berta tells Alejandro the price he has to pay for the portfolio and kisses them. Unknown to them Miranda sees them.



#29 серия

     Miranda sees Berta and Alejandro kissing. She leaves with Gabino as Alejandro tells Berta he's not willing to pay the price she's asking for and walks away. Gabino tells Miranda of the problems he has with the cocoa workers. She then thinks back to seeing Alejandro and Berta and says all men know what to do is cause heartache. Francisco insults Daira and throws her and Lizania out of his home. Raul and Juan defend them as Joel says maybe they wanted information on them to hurt them. Julio awakens and asks Rebeca for his sons and she says she doesn't know where they are. Cesar meets with Angel and Daniel and lies to them about Julio's condition saying it's all Miranda's doing to get her father out of jail.

     In Tabasco, Renata and Florencia talk bad about Fernanda when she arrives and they question her. They learn she's married and has three children and yet they still insult her. Alejandro asks Luciano how Cesar knows how to reach othem and asks him to listen to whatever offer he has. Miranda cries her problems to Fabricio as Florencia observes them. She begins to feel bad abd Fernanda tries to help her but all she does in insult her. Gonzalo thinks about Berta and says he can never feel anything for a monster like her. Vicente informs Gonzalo that the silent partner has appeared and that Julio is out of his coma. The workers go against Miranda and ask for more money or they'll leave.

     Renata overhears Tomas and Fernanda talking and then signals to Berta who surprises them. Alejandro asks Luciano to act as his cover so Miranda won't know he's behind everything. Luciano tells him he's never lied as Alejandro tells him he never counted on the fact that Florencia is his sister and that he fell in love with Miranda. Berta laughs at Fernanda and tells her she'll tell Florencia the truth is she sends her to jail. Florencia arrives and insults Fernanda and tells Berta she saw Miranda with Fabricio. Miranda recalls the promise she made to Florencia and tells Fabricio to stay away from her. Berta asks Cesar to make Fernanda disappear and he asks her the name of the man that Gonzalo killed but she says she doesn't remember. Daira tells Alejandro to talk to Raul and he agrees. Naty escapes from the clinic.

     Miranda's jealous of Berta when Florencia arrives and calls her a hypocrite. She blames her for her unhappiness and collapses. Gonzalo tells Vicente not to allow Miranda in the shareholder's meeting or everyone will know that she's the real owner of the company and not him and will be sent to jail. Fernanda tends to Florencia when Fabricio arrives and he tells Fernanda he knows who she really is. Gonzalo tells Vicente that that his daughter isn't going to jail and tells him he wants to talk to Berta and Alejandro.

     Naty wanders around toen. Daira can't make Francisco understand what she's trying to tell him. Amparo tells Joel that Naty has escaped. Daniel and Angel arrive to see Julio and insult Juan but he puts them in their place. Joel has no luck in finding Naty as she boards a bus to Tabasco. Miranda leaves with Cesar but forgets her cell phone. Alejandro calls and Berta answers her cell phone telling him she left with Cesar. Fabricio talks to Fernanda about lies and she tells him she's paying a huge price.



#30 серия

     Miranda arrives home and Renata's able to make her laugh. She tells her about Charo and confesses that she took the pearl necklace that belongs to Berta. Gonzalo talks to El Magnate about Fernanda and insults her. El Magnate tells him to listen to what he's saying; his wife was forced to marry him but who forced him to marry her. He remains silent and as he gets up to leave he's attacked from behind. Florencia overhears that she's dying.

     Florencia leaves as Fernanda tells Fabricio to get the names of the doctors who treated his wife in Germany. El Magnate saves Gonzalo and tells him what just happened was only a warning. They return to Fernanda and El Magnate tells him he used Fernanda for his own needs and not hers. Miranda tries to help Renata and tells her she's not a thief. Florencia cries and says she can't die and thinks back to Pamela's words and says she's paying for what she did to Miranda.

     Alejandro and Luciano are at a bar but Alejandro feels uncomfortable and says he's going to look for Miranda. Tomasa tells Miranda things will be normal again when Fernanda arrives. Miranda feels like she's alone as Fernanda tells her she's strong to handle what God has for her. Cesar tells Roman to keep investigating what he asked of him when Berta arrives. He's surprised to learn Berta knows what he did to commit the fraud. Berta suggests to him to use his money to help Miranda economically as she seduces him.

     Miranda asks Fernanda about Renata's situation without saying her name and the doctor explains what she knows and Miranda realizes her sister isn't a thief. Florencia tells Fabricio she saw him and Miranda and orders him to let her handle her own problems on her own. She yells at him and begins to feel bad. Raul fights eith Francisco about Liznia and tells Amparo not to butt in. She reminds him of the sacrifices she's made for him and his family.

     Andrea recalls a dream where men came into her and Pamela's home and burn their clothes and she then took her and ran away. She cries hysterically saying they were going to kill them because of Pamela's father. Carola learns Sanson is planning to kill Raul. Daniel and Angel try to bribe Juan in signing a document saying Julio is encapacitated. He denies to and they insult him. Dr. Cohen arrives and tells him he has to go to Tabasco. Renata tells Miranda that Alejandro brought her a serenade. Berta appears and kisses Alejandro as Miranda observes them.



    #31 серия

     Alejandro tries to tell Berta the serenade is for Miranda but she tells him she knows it's for her and kisses him. Unknown to both of them Miranda sees them. Alejandro pushes Berta away as Miranda leaves. Berta tells him she knows he's there for Miranda and not her and he asks her if she has his father's designs. She denies she has them but tells him she knows who does as he tells her the designs have more of a sentimental value than anything else. Florencia tells Fabricio they'll never be happy as long as Miranda is near and asks him what made him fall in love with her if she's the total opposite from her sister. Miranda tells Renata the serenade was for Berta and not her and she calls her crazy. Berta and Alejandro talk about his father and of her conception of what love is when Fernanda arrives. Julio tells Rebeca that the only way to get Gonzalo out of jail is to unmask Cesar as the real culprit.

     El Magnate learns someone wants Gonalo killed. Berta turns things around on Fernanda and tells Alejandro that her sister fell in love with his father the day his mother introduced them. Miranda thinks about Alejandro and says he's paying too high a price for whatever Berta has. Berta tells Lucas that if Alejandro wants the designs he's going to have to marry her. The next morning Berta and Alejandro eat breakfast when Miranda arrives and tells them she saw them. Alejandro tries to explain but she tells him he doesn't need to when Cesar arrives. Florencia has a change of heart and tells Fernanda to stay and help her.

     Alejandro bothered when he learns Cesar is taking Miranda to see Gonzalo in prison. Florencia learns everyone knew she was dying except her. Alejandro tells Miranda they need to talk. Fernanda tries to console Florencia when Renata arrives. Miranda tells Alejandro she knows the serenade was for her and tells him to tell her what it is that Berta has that belongs to him. He tells her it's a briefcase that belonged to his father and she asks him if Berta knew his father why didn't Gonzalo know him. Renate runs off Fernanda after she tells Florencia another doctor will take her place and then asks Tomasa to look for Florencia's medical files. Fernanda is surprised to learn that Berta has a dog and doesn't understand why because all the pets she had as a young girl she would kill in the most cruelest ways.

     Amparo tells Francisco she's going out with Roman. Alejandro explains to Miranda that his father sold jewelry to Berta's family and wonders if he knew her mother when Berta and Cesar interrupt them. Alejandro tells Cesar he's never going to marry Miranda as she tells Renata what Fernanda told her so not to worry. Fernanda and Miranda leave with Cesar as Berta prepares to leave with Alejandro. Erica and Veronica arrive on the ranch. Amparo tells Francisco to let Raul date Lizania when Juan arrives and he tells him family he's going to Tabasco. They realize Fernanda hasn't told Juan her story so they decide to do it for her. Lizania talks to Raul about Alejandro. Amparo tells Juan to confide in Tomasa. Renate invites Lizania to the ranch as Veronica meets Fabricio. Berta surprised to see Charo as is Gonzalo when he sees Miranda followed by Cesar.



#32 серия

     Gonzalo's surprised to see Miranda and tells her he told Alejandro he didn't want her to see him in prison when he sees Cesar. Miranda tells Gonzalo that Cesar is innocent as he blames Julio. He tells him to leave as Cesar tells him he'll always be there to protect his daughters. He leaves and Gonzalo tells Miranda to stay away from him and asks for Florencia and orders her not to show Fabricio any interest of any kind. Alejandro plays golf with Luciano as he says everything is ready for the shareholder's meetin. He asks him if he's sure Miranda doesn't know he's behind everything because once he gives the first blow there's no turning back. Alejandro learns the value of the San Llorente ranch and tells Luciano to offer Miranda a deal. Miranda tells her father she won't do anything to hurt her sister as he orders her to stay away from Cesar and to confide in Alejandro.

     Fernanda informs Tomasa of Juan's arrival and tells her to tell him her story and to call her. Gabino informs Tomasa that all the employees have left. Florencia and Fabricio argue in front of Renata and her friends. Florencia goes to her room as Veronica makes a pass at Fabricio. They are interrupted by Gabino and Tomasa who warns her. Cesar tells Luis Alberto how he has Gonzalo under control. Luciano receives a call from Cesar and Alejandro is able to recognize his voice and tells him to accept to meet him. The cocoa workers tells Fabricio they'll wait to talk to Miranda and then calls her to tell her what has happened. Charo tells her of Berta's interference with the cocoa workers and she plans to confront her. Daniel and Angel deny to drop the charges agasint Gonzalo but Cesar tells them to tell Gonzalo that he begged them to it.

     Juan arrives at the ranch and is greeted by Florencia but when Renata sees him she calls him a thief. Miranda confronts Berta when Alejandro arrives and defends Berta. Erica comes between Juan and Renata and takes her to her room to calm down. Cesar threatens Daniel and Angel. Berta cries crocodile tears as Alejandro tells Miranda to investigate before attacking. Florencia confides in Juan and tells him not to listen to Renata when Fabricio arrives. He's rude towards Juan and leaves with Florencia when Tomasa arrives. Fernanda worries about Naty. Juan tells Tomasa he's going to control everything concerning Florencia's health. Veronica overhears Florencia and Fabricio fighting.

     Andrea tells Pamela how she feels when Fernanda arrives and tells her what her diagnosis is. Alejandro reluctantly agrees to let Lizania invite Raul to the ranch. Once again, Daira warns Alejandro not to let Berta come between him and Miranda. Santiago confirms to Miranda that Alfredo knew Berta and her mother through her sister Sofia, Alejandro's mother as she tells him he told her something else. Daira tells Alejandro of Berta's plans and to talk to Miranda. He says she need to trust him as she tells him to llok at himself and to do the same. Miranda tells Santiago that Berta is in love with Alejandro. Francisco denies to let Raul go with Lizania. Juan tells Florencia to think of her baby. As he leaves he argues with Renata and puts her in her place and then tells Tomasa he likes her. Miranda asks Berta what happened between her, her mother, Sofia and Alfredo.



[i] #33 серия[/i]

     Berta tells Miranda not to keep asking questions or she'll learn a truth she doesn't want to know. Miranda sees the portfolio that Alejandro is looking to recover as Berta tells her to keep investigating since she's so close to learning what she wants to know. As she leaves her phone rings and tells Alejandro she wasn't going to answer him but knew he would keep calling her. He tells her he didn't want to go to sleeping thinking she was mad at him and that he's going to ask Gonzalo for her hand. She accepts to marry him and then tells him she saw the portfolio in Berta's room. Tomasa tells Juan to be careful with Renata and that he reminds her of one of her sons. Fabricio recalls the time he spent with Veronica and then rejects Florencia.

     Veronica tells Erica of her afternoon with Fabricio and threatens her if she tells Renata. She arrives and becomes bothered when she defends Juan. Fernanda tells Julio he can go home. Julio learns that Gonzalo always knew where she was. He's about to reveal something about Gonzalo when Rebeca arrives. Luciano tells Alejandro he's crazy in asking Miranda to marry him and what would happened if she learned he's after her father. He says if she learns the truth they'll be married by then. He reminds his client that Miranda has to sign a pre-nuptial agreement as stipulated by his father or all his fortune will go to Lizania and Daira. He says if Berta doesn't return the portfolio there will be no fortune. Berta tells Miranda she's going to kneel and ask her for forgiveness when she learns she didn't manipulate the wokers and she tells her that will never happen. Miranda searches Berta's roomfor the portfolio. Berta threatens Charo. Renata yells at Juan for getting in her pool. Roman visits Amparo.

     Julio tells Fernanda that Gonzalo and Berta were lovers before they were married. Juan and Renata rgue. Alejandro tells Gonzalo he wants to marry Miranda when Vicente arrives and tells him Angel and Daniel are dropping the charges against him. Miranda arrives at the shareholder's meeting and Luciano tells her she's not supposed to be there yet and tells her to leave. Alejandro tells Vicente to set up a meeting with the Bustamante brothers. Gonzalo denies to tell Alejandro the clauses of the contract of the company and asks him to help him financially.

     Juan tends to Florencia. Veronica tells Renata that she and Juan are the same; they're both thieves. She becomes angry and throws her off her property. Fernanda lets out her frustration towards Gonzalo and Berta. Alejandro orders Luciano to open the clauses of the contract when Vicente and Miranda arrive. Roman and Amparo talk about Fernanda. Cesar believes he has won. The shareholders learn that Miranda and not Gonzalo is the president of San Llorente Enterprises and everyone is surprised including her. Veronica apologizes to Renata. Berta visits Santiago. Miranda learns Luciano can sell the company to any one of the shareholders he wants to sell to. Veronica insults Florencia. Later, she sees Fabricio and kisses him as Juan observes them.



#34 серия

     Juan sees Veronica and Fabricio kissing and excuses himself. Fabricio becomes worried and tells her to stay away from him. Berta threatens Santiago. Luciano tells Alejandro he should change his mind on getting revenge on Gonzalo because the president of the company is Miranda and she should be the one in jail, not her father. Juan plans to send Florencia's medication to be analyzed. Alejandro doesn't want Miranda to go to jail and decides not to help Gonzalo financially since he cares more about the company than giving him Miranda's hand. Santiago blames Berta for Sofia's death and threatens to tell Alejandro who she really is. She tells him she wants to make a confession and whispers in his ear. Juan warns Fabricio not to hurt Florencia.

     Miranda learns the presidency was a birthday gift from her father and realizes she should be the one in jail. Erica learns of Veronica's plans. Alejandro tells Luciano not to cancel his meeting with Cesar and that he will not be attending the next shareholder's meeting like he did that day. Juan calls Fernanda and tells her Amparo told him her story and tells her about Florencia's condition. Renata overhears part of the conversation concerning her sister. Miranda tells Cesar they need to talk. Santiago orders Berta to leaves and calls her a demon after she confesses all her crimes and says he now knows what she's really capable of. Tomasa warns Veronica to stay away from Fabricio and then slaps her for insulting her. Cesar pretends to care about the company in front of Miranda. Francisco tells Amapro that Santiago might leave town.

     Fernanda worries about Naty and wonders who let Alfredo onto the property and comes to one conclusion; Berta. Carola decides to make a change in her life. Miranda and Alejandro have lunch together and he tells her why he didn't pressure Gonzalo on their wedding. She tells him she has too many problems to think about getting married and he becomes bothered and tells her if he was Fabricio she wouldn't back down. She tells him that was a low blow and then mentions Berta. He then tells her the same thing and he kisses her to calm each other down. Luis Alberto tells Cesa that Miranda is the owner of the company.

     Lizania arrives with Raul at the ranch and Renata insults him. Juand defends his brother. Miranda tells Alejandro she looked for the portfolio but didn't find it. She asks him about his father knoing Berta and her mother and he covers saying being a jeweler his clients were mainly female. She asks him about his parents and she learns Sofia died of cancer when he was 10 and became very close to his father who recently died. Juan tired of Renata's insults tells Raul they're leaving but Florencia stops him. Fabricio takes Juan aside and tells him he's there because his godmother Fernanda de Aragon sent him and then puts him in his place. Julio learns his sons don't care about him.

     Alejandro asks Miranda what's wrong and she tells him she's planning to get a loan and putting the ranch as collateral. He offers to help her finacially and she turns him down saying when she says no it's no. She then becomes offended when he tells her if they marry she can have all his money. Juan tells Raul the story about their godmother. Alejandro doesn't understand Miranda's attitude. Lizania tells Renata how she feels. Florencia and Fabricio fight. He leaves as Tomasa arrives with a gift for Florencia from Fernanda. Miranda and Alejandro are able to talk about their misunderstanding as he asks her what she wants from him and he says he understands perfectly and they kiss.



  #35 серия

     Miranda tells Alejandro she wants them to make plans together and for him to be him and for her to be her. He tells her he understands perfectly and they kiss. Fernanda tells Andrea to take her medication as Pamela tells her she;s going to hire her as her assistand. Berta arrives and insults Andrea but Pamela answers her back to her. Fernanda asks her why she insults people and she answers that it gives her pleasure and not to give her a lecture. She confronts her about being Gonzalo's lover before she married him and she tells her with a smirk that she was his lover before and during their marriage and that she took both Alfredo and Gonzalo away from her. She's able to shut her up when she tells her she was Alfredo's true love and is still married to Gonzalo. Renata keeps humiliating Rauk but she swallows her pride and apologizes to him. Santiago tells Alejandro he knows he and Berta are lovers. Fernanda tells Berta she knows she took Alfredo to the ranch. Julio learns that Miranda is his partner and not Gonzalo.

     Julio tells Miranda not to count on his help. Sanson vists Amparo and Francisco and asks for Raul. Julio tells Miranda he doesn't have the strenght to continue as Rebeca counsels him to help her but he denies to. Alejandro is bothered bu Santiago's insinuations. He explains about the portfolio and he wanrns him about Berta but doesn't elaborate and tells him nephew he doesn't know who she really is. Berta tells Fernanda of her hatred towards her concerning Alfredo and that she hurt Miranda to see her suffer. Santiago chastizes Alejandro about his revenge towards Gonzalo and his family. He tells him to put himself in his shoes and argues his point and then leaves. Daira tells Santiago that they have never known how Alejadnro fells until she did at that moment. Berta tells Fernanda that Miranda is close to learning the truth. When Berta leaves she calls Mirand and tells her they need to talk.

     Charo tells Miranda she dien't lie concerning Berta. Alejandro tells Luciano that he has to go see Fernanda and for him to meet with Cesar. Fernanda tells Francisco and Amparo she's telling Miranda the truth. Juan and Renata get in an argument. He's about to kiss her when she runs away. Fabricio tells him they need to talk. Florencia tells Tomasa that everything changed when Fabricio returned home and blames Miranda and that if she's not happy Miranda won't be either. Tomasa tells her Miranda isn't to blame for the torment that have inside. Fabricio tells Juan what he learned about his wife's doctors in Germany. They talk about Florencia and Juan tells him to look at his own actions and gives him a piece of advice; if he's going to sleep with Veronica to ptotect himself from contracting a disease.

     Angel and Daniel don't show up to their meeting with Miranda. Cesar tells Luciano he wants to buy his shares for his future wife; Miranda. Luciano tells him he's not selling. Veronica bets Renata that she can't get Juan to pay attention to her. Luciano plans to buy Cesar's ranch. Juan tells Raul to turn in Sanson. Juan recalls the day that Sanson's brother died and that he blames him. Fernanda waits for Miranda and practices what she's going to say. When she arrives she offers her something to drink. She leaves her rosary on the table and Miranda sees it. She recognizes it as identical to hers and shows it to Fernanda who realizes she knows she's her mother as Miranda asks her what name should she call her Dr. Fernanda Fernandez or Dr. Fernanda de Aragon.



#36 серия

     Fernanda tries to explain to her daughter why she lied but Miranda doesn't want to hear it. Alejandro arrives and tells Miranda to let Fernanda talk but she realizing he knew along that Fernanda was her mother is furious and runs out. Fernanda's heartbroken as Miranda drives home thinking of what just happened. Alejandro folloes her and tells her they need to talk but she tells him to leave. Berta overhears them arguing and laughs at them. Miranda doesn't want to listen to Alejandro as he tells her he'll leave if she promises to calm down. Berta makes fun of Miranda as she says she's not telling her sister who their mother is and says she'll have to talk to Fernanda eventually. She's startled to find Berta standing behind her and tells her she wants to talk about her mother.

     Fernanda suffers as Alejandro asks Amparo and Francisco for their help. She tells Alejandro that she's lost her daughters as he tells her to give Miranda time to simulate what happened. Cesar tells Luis Alberto he's going to buy Luciano's shares so that way Miranda will marry him. Angel and Daniel arrive and tell Cesar they're tired of him ordering them around. Erica tells Veronica she did wrong making a bet with Renata. Angel and Daniel ask Cesar why they wanted to leave Miranda thing they were going to meet with her and when he leaves they insult Luis Alberto.

     Veronica kisses Fabricio as he sleeps next to his wife. Berta tells Miranda lies about her mother. Florencia awakens but doesn't see Veronica as Fabricio covers. Fernanda tells Alejandro how Miranda figured out she was her mother and wonders what she would think if her daughter learned that Florencia is Alfredo's daughter and he tells her she'll hate her. Berta denies to tell Miranda who the man was that her mother 'ran off' with. She asks her why she asking about her and she tells her she knows where she is.

     Miranda tells Berta that Dr. Fernandez is her mother and asks her what she should do next. Berta tries to manipulate her niece into destrying Fernanda and that confuses Miranda even more. Berta makes plans. Daniel threatens Luis Alberto when Angel tells his brother a lady doctor he just met is willing to fake a document concerning their father. Fernanda thanks Alejandro for what he's done for her and then recalls the day she asked Miranda about her mother. Miranda decides to investigate further and says something is just not right.

     Fernanda and Alejandro ask Pamela for help and beg her not to tell Miranda she knew who Fernanda was all along. She reluctantly agrees and tells her knowing her friend she will do one of two things; she'll kep investigating or drop it all together. Miranda confronts Santiago and he tells her that she and her mother have to settle their differences and to pick a path; forgiveness or rancor. El Magnate tells Gonzalo he's being set free but that he will be protected. Nuria asks for Cesar as does Berta. She then questions Luis Alberto as Cesar tends to his female friend.

     Alejandro worries that the worst is yet to come and that Berta is going to put her against them. Fernanda begs him to stop her any way he can but he's says he won't do it, he's not going to lose Miranda because of Berta and to ask him for anything but not that. Juan approves a trip for Florencia. Pamela talks to Miranda as she and Andrea are followed. Raul stops Lizania from interrupting Veronica and Fabricio but Tomasa does and tells him she needs money. Daniel and Angel tell Gonzalo that Cesar convinced thn to drop the charges as Miranda hugs him.



#37 серия

     Miranda thanks Cesar with a hug as Gonzalo wonders what he's up to. Tomasa talks to Fabricio. Veronica insinuates to Florencia that someone could be after Fabricio. Berta answers Miranda's cell phone and tells Alejandro to let her niece calm down as he says it's time to confront the situation. Luciano tells Alejandro that Cesar wants to buy the shares for Miranda as he asks his friend to become Cesar's best friend and he agreesl. Miranda tells her father she knows who her mother is and he prohibits her from seeing her again. As she leaves he tells Cesar to go to hell and that he'll keep investigating and that he hopes he doesn't find his name anywhere.

     Santiago tells Pamela to support Miranda at this moment. Miranda looks for her cell phone as she tells Charo if she finds a briefcase in Berta's room to take it to Santiago. A private investigator tells Santiago that Leonardo Altamirano has been looking for his wife Andrea and daughter Pamels for years. Fernanda cries her worries to Amparo. El Magnate says farewell to all his cell mates and tells Gonzalo to remember what HE did to Fernanda and that they'll meet soon when he's released. Gonzalo recalls that night as does Fernanda. Amparo calls Alejandro to help Fernanda and in a state of confusion she calls him Alfredo and hits him saying he hates him for ruining her life.

     Fernanda reacts and asks Alejandro for forgiveness. She tells him what happened that night and he asks her what made Alfredo think she would go with him. Cesar tells Luis Alberto his plan to win points with Miranda. Gabino recalls Berta's threat and with Arcaria pressuring him tells Miranda that Berta had nothing to do with telling the employees that she didn't want to give them a raise. Daniel and Angel question Julio's health. Daniel insults Julio and he slaps him demanding respect. Amparo and Francisco recall their parents when Roman arrives.

     Fernanda tells Alejandro that the only person that could have let Alfredo onto the ranch was Berta. She tells him Berta tells lies in truth and he admits that Daira told him the same thing. Miranda is abandoned by some of her workers. Lizania and Raul argue. Veronica listens in on Fabricio and Florencia arguing over her. Juan confronts Veronica and puts her in her place. Renata wonders if Juan has a girlfriend. Roman tells Amparo not to let Francisco run her life and she tells him to leave.

     Tomasa tells Miranda that Fabricio has taken charge as she asks her about her mother. Renata kisses Juan and he makes fun of her. Miranda interrogates Tomasa but only gets half a story. She tells her she's loaing trust in her when Fabricio arrives and they talk. He asks her if she still loves him. Berta tells Rebeca to tell her sons the truth and is surprised to learn that Florencia is Alfredo's daughter and not Gonzalo's.



#38 серия

     Berta covers pretending she knew Florencia's real parentage when Julio arrives. Fabricio asks Miranda if she still loves him and kisses her. She turns away and says that she would would desired that kiss a while back but not anymore. She also tells him that she never really loved him, that she only cared for him and now realizes the error she was in. He asks her if she loves someone else and if it's Alejandro and she admits she does but he grabs her saying she couldn't have forgotten him that easily. Berta asks Julio why she told Fernanda that she and Gonzalo were lovers. Fabricio tells Miranda he made a mistake with Florencia and she orders him to let her go. Erica talks to Raul about safe sex. Rebeca tells Julio and Rebeca that Alejandro told Fabricio that Florencia was her sister. Rebeca becomes jealous when Berta reminds Julio he was once in love with Fernanda.

     Fernanda tells Amparo she's not losing her daughters again. Alejandro asks Santiago what happened to separate him from his mother. He denies to tell him anything but admits it was a confession and tells him to leave. Alejandro tears up a sketch of Miranda and she tells him he can't tear up his feelings and his sentiments like the sketch. He admits he's losing control and the pain it's causing Miranda. Erica admits to Veronica she likes Raul. Alejandro tells Daira that when he's done getting revenge they're returning to Italy saying he loves Miranda but can't have her. She advises him concerning Miranda and Santiago.

     Miranda talks to Berta when Juan arrives. Santiago apologizes to Alejandro for his attitude and reveals why he left the country. He was accused of frequenting bars, fraud and sexual harrasment and that Sofia believed the charges and didn't let him explain that he was only helping the drunk and the women in the brothels live a better life but he denies to tell his nephew who invented all those lies about him. Juan tells Miranda of Fabricio and Florencia's problems and he's surprised to learn she knows who Fernanda is.

     Berta talks to Lucas of her hatred for Fernanda. Renata tells Berta about Florencia's medications. Juan gets after Raul for thinking about Erica while dating Lizania. They talks about values and Miranda overhears the, as she meets Raul. Renata tells Berta she has the medications. Santiago continues telling Alejandro what happened when he had to leave the country and that he begin to doubt his faith. He also tells him of the bank account in his name with a huge sum of money where he was accused of fraud and that the person who opened the account was the same person who killed his mother. He says he only recalls Fernanda taking care of his mother but Santiago takes him out of his error.

     Gabino confesses to Arcaria that he beat Chocolate when they hear moaning and they find Naty under a bush and take her to their home. Berta learns Florencia's doctors have disappeared. Florencia throws Miranda her brush and tells her she knows she's dying. Berta plans a trip and asks Nuria for help as Cesar kisses her. Florencia spews her anger at Miranda as she tells her to calm down. Renata insults Lizania for liking Raul. Alejandro suspects Berta of setting up Santiago. He then calls Miranda who only stares at her phone and then at the money she has left. Florencia and Fabricio keep arguing as she asks him what his plans are when she dies.



  #39 серия

     Fabricio is taken back when he realizes Florencia knows she's dying. Veronica tells Lizania that Erica is after Raul. Florencia tells her husband she know he still loves her sister. He tells her he ignores how she founf out she was dying but what she just told him isn't true. Fabricio tells Renata he made a mistake marrying Florencia and that she and Berta are to blame. She tells him she only did what Berta told her to tell him and no one put a gun to his head to

marry her sister. He tells her that they're going to pay a high price for hurting Miranda. Carola hides when Sanson asks her for. Francisco asks him why he's looking for Raul. Cesar wonders why Berta went to Germany. Francisco learns that Raul has been a part of Sanson's gang. Florencia calls Alejandro and tells him that Fabricio and Miranda still love each other. Miranda cries in Fabricio's arms and he kisses her.

     Miranda pushes Fabricio and tells him he's crazy. He tells her it was an impulse and she warns him if he does it agin she'll knock his teeth out. She tells him she did everything in her power to forgert him and that she finally has and doesn't love him anymore. Alejandro learns his sister is suffering and offers to go to her side. Renata tells her sister that Miranda has to marry Alejandro to save the family. Nuria spends the night with Cesar. Amparo and Francisco wonder what to do with Raul. Fernanda talks to Amparo when Alejandro arrives and he tells her he's going to the ranch and what Florencia told him. She tells him Miranda would be incapable of hurting her sister as he says that people will do anything when they're in love. Juan and Renata argue and he puts her in her place. Florencia acusses Fabricio of being with Miranda and he decides to leave her. She starts yelling at him and she faints.

     Santiago meets Leonardo Altamirano (Ricardo Blume) who is also known as El Magnate and says he wants to recover his family. He agrees to talk to Andrea and Pamela and offers to help him. Juan tends to Florencia and orders her out of bed. Fernanda denies to go to the ranch with Alejandro believing Miranda will run her off. He tells her about Santiago and deduces that everytime they talk about what happened it always goes back to Berta. Miranda tells Fabricio not to fire Juan after he tells her he doesn't like his attitude. She also tells him of their financial situation. She also begs him to leave her alone and that he made his choice when he married her sister and to live with it. She also confides in him the suspicions she has on Berta and says the friend that she went to go visit died the same day he got married and wonders what she's up to.

     Alejandro learns of his financial situation and tells Luciano he's going to pay Gonzalo's bail. Luciano meets Pamels. Raul and Lizania bresk-up. Renata makes a pass at Juan. Naty calls Miranda 'Fernanda' when Alejandro arrives. Renata plans to learn where Berta went. Miranda and Alejandro argue. He tells her they need to talk as she tells him if he came to see Florencia to see her and then leave. Alejandro tries to make his point to no avail. Alejandro meets Erica and Veronica and then asks Juan about Florencia's condition. Florencia mistakenly tells Alejandro that Miranda and Fabricio are planning to get together after she dies.



#39 серия

     Fabricio is taken back when he realizes Florencia knows she's dying. Veronica tells Lizania that Erica is after Raul. Florencia tells her husband she know he still loves her sister. He tells her he ignores how she founf out she was dying but what she just told him isn't true. Fabricio tells Renata he made a mistake marrying Florencia and that she and Berta are to blame. She tells him she only did what Berta told her to tell him and no one put a gun to his head to

marry her sister. He tells her that they're going to pay a high price for hurting Miranda. Carola hides when Sanson asks her for. Francisco asks him why he's looking for Raul. Cesar wonders why Berta went to Germany. Francisco learns that Raul has been a part of Sanson's gang. Florencia calls Alejandro and tells him that Fabricio and Miranda still love each other. Miranda cries in Fabricio's arms and he kisses her.

     Miranda pushes Fabricio and tells him he's crazy. He tells her it was an impulse and she warns him if he does it agin she'll knock his teeth out. She tells him she did everything in her power to forgert him and that she finally has and doesn't love him anymore. Alejandro learns his sister is suffering and offers to go to her side. Renata tells her sister that Miranda has to marry Alejandro to save the family. Nuria spends the night with Cesar. Amparo and Francisco wonder what to do with Raul. Fernanda talks to Amparo when Alejandro arrives and he tells her he's going to the ranch and what Florencia told him. She tells him Miranda would be incapable of hurting her sister as he says that people will do anything when they're in love. Juan and Renata argue and he puts her in her place. Florencia acusses Fabricio of being with Miranda and he decides to leave her. She starts yelling at him and she faints.

     Santiago meets Leonardo Altamirano (Ricardo Blume) who is also known as El Magnate and says he wants to recover his family. He agrees to talk to Andrea and Pamela and offers to help him. Juan tends to Florencia and orders her out of bed. Fernanda denies to go to the ranch with Alejandro believing Miranda will run her off. He tells her about Santiago and deduces that everytime they talk about what happened it always goes back to Berta. Miranda tells Fabricio not to fire Juan after he tells her he doesn't like his attitude. She also tells him of their financial situation. She also begs him to leave her alone and that he made his choice when he married her sister and to live with it. She also confides in him the suspicions she has on Berta and says the friend that she went to go visit died the same day he got married and wonders what she's up to.

     Alejandro learns of his financial situation and tells Luciano he's going to pay Gonzalo's bail. Luciano meets Pamels. Raul and Lizania bresk-up. Renata makes a pass at Juan. Naty calls Miranda 'Fernanda' when Alejandro arrives. Renata plans to learn where Berta went. Miranda and Alejandro argue. He tells her they need to talk as she tells him if he came to see Florencia to see her and then leave. Alejandro tries to make his point to no avail. Alejandro meets Erica and Veronica and then asks Juan about Florencia's condition. Florencia mistakenly tells Alejandro that Miranda and Fabricio are planning to get together after she dies.