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"Соседи"(Австралия) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Episode title: 0041
Australian airdate: 13/05/85
UK airdate: 22/12/86
UK Gold: 28/12/92
Writer: Sally Webb
Director: Greg Shears
Guests: Mrs Forbes: Gwen Plumb
Nick Burman: Vic Hawkins
Mrs Hammond: Jennifer Jarman-Walker
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Daphne tells Julie to get lost. Paul tells Julie off for having a go at Daphne.
Mrs Forbes says goodbye to Scott and Danny. Then they hear a gunshot from the next room.
Mrs Forbes's house
It turns out that Mrs Forbes hasn't shot herself, she's just let the gun off by accident. She's doing a bit of packing so she can go into care. Danny and Scott offer to stay on and help her to run the farm. But she says that they have to go home to their families. She goes to have a lie down.
Danny tells Scott that they can't let Mrs Forbes leave the farm - he doesn't think she knows what she's saying. Danny says they'll have to prove to her they can do it. Scott wants to ring Jim to ask his advice. Danny tells him not to - the police are looking for them, after all. Scott says he won't tell Jim where they are.
The phone rings and Jim answers it. Scott puts on a funny voice and says he wants to talk to Paul. Jim calls Paul, whispering that he knows it's Scott, but not to let on that he guessed.
Paul comes on the phone and Scott talks in his normal voice. Scott explains the situation with Mrs Forbes. Paul says he'll have to give it some thought. Paul tells Scott that he's in the clear. Scott starts to give Paul the number, but Danny pulls the phone off him and puts it back on the receiver.
Mrs Forbes's place, the following morning
Jim and Helen have tracked Scott and Danny down. Danny tries to run but Jim tells him that they're both in the clear. Mrs Forbes runs out to defend them with her shotgun!
Danny is pleased that Max hasn't come with Jim. Danny never wants to see Max again.
Max's bedsit
Shane comes round to pick Max up for work. He tells Max that Jim has found Danny and Scott. Max seems indifferent to hear the news.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Jim and Helen are explaining to Mrs Forbes what happened with the police. She can't understand how anyone could have thought Scott and Danny were the culprits because they are "fine young lads". Mrs Forbes tells them off for not telling her they were on the run, but she understands why they did it. Jim says that he does, too.
Nick is round having a chat to Maria. He invites her to go dancing this evening. She admits she used to love dancing, but doesn't think she should. Nick dances her around the kitchen but Maria still thinks she should stay home.
Plumbing Job
Shane is trying to fix a tap while Max sits there impatiently. Shane is being driven to distraction!
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Jim has been looking at the books for the farm. He suggests that Scott and Danny gives him a guided tour. They take him off to show him the fencing they did. Helen says it will give her a good chance to ask Mrs Forbes how she gets Scott to do the dishes without questions!
Daphne comes round looking for Maria. She needs her to help her out of her costume - the zip is caught. Maria tells Daphne how relieved she is that Danny has been found. They chat about Nick. Maria says she's not going dancing with Nick - people would talk.
Nick comes round at that moment and Maria introduces her. He suggests an evening in with a video - for the three of them. Maria says she prefers his original idea - she will come dancing after all.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Mrs Forbes is showing Helen some old pictures of her family. Just then, Mrs Hammond from Welfare comes round. She's found Mrs Forbes a room at an old people's home. She agrees to take it. Then she excuses herself to go and feed the chickens.
When Mrs Forbes has gone, Helen says that the old people's home is a very long way away - isn't there anything more local? Mrs Hammond says that there isn't. She says the old people's home is a very nice place.
When Mrs Hammond has gone, Helen sits down and looks at the old photos again.
Mrs Forbes's backyard
Jim is admiring Scott and Danny's fencing. Danny and Scott say they want to stay on the farm - Mrs Forbes will teach them all they need to know. Jim says that he wants them to see the reality of the situation, but Danny likes it there - it's peaceful. It's much better than shouting at Max at home. Jim says he can't make Danny come home. He invites Scott to come with him into town as he needs to get a room for him and Helen to stay in.
Guest house in town
The rented room is pretty dingy, but adequate. Jim and Scott sit down for a chat. Jim apologises to Scott for not believing him. He asks Scott to forgive him - his behaviour was inexcusable and he let Scott down badly.
Jim says that he's always felt sorry for Danny, but he's no better than Max himself. Jim wants to make it up to Scott, but Scott says he doesn't have to - it's OK. Scott says it's Jim's first mistake ever - it's not too bad going. They hug and tell each other how much they've missed each other. (Awww!)



Episode title: 0042
Australian airdate: 14/05/85
UK airdate: 23/12/86
UK Gold: 29/12/92
Guests: Mrs Forbes: Gwen Plumb
Nick Burman: Vic Hawkins
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Scott and Danny are in the clear.
Shane is helping Max with his work, but Max is impatient.
Jim apologises to Scott for not believing him. They hug.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Danny is peeling potatoes when Scott and Jim come back laughing together. Danny is upset that Welfare are going to take Mrs Forbes to an old people's home. Danny says they can't let them do it. Scott agrees. Mrs Forbes comes in and says she doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do. Anyway, it's her business.
Shane has come round for a beer with Paul after work. He tells him it isn't easy working with Max. He heads off home, so Paul puts his music on loudly and dances about(!)
Shane arrives home to find Maria dressed up. He isn't pleased to hear that Maria is going out with Nick. He says it's a bit soon for Maria to be seeing another man, but Maria says it's just dinner with an old friend. She tells Shane not to worry.
Nick is visiting. He's telling them his lifestory and Paul is hanging off his every word. Nick has lived in places like Rome and Singapore and Paul is impressed. Julie tells Paul not to take Nick too seriously.
Nick has come to pick Maria up. He compliments her on her appearance. They head off.
When Maria has gone, Shane minces about the house with a can of beer.
Maria and Nick are reminiscing about old times and old friends over dinner. Maria says Nick is the only one of their gang who never settled down. Nick says he was the only one with any sense!
Max's bedsit
Max is sitting despondently on the windowsill eating out of a plastic pot.
Maria tells Nick that Max doesn't show his emotions very easily. Nick says it's in the upbringing of their generation. He says Maria should have married Nick when she had the chance. Maria says that Nick was as drunk as a lord when he proposed to her, but says he wasn't kidding at the time. Maria says that she's just separated from her husband and she's hurting a lot - now is not the time for Nick to be coming on to her. Nick apologises. Maria asks if they can give the dancing a miss - she'd like to go home.
Hotel somewhere near Mrs Forbes's house
Jim and Helen are having a cup of tea. Jim says he'll see what he can get for Mrs Forbes's machinery - more than Fletcher, for sure. Jim says they'll head off tomorrow. Helen wishes that they could bring Danny back too, but he never will while he thinks that Max is waiting for him.
Maria and Nick come in. Shane asks them sulkily if they enjoyed their evening. Nick tells Maria that he'd better be going. Maria apologises for Shane's lack of manners.
When Nick has gone, Maria tells Shane off. She herself has never been rude to Shane's friends or told him who he can go out with. She'd like the same courtesy in return.
Julie is doing housework and shouts at Paul for getting in her way. He hasn't gone into Uni today - he didn't feel like it. Julie berates him for missing lectures. Paul says taking sickies is an Australian institution(!) Julie threatens to tell Jim. Paul shouts at her to mind her own business.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Nearly everything is packed up. Helen is out doing a drawing of the house so that Mrs Forbes can put it on the wall in her new face. Jim thinks he can get $2000 for the machinery - not the $400 that Fletcher offered. He says he'll sort Fletcher out.
Danny comes in. He's very despondent because Scott has decided to go home. Danny wants to stay, but Mrs Forbes says that he can't, he knows that. Danny admits that he loves his mother, but doesn't like his father. Mrs Forbes tells him sternly that he has a family - mother, father, brother and he shouldn't knock it. Danny suggests that he and Mrs Forbes get a place in town, but Mrs Forbes says it's best that Danny goes home.
Plumbing Job
Shane is having trouble with the plumbing and Max is ranting at him.
Paul is telling Daphne that he feels like he's missing out on something. Daphne advises him to be patient at university, but Paul says he could be dead in two years and not have seen anything. Paul says he's seriously thinking of leaving Uni and getting a job, saving some money, travelling, etc. He wants freedom and new experiences. Daphne advises Paul to complete his degree first and then go travelling - it's best to finish something that you started.
Paul tells Daphne he feels like a hamster in a treadmill - not getting anywhere and not enjoying it. He wants to get out.
Plumbing job
Max is welding with one hand. He and Shane are arguing again. Shane tells Max to get on the phone and find himself another assistant. He storms out, telling Max to walk home!
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Mrs Forbes thanks Helen for the sketches of the house. She gives her a nice vase in return.
Danny has taken Mrs Forbes's advice and is going home with Jim, Helen and Scott. Mrs Forbes thanks Jim for getting the money for her. Mrs Forbes's says goodbye to Scott and Danny fondly. She invites them to drop in to see her whenever they like. They hug goodbye, a bit emotionally.
When they've gone, Mrs Forbes starts to cry. She runs out to wave them off. They wave back out of the car window. Then she turns sadly and goes back into the house.



Episode title: 0043
Australian airdate: 15/05/85
UK airdate: 24/12/86
UK Gold: 30/12/92
Writer: Patrea Smallacombe
Director: Greg Shears
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Nick takes Maria out for dinner and tells her she should have married him while she had a chance.
Paul tells Daphne that he's fed up and is thinking of leaving Uni.
Shane is mad that Maria has been out with Nick.
Shane and Max argue over the plumbing job. Shane storms off, telling Max to walk home.
Scott and Danny arrive back and Paul greets them. Danny heads off home and Jim says he'll go with him. Paul hugs Scott. Scott says that Jim was great.
Julie comes in at that moment and starts going off on one at Scott for running away.
SCOTT: Pleased to see you, too!
Paul tells Julie not to be insensitive. Helen shows Julie Mrs Forbes's vase.
Maria hugs Danny tightly and thanks Jim for going to fetch him. When Jim has gone home, Maria hugs Danny again. She offers him a nice cup of coffee. Danny asks after Shane and Maria tells him that Shane is working with Max. She explains about the drunk-driving conviction and the broken ribs. Danny is very surprised. He's not looking forward to Max coming home. Maria explains that she and Max have decided to "spend some time apart". Max has gone to live somewhere else. Danny is surprised. He says that Max doesn't care that he's come home.
DANNY: So. The great Max Ramsay. Moved out of his own street.
Maria explains that she and Max had a few problems. Danny says that they can manage without Max.
Ramsay Street
Paul is doing some mowing. Daphne comes up and talks to Paul about the leaving Uni decision. Paul insists that he doesn't want to go on with engineering anymore.
Just then, Nick drives up. Apparently Paul has invited him round. He tells Nick he's made up his mind - he wants to leave Uni, it's not the life for him. Nick asks if Paul has talked to Jim. Paul says he will, but Jim won't be impressed. Paul tells Nick he wants to take him up on his offer of being an airline steward. Nick is worried about crossing Jim, but Paul says it's his decision.
Danny's room
Danny is grilling Shane about Max and Maria's separation. But Shane doesn't know anything - he tells Danny that there was no shouting and screaming, so he doesn't know the reason.
Shane wants to go over and apologise to Max for their altercation that morning. Shane asks if Danny wants to come with him. Danny doesn't want to - he's sick of Max yelling. But he might come next time.
Scott comes over to see Danny. He is quite missing the farm. Danny explains that Max and Maria have split up and noone really seems to know why. Scott is very surprised. Danny says that it certainly is going to be peaceful around the house. He doesn't know whether it's going to be for good or not. Scott observes that Danny doesn't seem too upset. Danny says that maybe it's for the best. He admits that Maria seems very upset about it all though.
Ramsays - Kitchen
Nick is visiting again and Shane is not pleased to see him there. He tells Maria pointedly that he's going out - to see Max.
Nick tells Maria that he wants to ask her out to dinner again, but Maria says that she can't because Danny has only just come home. He says he'll call her later and kisses her on the cheek.
Max's bedsit
Max is trying unsuccessfully to hang a blind when Shane comes round. He apologises to Max for walking out on him that morning. They make up and Max offers Shane a beer. He tells Max that Danny has come home. He asks if Danny is alright and then says that it was a stupid thing for Danny to do. Shane says that the news of the separation hasn't really hit Danny yet. Shane says that he can't work with Max anymore because they fight too much. Max doesn't really mind and says he'll get someone else. They clink their tins.
The Bank, the following morning
Julie asks Greg what to do with the letters marked "For The Manager" because Mr Arnold isn't around today. Des comes to pick up his own mail - it's letter from Canberra. The letter says that Des has missed out on the promotion. Des isn't pleased at all.
Paul comes out to talk to Jim. He tells him that he wants to drop out of University. Jim is shocked. Paul says he was happy enough to go into engineering straight after school, but he hadn't really thought things through then. Now Nick can get him a job as an airline steward. Jim is appalled that Paul wants to give up Uni to become an air steward! Paul says he's given it a great deal of thought and he's deadly serious. Jim says angrily that the whole thing is irresponsible and ridiculous. Paul says he'll do it anyway. Then he storms off to his room and slams the door(!)
Des is telling Daphne about the lost promotion. She's sad for Des, but pleased that he is staying in Erinsborough. They chat about Paul's plans. Daphne thinks Nick is over-glamourising the airline industry a bit. She thinks Nick is as lonely as hell underneath it all.
PAUL:(knocking back door) Can I come in?
DES: No, go away, we're having an orgy!
Paul comes in and tells Des he's heard about the Canberra job. Also that Julie has got a date with Greg coming up. Daphne offers Paul a drink. She asks if Julie knows why Des didn't get the job. Paul says she does, but Daphne shouldn't take any notice of Julie. Daphne says that Julie could be right - maybe Des did lose the job because he lives with a stripper. She muses that maybe she should give it up.
Nick comes round for a visit. Jim isn't pleased to see him and Nick guesses that Paul has talked to Jim. Nick says he just answered Paul's questions about the airline. Jim rants that as of today, Paul has dropped out of University. He tells Nick off for filling Paul's head with rubbish.
JULIE: Can I say something?
JIM: No!
Nick says Paul might like to experience life outside Ramsay Street.
JIM: How dare you. Just because we haven't seen Niagara Falls or eaten at Raffles, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with us! There are other things to life you know, like a decent family. And that's something you don't know about.
Nick gets up and says he'd better go. Jim agrees with him. Helen shows Nick out, telling Nick to give Jim time to calm down.
When Nick has gone, Helen tells Jim off for the way he is handling the situation. Julie says she agrees with Jim(!) Helen says Nick does have a point - there is a whole world beyond Ramsay Street. Jim has been so busy being a good father, he hasn't had time to see it for himself. She tells Jim that he has to learn to let go. The only way for Paul to find his way is for Jim to let him take off. He might even find engineering again in the end.
JIM: Yes, well. There won't be a job waiting with me if he does.
Danny's bedroom
Danny thinks that he and Shane should try their hardest to stick by Maria at the moment. But Danny thinks she's probably enjoying the break from Max(!) Shane takes offence at this and says that Maria has got the better deal out of the two of them. Danny says that if Max wants to live on his own, good luck to him.
Ramsays - living room
Nick drops by to see Maria. She introduces him to Danni and they shake hands.



Episode title: 0044
Australian airdate: 16/05/85
UK airdate: 29/12/86
UK Gold: 31/12/92
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Paul tells Jim he's dropping out of University. Jim is not pleased. Paul says he'll do it anyway.
Des doesn't get the promotion in Canberra.
Jim tells Nick off for filling Paul's head with rubbish.
Maria introduces Danny to Nick.
Nick explains that Maria and he knew each other in school, but now he's an airline pilot. Danny is quite interested in this. He talks easily to Nick and tells him about his recent escapades with Scott. Danny invites Nick to stay for tea. Shane isn't pleased to hear this and says he's going out.
Paul is making a cup of coffee. Julie comes to talk to him. She says that Jim is very upset about Paul's decision and thinks that Paul is being selfish. Paul says it's his life and he wants something more. Julie says that Jim was happy when Paul was going to follow in his footsteps. She says that Jim has worked hard for the family and has no life of his own since Anne died. Julie thinks that they owe it to Jim to make him happy. Paul says she should have thought about that before she screwed things up between Jim and Anna.
Paul apologises for his last remark, but tells Julie that they're not kids anymore, and she doesn't realise how small their lives really are. He doesn't want to hurt Jim, but he also wants to live his own life.
Julie takes this on board. She tells Paul that they don't always get along, but she would miss Paul if he moved out.
Danny is enjoying hearing stories about Nick's travels. He tells them about the business with Paul wanting to become an airline steward. He says that Jim is going mad, but thinks Jim should be more broad-minded.
Danny says that at least Jim came up to the farm to look for him - it's more than Max did. Maria tells him not to talk about Max in front of Nick.
Max's bedsit
Shane calls round to see Max. His place is looking quite clean - there's a new cleaner. Max asks Shane why he keeps coming round - he must have better things to do. Shane says he hasn't.
Max enquires after the rest of the family. Shane says they're having dinner with Nick Berman, but he didn't want to stay. He asks Max if it bothers him that Nick is hanging around Maria. Max says he's sure there's nothing to worry about.
Ramsays, the following morning
Danny is not looking forward to going back to school. Shane has forgotten to put the rubbish out for the second week in a row.
Maria tells both boys off for hinting about Nick. She doesn't like being separated from Max, but that's the way things are. Shane says if she feels like that, she shouldn't have let Max go - he would never be living in that dump of his by choice.
The Bank
Des wants to talk to Mr Arnold about the Canberra job - he wants to know why he missed out. He also wants to know if his living arrangements had anything to do with it. Mr Arnold basically says that yes, it did. He says that Des's living arrangements are affecting his work, such as the debacle with the credit analysis. Des protests that it was entirely Greg's fault, but Mr Arnold won't hear a word against his son. He tells Des off for not being professional. Des says that Mr Arnold is completely ignoring the fact that his son is incapable.
MR ARNOLD: Change your attitude, or change your place of employment!
Ramsay Street
Max is sorting out the rubbish bags outside the Ramsay house. Jim comes to talk to him and offers him any help he can.
Max storms into the house calling to Maria. He slows down when he sees her and asks her politely about the mess. Maria says she's in the middle of cleaning it up and taking it to the tip. Max asks if there's any messages for him and she points to the telephone notepad.
When she's gone outside, Max quietly looks around his former house. He looks very sad.
Just then Danny comes out. He approaches Max. Max greets him politely and asks Danny rather stiffly how he is. Danny heads off to school.
MAX: We must have a talk, some time.
DANNY: Sure. Bye, Dad.
Max watches him go down the drive.
The Bank
Des is telling Paul at the counter that he's had a row with Mr Arnold. Greg has made yet another mistake that Des has to clean up.
Julie tells Paul that Des didn't get the job because of Daphne. She seems quite pleased about it(!)
Max's bedsit
Shane and Max are having a chat. He hasn't found anyone to work with him yet. Max says he's missing out on a bit of work. Shane wants Max to come home and sort things out with Maria. Max says he can't go back - not yet. He'll stay in the bedsit.
Shane suggests sharing a place - it would be cheaper and more comfortable. He suggests that he could be the flatmate - he quite likes the idea of getting out. He is not getting on very well with either Danny or Maria at the moment. Also, he doesn't trust Nick.
Max says that Maria needs Shane at home. But he agrees to think about it.
Danny's bedroom
Shane comes in all smiles and says he's been to see Max. He says that Danny should go over to see him and have a talk. Shane tells Danny that Max is living in a dump, and says that he has asked Max if they could get a flat together. Danny can't believe Shane would want to live with Max(!)
Shane says that Danny should give Max a break. Danny says he just wants Max to be proud of something he does, just once. Shane says that Max *is* proud, he just doesn't show it very well. Danny says he's not a mind-reader. Shane says they have a lot to thank Max for - everything he's ever done has been for them, even if he is a bit hard to get along with.
Jim comes in to find Nick waiting for him. He greets him frostily. Nick has come to apologise. Jim says maybe he should apologise too. He says he wants Paul to have a solid career - maybe if Nick had kids he's understand. Nick says he got a real kick out of Paul coming to him for advice. Jim says he feels like a stick-in-the-mud. He doesn't necessarily want Paul to follow in his footsteps, but it frightens him to think that Paul might follow in Nick's footsteps! Jim doesn't want Paul to spend his life with people feeling sorry for him. Jim admits that he does feel a bit sorry for Nick.
Nick admits that his life isn't all that wonderful - he's done a lot of things, but he's done them alone. He wishes Maria had married him instead of Max, all those years ago. He's never met anyone like her since. He's been out with women, but no-one has ever matched up.
NICK: You're right. My life's lonely. I've envied you and Max for twenty years.
Max's bedsit
Danny has come to visit Max. Max shows him in rather awkwardly. Danny looks round the dingy room. Max asks Danny if there was something he wanted but Danny says he's just come to visit. He tells Max that it was a bit of a shock to find out about the separation. He asks Max what happened. Max says it's just one of those things. Danny asks if the separation was because of him.



Episode title: 0045
Australian airdate: 17/05/85
UK airdate: 30/12/86
UK Gold: 01/01/93
Writer: Patrea Smallacombe
Director: Greg Shears
Guests: Nick Burman: Vic Hawkins
Greg Arnold: John Higginson
Marilyn Temple: Kassie McLuskie
Manager: Barry Main
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Danny is getting on quite well with Nick, but Shane hates him.
Paul tells Julie that they're not kids anymore and he has the right to live his life how he chooses.
Danny goes to see Max at his bedsit. He asks Max if he and Maria split up because of him.
Max's bedsit
Max looks a bit takenaback for an instant, but then says no. Danny says that he's caused a lot of trouble with Shane's accident and him running away. Danny wonders if Max and Maria fought about him running away. Danny says all he is to Max is trouble.
DANNY: Bet you wish I'd never been born.
Max says that all families have their ups and downs. He tells Danny that he and Maria don't have a perfect marriage. At the moment they've got a few problems to work out. Danny asks if Max will ever come home. Max doesn't know.
DANNY: Whatever it is, can't be that bad!
Max tells Danny that he and Maria have to decide that for themselves. He tells Danny to go home - Maria will be worried about him. Before he goes, Danny tells Max that this is the first decent talk they've ever had. Max admits that he's right. He shows Danny out.
Jim and Nick are chatting amiably when Paul, Julie and Helen come in with some shopping.
Paul asks Nick quietly if there's any news on the job front. Nick says that hundreds of people do apply every year, but Paul is optimistic because he has Nick to put in a good word for him. Nick says he's putting some feelers out.
In the kitchen, Jim tells Helen that he's made it up with Nick. Also that Nick is very lonely. It's quite sad really. Jim says that he hates the thought of Paul losing touch. Helen says there's no way Paul will end up like Nick. Jim says they'll have to find that out the hard way.
Maria is doing some paperwork when Danny comes in. She tells him off for not telling her where he was going. Maria is mad with Shane for not doing the lawns. She says Nick has offered to do it. Shane is not pleased at this, but Maria says that if Shane continues to be lazy, she has no choice but to take up kind offers.
Shane tells Maria angrily that he's going to get a place with Max.
Later at the Ramsays
Max comes in through the back door. Maria is still upset about the row with Shane and Max asks her what's happened. Maria is mad that Shane is going to live with Max. Max says that nothing was set in stone. Maria says she's not coping very well on her own and Shane isn't helping her very much. Max tells Maria not to take things out on Shane.
He apologises for this and tells Maria that Danny came to see him. Max says that of course he didn't tell Danny the truth. He picks up his messages from beside the telephone, but there's no telephone number with the message, just an address.
MARIA: Look, if you don't like the service, find someone else!
The Bank
Des is going over something with Marilyn when Greg comes up with a load of paperwork for Des. He makes remarks about Daphne and Des tells him to rack off. Marilyn thinks that Des should fight the decision for the Canberra job, but Des says there's nothing he can do but keep his eyes open for another job.
Maria is sitting in the lounge crying a bit. Helen comes in through the back door and finds her there. Maria explains that she and Max had another row, even though she really needed to talk to him. Also, Shane wants to move out and Danny thinks everything is his fault. Maria wishes she had told Max about Danny's paternity years ago. Helen says that she can only go on from where she is now. Maria has to face life on her own. Helen does understand - she felt the same when Bill died and you just have to get on with it.
Maria doesn't want to give up on Max. Helen says she doesn't have to, but she does have to stop agonising about her life. Maria agrees to come into town with Helen and have lunch. Aww they are lovely friends.
Paul is ringing the airline about his job, saying that Nick Berman has suggested him. They invite Paul to fill in an application form, but he's still up against stiff competition and it could be months before he hears back. Paul is disappointed.
The Bank
Greg takes on a job. Des tells him to get it right this time. Julie is still sticking up for Greg and Marilyn tells her off. Marilyn thinks Des has been treated unfairly by the bank over Daphne.
MARILYN: Anyway, they're only sharing.
JULIE: Yes. But we don't know *what* they're sharing!
Marilyn tells Julie that she's jealous of Daphne. She insists she isn't though. Marilyn tells Julie to stop being blind - Greg has been getting Julie to do all his work. Marilyn says that Greg is using Julie, but Julie won't have this. Silly cow!
Ramsay Street
Nick drives up. He's come to mow Maria's lawn. Paul comes up and tells him that he's spoken to the airline, and it could take months even to get an interview. Paul was hoping it would be quicker. Nick says maybe he hasn't got quite the influence with the airline that he thought.
Danny's room
Shane comes in, upset that Nick has come round again. Danny says he quite likes Nick. Shane says that Nick is trying to move in on Maria - he's seen the way that Nick looks at her. Something might happen. Danny says that Shane is paranoid - Nick is nice to Danny. Shane isn't convinced, saying that Maria is very vulnerable at the moment. Danny says that Maria can take care of herself. Shane says he won't let Nick take Max's place in the household.
Ramsays - Kitchen
Nick is having a drink in the kitchen before he starts mowing the lawn. Shane tells him off for hanging around Maria. Nick says that Maria needs the company. Nick says he won't go until Maria tells him to. Shane goes to hit him, but Nick tells Shane to grow up.
Later at the Ramsays
Maria has bought a new dress and Nick admires it. She invites him to stay for dinner, but Nick says he'd better go. He admits that he's had a row with Shane and it would be diplomatic if he made himself scarce tonight. Nick says he can see Shane's point of view - trying to protect Maria. But Maria has had enough of Shane's bad manners.
Paul hasn't been to Uni again today. He tells Jim about the waiting list for the interview. Jim says that Nick would have tried his best. The only thing to do now is wait. Paul isn't sure what to do in the meantime. Jim suggests continuing his studies until something comes up. Paul says he supposes it will keep him off the streets(!)
Outside the Bank
Des isn't pleased that Greg has given him the blame for the credit analysis mistake. He hits Greg and he falls to the ground. Julie and Marilyn come out of the bank as Greg hits Des back! He falls on his nose and lies there groaning.
Maria is sewing when Shane comes in. She tells him that she's not happy with him for arguing with Nick. She wants Shane to explain. Shane says he tried to hit Nick - he thinks he's using Maria. Maria says Shane has no consideration for her feelings. Shane says maybe he should move out after all. Maria says Shane only does what he wants to.
Shane still thinks that Nick is trying to crack on to Maria.
SHANE: Did you have an affair with him that time that you left Dad?



Episode title: 0046
Australian airdate: 20/05/85
UK airdate: 31/12/86
UK Gold: 04/01/93
Writer: Patrea Smallacombe
Director: Russell Webb
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Nick tells Shane that Maria is lonely and needs company. He tells Shane he won't go until Maria tells him to.
Des pushes Greg over for being rubbish at his job and blaming him.
Greg trips Des up in return and he lands on his nose(!)
Shane tells Maria that he thinks Nick is trying to crack on to him. He asks Maria if she had an affair with Nick when she left Max when he was young.
Maria tells Shane calmly that she didn't. Shane thinks that something has happened between them before and Maria explains that Nick liked her in school, but Maria married Max. Maria tells Shane that Nick is nothing to do with her and Max splitting up. Shane thinks he could get in the way of them getting back together. But Maria says she still loves Max and wants him back.
SHANE: You think he will come back?
MARIA: No idea.
Shane says Maria had better start thinking about what Nick's position is in all this.
Des come in with a bleeding nose, much to Daphne's dismay. He explains that Greg hit him but that he, Des, started it. He explains about the credit analysis. Daphne thinks Des did well to push Greg over! She wants Des to have his nose checked out though.
DES: If it's broken, I'll kill him!
Lucy comes late looking very fed up. She's been to her friend's house. She starts to cry and tells Jim that something terrible has happened.
Lucy explains to Jim that she saw a dog run over in Bedford Street. Only Lucy saw.
LUCY: What if it's still alive?
JIM: Do you think it might be?
LUCY: I don't know. Daddy, will you go and have a look?
Jim heads off to have a look while Helen comforts Lucy.
Doctor's Surgery
Des has had his nose x-rayed. The doctor says she'll straighten Des's nose up. Des is worried it might be crooked(!)
Bedford Street
Jim and Scott have found the dog - he's still alive. They wrap the dog in blanket and put him in the car.
Julie storms in to talk to Des. She rants that Greg's lip is swollen and he won't be able to show his face in the bank for days. Daphne tells Julie that Des's nose is broken, and indeed, he has a large white sticking-plaster across his face.
Julie is concerned and fusses over Des.
JULIE: Shouldn't you be in hospital?
Des tells Julie that the doctor said he'd have a crooked nose for the rest of his life(!) Daphne continues the wind-up saying Des could always have plastic surgery later. Des says he could never afford plastic surgery.
Julie says that Des started it, but Des says it was worth it! Julie gets mad again and says that Des hasn't given Greg a chance since he first arrived. Des tells her exactly what he thinks. She storms out.
JULIE: I'll see you at work!
DES: Yeah, I'll be in to get my severance pay!
Daphne asks Des if he really thinks he'll get the sack over this. Des doesn't know, but he might.
DES: Do you know what I'll really, really, really miss about work?
DES: Nothing!
The Vet
Jim and Scott are in the vet's waiting room. The vet is surprised to see Jim - he thought he'd finished with pets! The vet tells Jim that the dog is concussed and has a broken leg. The dog is old - the vet could save him, but he's not sure it's worth it.
Lucy arrives and is very upset that they want to put the dog down.
LUCY: How would you like it if you were old and just because you had a broken leg, they wanted to kill you?
She's got a point! Jim says it's different with dogs and the vet knows best. Lucy says they could take him home, but Jim says no. Lucy starts to cry and walks out of the waiting room.
JIM: All right. Save the stupid thing.
He goes after Lucy.
Des is re-enacting the fight with Greg to Daphne and Shane. He then heads off to bed.
DES: If I stop snoring, it means I've stopped breathing.
SHANE: We'll keep an ear out, mate.
Daphne and Shane chat on the sofa. He tells her that things are not the best at home. He's worried about Max living in a dump. Daphne tells Shane not to push his parents. He just wishes he knew the reason they'd split up - he thought it was Nick Berman, but it isn't. He says Maria is OK, but he can't help but blame her for what's happened. He keeps going off the deep end.
Daphne tells Shane she might be moving on soon.
SHANE: You can't leave Ramsay Street. Even if it is just to spite my Dad!
Daphne wants to know if Shane likes her. Shane says it's tempting, it really is, but he's holding off because he likes her. Right now he needs friends. He gives her a hug.
Robinsons, the following morning
Everyone is having breakfast. Lucy has called the dog Robert. Jim goes to ring the vet to see how Robert is getting on.
SCOTT: It's just a dog Lucy, and a mangy one at that.
LUCY: He's not mangy. He's a pure-bred mongrel!
Jim rings up about Robert. The vet tells him that the dog is going to be fine. But Jim says they can't go and get him - he must belong to someone. Jim doesn't want another dog - too many hearts get broken when things go wrong. Lucy is upset and stalks off.
JIM:(to Helen) It's easy for them! They don't have to bury the little blighters!
Helen says the girls think Jim had the previous dog, Digby, put down because he dug up the garden!
In the living room, Julie tries to comfort Lucy. But she says they have to respect Jim's decision.
JIM:(coming in from the kitchen) Julie. Do me a favour, please, would you. Go up the vet and pick up the dog.
Lucy is delighted and hugs Julie tightly!
The Vet
Julie and Lucy are talking to the vet about the care of the dog. He carries the dog out to the car for them. Julie isn't pleased to see that the dog is ancient and stinky. Lucy says that the dog can't walk home! Julie has to relent.
Maria is looking for some letters she wrote. To her surprise, Shane says he's posted them. Maria is also pleased to see that Shane has set out the breakfast for them.
Max comes in through the back door. He's had his sling off and his arm is much better. He has to go to court about the drink driving charge today though. He's come to get his suit. Shane goes off to get it.
Maria tells Max that he still has a few things at the house. She offers him a coffee and says that Max should have told her about the court case. She offers to go, but Max says there's no need - drink driving is pretty straight forward. Shane offers to come as well, but Max declines. He heads off.
MARIA: Max? Good luck.
Lucy is stroking the dog in the kitchen. Julie is not pleased, saying the dog is unhygienic.
Max comes round and Lucy shows him her new dog. They tell him the story. Jim says he's going to look for the owner. But Max says he thinks he knows the owner - he did a job for an old guy in Bedford Street - he reckons it's his dog.



Episode title: 0047
Australian airdate: 21/05/85
UK airdate: 02/01/87
UK Gold: 05/01/93
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Lucy sees a dog run over.
Shane tells Daphne that he just wants to be friends at the moment.
Max recognises the dog as belonging to a client of his.
Lucy is upset that the dog might have to go back. Max says he thinks the dog's name is Patch - the old man will be very worried - the dog is his life. Jim tells Lucy that they'd better go and check.
Shane is on the phone to an irate customer. He promises them that Max will call them back.
Just then Helen comes in. He tells Helen that running a house isn't very easy. Maria is out at the shop. Helen has had an invitation to Christine Hudson's wedding. She thinks Max and Maria would have had an invitation too. Helen says that maybe Shane could escort Maria.
Just then the phone rings again - it's another message for Max!
Bedford Street
Jim and Lucy arrive at the house. It looks very run down. Lucy says it's no wonder the dog ran away(!)
Jim knocks on the door but there's no answer at first. Then an old man comes to the door in a wheelchair - it's Mr Graham. He is a nice-looking old man. He says that he does have a dog, but he's lost him. Jim explains about the accident and says that they can bring him home, now that they know where he lives. The old man is very grateful and thanks Jim for his help. He also thanks Lucy for her part in saving his dog.
Lucy is saying goodbye to Patch. Helen says that Lucy has done a terrific job looking after him. Jim picks him up and puts him in the car.
Max is waiting outside wearing his suit. His lawyer says that he'll probably lose his licence, but he'll try to keep the fine down.
Mr Graham's house
Jim and Lucy have returned the dog. Mr Graham is very pleased - he's had the dog since a pup. His wife gave him the pup originally. Mr Graham offers to pay time for the vet, but Jim says there's no need. Lucy says goodbye to Patch. Mr Graham invites Lucy to come round and walk the dog now and then. Lucy is very pleased. They wave goodbye.
Lucy is looking a bit sad. She says that she's happy to walk Patch, but it's not the same.
LUCY:(drearily) I suppose I was never meant to have a dog of my own.
She slopes off.
Max's bedsit
The new concierge, Mrs Harris, is a bit over-the-top in welcoming Shane(!) Max tells Shane that he's lost his licence and has a fine of $1000. Shane is appalled but Max says it could have been worse. Shane says that he hopes Nick is proud of himself. Max says it's not Nick's fault and what's done is done.
Shane asks what Max is going to do now. He says he doesn't want to move in with Shane - he doesn't think he can run to it. Max empties the teapot out of the window(!) and asks Shane what his plans are. Max says that Maria needs Shane, but he wants him to keep coming to see him.
SHANE: How about a beer?
MAX: Yeah, why not. I'm mean, I'm not driving anywhere, am I!
They laugh together.
Helen is trying to paint but doesn't feel very inspired today. She tells Jim that she's worried about Lucy - she's lonely and it might help if she has a dog of her own. Jim says the subject is closed. He loves dogs, but he hates how the kids get attached and then broken-hearted when something happens to the dog.
Just then he notices that Patch's collar is still there. He'll have to take it back.
Shane and Max are just saying goodbye. Mrs Harris comes to the door with clean linen for Max.
Mrs Harris admires Max's suit. He asks her to leave him alone for a bit, intimating that there has been a death in the family(!)
Just then, loud music starts up next door. Max despairs.
Mr Graham's house
Jim has come to return the collar. He chats with Mr Graham about Lucy. He says that the last dog was baited and it's put him off having another one. Mr Graham says that he and Patch are good pals. He says he's never been without a dog - even as a kid. Jim says he was the same - he had a sheepdog. Mr Graham says that no childhood is complete without a pet of some sort. Jim looks thoughtful.
Julie and Lucy come in from their walk. Lucy is still looking fed up.
Jim comes in. He tells Lucy that he wants them all to go together on a secret mission. They head off.
RSPCA Rescue Centre
Jim tells Lucy that it's time that they picked out a new family dog! She is very pleased.
There are lots of dogs at the RSPCA. They go round looking at them. After some time, Lucy comes across a puppy that she likes. Julie says that the dog looks puny, but agrees.
Later on, Lucy is cuddling the puppy and says she's going to call it Basil. Jim protests that it's a little girl dog(!) but Lucy likes the name.
HELEN: Well, that's certainly put the smile back on her face!
JIM: Basil?!



Episode title: 0048
Australian airdate: 22/05/85
UK airdate: 5/01/87
UK Gold: 06/01/93
Writer: Craig Wilkins
Director: Russell Webb
Summary/Images by: Paul/Karen (Katie)
No.26 Kitchen
Helen questions Paul about his melancholy behaviour. Paul explains he'd hoped Nick Burman would have come back to him about the airline steward job and that he feels bored with the way his life is heading. Helen suggests Paul apply for the job on his own merits and Paul agrees she is right.
No.24 Kitchen
Maria and Nick tell an excited Danny he is going Nick on a surprise outing. Shane however is not impressed with the suggestion. After Danny and Nick leave, Shane complains to his mother that he feels Nick could hinder Danny resolving his issues with Max.
Airline Recruitment office
Paul arrives and pressures the secretary of recruitment officer Dean Canning to allow him to get an appointment to see Dean. Paul's luck is in and gets an interview.
Nick and Danny arrive with Danny realising Nick is going to take him flying in a private plane – Danny complains that Max would never have done this for him. Nick agrees with him and they set about planning the flight route.
Airline Recruitment office
Nearing the end of his interview, Paul passionately tells Dean Canning he really wants the airline steward job – Dean is impressed enough and calls personnel officer Kathy Woodfield.
Danny is excited as he and Nick take off in the plane and he stares down at the city below.
Shane visits Daphne to complain to her about Nick – but he can see she is upset. Daphne tells him she feels responsible for Des losing his promotion at the bank and he now faces being sacked too. Daphne tells Shane she's decided to give Des her notice and move out of Ramsay St.
Airline Recruitment office
Kathy Woodfield is puzzled by Paul's motives for leaving his Engineering degree at Uni to join the airline. Paul responds by asking her if she feels he cannot handle the job?? Kathy responds, “Let's see….”
Danny and Nick land and after getting out of the plane, Danny tells Nick he now loves flying! They both go for a coffee.
Airline Recruitment office
Paul defends Kathy's accusation that he's only leaving Uni to go against his father's wishes – Dean canning enters the room and lets slip that Kathy is new to the job. After he leaves, Kathy apologises to Paul for being too hard on him and tells him she is going to recommend him for the job.
While having coffee Nick tells Danny he could train to be a pilot – Danny asks Nick why he is so interested in him and Nick tells him he's the kind of son he always wanted. Danny replies he'd prefer Nick over Max to be his father. Nick tells him Max does love him. Danny invites Nick back home to dinner.
Max's Flat
Max is furious and shouts for the noise of a party to be turned down. Shane arrives before going on to get a compensation claim for his accident. Shane asks max to tell him the reason why he and Maria split up – Max tells him only if Maria agrees.
No.26 Kitchen
Jim isn't impressed with Helen encouraging Paul to apply for the steward job but she tells him Paul is in control of his own life and Jim should allow him to make these choices.
No.24 Lounge
Maria refuses to allow Danny to go sky diving. Shane can only glare at Nick. Max phones to speak to Maria but they cannot hear each other due to the noise of the party at his block of apartments. Max asks a puzzled Maria to go out to dinner with him.
No.26 Lounge
Jim questions Paul about the airline job but Paul silences his father by agreeing he'll finish his degree.
No.24 Lounge
Nick leaves after having dinner with the Ramsay's. Danny tells Shane that he dislikes Nick because Danny is the centre of attention for a change – Shane tells him he only wants their parents to be reconciled and believes they still can. Danny tells Shane he doesn't want Max back.



Episode title: 0049
Australian airdate: 23/05/85
UK airdate: 06/01/87
UK Gold 07/01/93
Writer: Craig Wilkins
Director: Russell Webb
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Daphne tells Shane that Des may well get the sack because of her. She's going to hand in her notice tonight.
Shane tells Max he wants to know why he left Maria. Max says he might not like what he hears - he'll have to talk to Maria first.
Paul tells Jim he's going to finish his degree.
Danny tells Shane that he's better off without Max - he's fed pu of his complaining and yelling.
Helen answers the phone to someone wanting to talk to Paul - it's Cathy Woodfield. She tells Paul that they're looking for more staff - they want him to come in for another interview that morning.
Paul is very pleased and tell Helen that he might be employed by the airline earlier than he thought. He asks Helen not to tell Jim - he's excited about Paul finishing his degree.
Max's bedsit
Max is late for work. Just then his landlady (Edith) comes round to wake him up. She fusses over him but he tries to get her out of the flat so he can get ready for work.
Scott is raving about Paul's air hostess job - he thinks it sounds great. Paul is off to the interview (he's decided to tell Jim about the job after all) Julie doesn't think an air hostess job will suit Paul. Julie tells them she won't be in for tea - she's going out with Greg. Paul thinks Greg is a loser.
Max's bedsit
A mad woman comes round and accuses Max of stealing her knickers from the clothesline (she looks suspiciously like Lily Madigan!) The lady, Miss Logan won't be reasoned with, but Edith the landlady comes in and explains she's taken her clothes for her. Mrs Logan tells Max she'll be keeping a close eye on him anyway!
Julie is out with Greg. He's still sore from where Des punched him. Julie tells him Des has changed a lot since an exotic dancer moved in with him(!)
Greg thinks that Julie thinks he got the credit notices. He says he didn't, and he'll tell the girls in work that in the morning too.
Julie is alarmed to hear that the party they're going to is a bit of a rage(!)
Max's bedsit
Edith the landlady is cleaning up when Max comes in from work. She explains that she's made him dinner to apologise for the business with Mrs Logan. Max says that he doesn't think it's appropriate for her to let herself into his bedsit. She apologises and explains that she just wanted some pleasant company on her birthday. Max is contrite and wishes her a happy birthday. He gets a bit more enthusiastic and pours her a drink. They get on well.
EDITH: Tell me about your day.
MAX: Well, believe it or not, after Mrs Logan, it was downhill all the way!
They laugh together.
Greg and Julie have arrived. They bump into Daphne on the door - she's come to do a job at the party tonight. Greg introduces himself rather sleazily and says he'd looking forward to seeing a lot more of Daphne. Julie is horrified.
Paul's interview with the airline has gone well. He's going to start training straight away - he's not going to do his degree after all. Jim isn't pleased at all but Paul says he's not really interested in engineering. He says he's going to make his own decisions from now on.
Later at the Robinsons
Nick Burman has come to see Paul. They chat about Paul's decision to join the airline. Jim has calmed down a bit now - he's realised that Paul has gone from being a boy to being his own man. Jim says Paul doesn't need his approval.
Julie has stormed out of the party - she hates the party even without the stripper. Greg comes on strong to Julie and she fends him off. She asks him to take her home. She tells Greg she doesn't like his friends, or him.
JULIE: I've never been so humiliated in my life.
GREG: You ought to get out more often!
Julie slaps Greg and storms off. His mates clap(!)
Max's bedsit
Max and Edith are talking about Shane's abortive diving career. Then the conversation turns to Danny - Max says they clash, but a lot of it is Max's fault. Edith says she wishes her husband and her could have had children. She offers Max some baked lemon cheesecake.
Paul, Des and Shane are hanging out watching boxing. Daphne comes in looking exhausted. She tells Des she met Greg Arnold from the bank. She starts to cry and says he was the worst - there were hands everywhere. She cries that she's sick of it all - the party brought it home to her. Shane and Des offer to go and rip Greg Arnold apart, but Daphne says it's a case of if you can't stand the sleaze, get out of th business.
Des tells Shane that he can't beat Greg up because his back isn't right yet. Des and Paul head off to do the deed. Des doesn't look at all scary with his nose plaster on.
DES: Danger is our business!
He and Paul promptly walk into the door!
Helen is reading when Julie comes in from the party. She tells Helen it was awful - she got out just in time, and Greg was horrible. Helen says that drink makes many people aggressive. Julie fels stupid for not seeing that Greg was a creep.
JULIE: Gran, I wish I understood men.
Helen says she's never understand them, but she'll have fun trying(!) She says she had to put up with a lot of no-hopers before she met Bill. She suggests Julie has a bath and some warm milk.
Daphne tells Shane she'll miss him - she's on the move. Shane says that Daphne should stay - he says she just needs to change her job. Daphne says she'll think about it.
Des and Paul have turned up. As they approach, they see the police are in attendance. As they watch, the police arrest Greg.
DES: Oh well. Mission accomplished!
They decide to go into the party anyway(!)



Episode title: 0050
Australian airdate: 24/05/85
UK airdate: 07/01/87
UK Gold: 08/01/93
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Max has a mad neighbour called Mrs Logan.
Paul tells Jim he'll make all his own decisions from now on.
Daphne has a bad experience at a party.
Max's bedsit
Max tells his fellow tenant Edith he's having trouble sleeping because of the rock music next door.
As Edith leaves, Jim turns up. Jim thinks Max's bedsit is a lonely place to live. He tells Max about his fight with Paul. Jim can't understand why Paul won't finish his Uni course before taking the job with the airline. Max tells Jim that he's seen Shane and Danny, and he's having dinner with Maria tomorrow night. He can't tell Danny the truth though.
Daphne is worried about Des and Paul. Just then they come in. They are pretending to be injured, but they're actually fine, they've just been to the party. Daphne is appalled, but starts laughing along with the boys and Shane. Paul tells them how Greg was taken away by the police.
DAPHNE: Here I've been, worried sick, while you two are out scoring!
Daphne tells them she's made up her mind - she'd be mad to leave behind so many chivalrous men(!) - she's going to stay on.
Max's bedsit
Max can't steep in his noisy flat. He puts the light on to have a read then switches it off again. Then his neighbours starts playing loud music. Max gets annoyed. He knocks on the neighbour's door and threatens to call the police. Just then, Mrs Logan comes along and thinks the noise is Max's fault! Max tells her he was just sleepwalking(!)
When Max turns back to his door, he finds he's locked himself out!
Robinsons, the following morning
Julie is telling Jim about Greg and the party. Helen asks Jim if Max is really alright, but Jim says Max is doing better than they are, having a nice dinner with his fellow tenant.
HELEN: Any complaints about my cooking should be passed on to the Budget Committee!
Paul comes into the kitchen and tells them all that he's got the job with the airline - he's going to start training very soon. Jim isn't pleased. Paul says now he's earning he could move out. Helen wants a truce between Jim and Paul and they reluctantly agree.
Outside the bank
Des sees Greg having a row with his father. He's ranting at him about the police incident. Mr Arnold tells Greg that he'd better have another look at the Credit Analysis program, since it's caused so much trouble.
The building of Max's bedsit.
Max's friend Edith knocks on another door - belonging to Steve O'Donnelly, who has just moved in. She explains she is the unofficial concierge and does some cleaning for a lot of the apartments. Steve is a bit shifty and Edith thinks he has a young girl in the flat! He looks even more shifty and goes back into his flat and shuts the door.
Max's bedsit
Max is just off to work when Edith comes round. He's in a foul mood brought on by his lack of sleep. She tells him about the new neighbour, Steve, saying he is very nervous and edgy. Max says anyone would be a nervous wreck living in that block!
EDITH: I get the feeling he's hiding something.
MAX: As long as he's quiet, I really don't give a damn!
Danny has got another puncture and is trying to find the hole in the tyre in a sink full of soapy water. Paul comes round and tells Shane and Danny about his new job. Danny says it's a bit of a dead-end job. He says that he wouldn't toss in an engineering job to become a glorified waiter. Paul isn't pleased.
The Bank
Julie is watering the plants. Des has told a couple of the girls what happened at the party.
Greg comes out and says he's decided to withdraw his services from the bank!
DES: Don't worry mate, we'll muddle through somehow!
He invites Julie to another party. She scowls at him.
Des is called in to see Mr Arnold Senior.
Manager's Office
Mr Arnold tells Des that he'd appreciate his discretion about the party. He tells Des that Greg has left and that he himself owes Des an apology. It was Greg that made the mistakes with the Credit Analysis programme - not Des. He apologises. He also apologises for commenting on Des's private domestic arrangements.
Des thanks Mr Arnold for his apology but says he's too late. He hands him his resignation.
Outside Max's bedsit
Steve sees a policewoman outside and looks very shifty.
Inside the building
Mrs Logan waylays the police to tell them that Max is a criminal(!) Edith comes out and says it was actually her that called them - the people from number 18 have done a runner with two months' rent outstanding.
Apparently their description matches criminal records. They want to talk to Max to find out if he knows anything.
Des tells Daphne and Paul that he's quit his job. They're horrified, but Des says he's found a better job, selling Real Estate. He says he fancied a career change.
Max's building
Max has come home and Mrs Logan is having a go at him again. She's obviously batty.
Max finds solace in his room and sits down to read his paper. He hears a noise and when he turns around, sees a baby girl sitting on his bed.



Episode title: 0051
Australian airdate: 27/05/85
UK airdate: 08/01/87
UK Gold: 11/01/93
Writer: Craig Wilkins
Director: Mandy Smith
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Des tells Mr Arnold that he's grateful for his apology, but he's too late. Des hands in his resignation.
Max is surprised to find a baby sitting on his bed.
Max's bedsit
Max comes over all soppy but covers it up. Edith comes in and fusses over the baby. It seems the baby belongs to Steve. Edith tells Max that the police want to see him about the missing tenants.
Des and Daphne are having a romantic candlelight meal to celebrate Des's change of career. Daphne tells Des that she's having a change of career too - she's getting out of stripping and has joined a secretarial temping agency. Des is very pleased indeed. Daphne explains that she was freaked out by the party - she's tired of the hassle that comes with stripping. Des says that now he can hold his head up in public again(!)
Des makes a toast to "Number 28, Ramsay Street - Long may we reign!"
Julie comes in from a inner with the girls, but she doesn't look very happy. Apparently everyone was buzzing about Des quitting his job at the bank. Paul says Des needed a bit more excitement and is going to sell real estate instead. Julie laments that they'll really miss Des at the bank. Paul is very pleased - he says Des was in a rut, but Jim thinks it was job security, not a rut.
Des is thinking about redecorating to be inkeeping with his new image(!) Daphne tells him to be cautious - he hasn't sold any real estate yet. Des gives Daphne a bit of a hug and says he wouldn't kick her out - if he moved, she could come with him. Daphne says Des couldn't cope without her. He starts tickling her until Daphne is lying laughing on his lap. Then, slowly, they kiss.
Their kiss is broken by the sound of Shane coming through the door and they jump apart quickly. Shane has come to congratulate Des on his new job.
The Bank
Julie and her mate are discussing Des leaving. Her mate wants to know if she's apologised to Des yet and Julie admits she hasn't. She says she'll do it at lunchtime.
A man called Kevin Morgan comes in from Pacific Bank looking for Mr Arnold.
Max is asking Steve why he is on his own with a baby. He tells them he and his wife were talking about divorce and he was afraid he wouldn't get any custody of the baby. So he shot through instead, taking the baby with him. He says his wife's parents don't think he's good enough for his wife anyway. Max says it's always rough when you start out and are so young, but Steve doesn't think his marriage will survive.
(It seems that Des and Daphne have not talked about their pash on the sofa the night before!!)
Des opens the door to Julie. She has come to apologise for how she was sucked in by Greg. She tells Des mournfully that she'll really miss him at work. Des says he'll miss all the staff at the bank too, but he was sick of feeling under-valued.
Daphne is just off to work. She tells Julie she's going back to secretarial work.
DES: I can't see why myself. The money's not has good, and she'll have to buy more clothes!
Des tells Daphne that he's doing the cooking tonight. She says she'll expect beans on toast!
When Julie and Daphne have gone, the phone rings and it's the bloke about the real estate job. It seems that there isn't a job for Des after all. Oh dear.
DES: Well Des, old mate. You've really blown it this time.
Max tells Steve that he's been thinking about Steve's situation. Both he and Edith thinks he has to get in touch with his wife - she should have some say in what happens to her daughter. He agrees to go and phone his wife.
Paul comes in through the back door to find Des looking in the vacancies section of the newspaper. Des says that his position "wasn't viable anymore". He doesn't want to tell Daphne as she'll just blame herself.
Steve has rung his wife and they're going to meet up in the morning. Max tells him to swallow his pride and patch things up with her.
Max throws them out then, telling them that he's going out. Edith tells Max that he's a very sensitive man under all his bluster(!) She tells him she can see he's hurting about the whole Maria situation. He admits that he is. Edith says it all comes back to pride, just like he told Steve.
The Bank
Kevin Morgan is interviewing the staff one by one. Julie comes in for her interview. It seems Kevin Morgan has been sent from Head Office to investigate a number of dodgy transactions. Julie says that there was an irregularity that Des was blamed for, but that a lot of others think that Mr Arnold's son was involved. Julie says that Des only resigned because he was offered another job, and hasn't done anything wrong. Mr Morgan isn't interested in Julie's opinion of Des - it's a serious situation and he needs to find out the relevant facts.
Julie has come to tell Des about her interview with the Kevin Morgan. Daphne comes in and asks Des when his job starts. He is evasive and says "soon".
Daphne looks in some horror at the stew Des has made(!)
When Julie has gone, Daphne says she quite enjoyed her secretarial work today. She asks again about Des's job and he is evasive again.
Daphne tells Des that instead of moving, they could do up No.28 instead. She's brought some brochures home to show him(!) Des tries to put her off saying he doesn't want to splurge until he's got a proper pay cheque coming in.
Daphne looks again at what Des is cooking and he explains it's bacon and cheese curry - his own recipe.
Max and Maria are having dinner. They are getting on well. Maria comments that Max looks tired. She tells him that she misses him. Max tells her that he wants to talk to her about the boys - apparently Shane has been round asking why they have split up. Maria says they can't tell Danny the truth, it would destroy him to know that Max isn't his real father. Max says he's probably be glad(!) Maria says Max will always be Danny's father - it's not too late to change his behaviour. Maria tells Max they'll tell the kids that they aren't in love anymore. Max isn't sure that will work.
Shane and Danny are waiting for Max and Maria to come back. There is a bit of an awkward silence. Finally Maria says there's something that they have to tell both of them. Maria takes a deep breath and tells them that she and Max aren't in love anymore. Shane can't believe it.



Episode title: 0052
Australian airdate: 28/05/85
UK airdate: 09/01/87
UK Gold: 12/01/93
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Max tells Steve that he can't look after a baby on the run.
Des tells Paul that his new job has fallen through.
Max's building
Steve is off to meet his wife while Edith babysits for little Chrissie. Steve thanks both Edith and Max for their help.
A park
Steve's wife is waiting for him. She is worried sick about her daughter, but Steve reassures her that she's fine. He says he misses her and wants to work things out.
Shane has drawn up a rota of jobs that he and Danny should do - things are tighter now that Max has left. Shane says that Danny should give Max a chance. Danny says he doesn't really want Maria and Max to get back together - another bloke might be better for Maria.
Max's bedsit
Nick comes round to see Max - he says he's sorry that Max lost his licence driving his car. Max says there's nothing to be done now. Nick asks how Maria is, but Max says Nick should know - he's always around Ramsay Street.
Nick asks Max if it's really all over between him and Maria. Max says it is. He looks at Nick suspiciously.
Later at Max's bedsit
Edith runs in in a panic and says that the baby has swallowed some of her sleeping pills. Max takes the baby and tells Edith to get the box of tablets.
The hospital
The nurse commends Max for acting promptly - they'll look after the baby.
Edith cries in the waiting room, saying she only turned her back for a minute. Max can't understand how she got the bottle open. But Edith says she broke the lid - she doesn't know what she's going to say to Steve.
The Park
Steve and his wife, Kerry, are discussing their living arrangements. She says they have to live with her parents so they can save to get a deposit on a house. They agree to tackle her parents together. If they won't listen, they'll have to make their own plans. They have a bit of a pash, then head off.
Des is on the phone ringing up about jobs. Shane comes round and Des tells him that he's unemployed.
DES: Now I haven't got a creek, or a paddle.
Shane offers to help. Des tells him to pray!
Nick comes in with a large bunch of flowers for Maria. He tells her that she needs a holiday. He says he's leaving soon and thought she might like to come to Hawaii with him. Maria says she can't leave the boys, but Nick says that they can cope on their own for the week. He tells her to think about it.
The hospital
The nurse brings Chrissie back - she's fine. Max cuddles the baby and says he's greatly relieved. The nurse thinks Max and Edith are the baby's grandparents(!)
Maria is telling Shane about the holiday idea. He thinks it's a good idea. He says she could go to Queensland, and maybe she could take Max. Maria says that Shane has to accept the situation between her and Max as it is.
Shane isn't pleased to hear Nick's idea about Hawaii. He thinks Nick is trying to get his hands on Maria. He says Nick has been sliming his way into the family ever since Max left.
Maria says she hasn't accepted the ticket yet. Shane tells her that it comes at a high price. Maria slaps him and tells him to get out.
Max's building
Steve and his wife have arrived home, but everyone is out. Just then, Max and Edith come back and Kerry fusses over the baby. They tells Steve and Kerry that they've just been for a walk(!)
Des is still looking through the Situations Vacant when Daphne comes home for lunch. He quickly hides the paper. Des tackles Daphne about the redecorating, saying that he doesn't want to spend too much money. Daphne says she'll sub him until he's back on his feet again.
Just then, Kevin Morgan from Pacific Bank Head Office arrives. He hands Des his resignation back. He says that Mr Arnold shouldn't have accepted Des's resignation without consulting Head Office. Now, apparently, Mr Arnold is no longer with the company. They'd like Des to return as Acting Manager, and then as Assistant Manager when they have a replacement. In time, he could even have his own bank(!)
Des is very pleased, but speechless! He grabs Daphne and swings her round.
Shane goes into Danny's room to have a chat with him. He apologises for their row this morning. Danny says he knows Shane has been whinging about Nick again. Danny can't see his problem, but Shane wants Max and Maria to get back together. Danny says he doesn't hate Max, but he's enjoying him not being around. He wants him to act more like a father and less like a headmaster. He says that Max couldn't care less about him, but Shane says that Max loves Danny.
Max's building
Steve and Kerry are moving back to Kerry's parents and have come to say goodbye. Apparently the talk with the parents went well. They give Max a bottle of wine as a small gift for helping them out - if it wasn't for Max they'd never have got their lives together. Stve tells him to keep the wine and drink it when Max gets back together with his own family. Kerry encourages him to make things right.
Max says goodbye to them and wishes them luck. Then he goes into his bedsit and puts the bottle of wine on the table, thoughtfully.
Garden of the Ramsays
Shane's lawn-mower is playing up, so Jim comes over to help him fix it. They have a little talk about Max and Maria's separation. Shane says he was hoping that they'd have a reconciliation, but then they came back from their dinner and told them that they'd split up.
JIM: How's Danny taking it?
SHANE: It's amazing. He seems to accept it.
JIM: Probably hasn't hit home yet. I reckon given time, he'll come to terms with the fact that Max is not his real father. Must be hard on Max too - I can understand why he needed to be on his own for a while.
SHANE:(horrified look) What are you talking about??!!



Episode title: 0053
Australian airdate: 29/05/85
UK airdate: 12/01/87
UK Gold: 13/01/93
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Des is offered the position of Acting Manager at the Bank.
Jim lets slip to Shane that Max isn't Danny's real father.
Garden of the Ramsays
Jim tries to backtrack, saying he thinks they were talking about two different things. But it's too late. Shane twigs that it was when Maria went away when he was young. Just then Danny comes up. Shane looks at him and walks away.
Paul, Julie and Helen are playing Scrabble. Jim comes in and answers the phone - it's a bloke calling for Helen. He won't say who it is though.
Helen comes to the phone - he wants to know if she recognises his voice. It's Victor Armstrong. Victor laughs - they haven't seen each other in forty years!
Shane comes round. Jim tells him in the kitchen that only him and Helen know about Danny. Shane is very angry with Maria about Danny's paternity and says it's no wonder his father left home. He asks Jim not to tell anyone that he knows - not even Helen. Jim says that parents have to know, but Shane wants a week or so to get his head around it.
Helen is still on the phone, inviting Victor over to see her and to meet the family.
Paul and Julie tease Helen, wondering if Victor might be an ex-lover of hers!
Shane is getting his camping gear together - he's going away for a while. Danny says he'll come with him, but Shane wants to be on his own for a while. Danny thinks it's because of the situation with Nick. Shane assures him that he's not going away because of Danny.
SHANE: You don't have to blame yourself for anything.
Jim is opening a bottle of wine. Helen answers the door to Victor. He gives her a bunch of flowers. Helen introduces him to the family.
They sit down to catch up on forty years! Victor is a widower, and he also heard about Bill.
Maria is cooking dinner. Nick is there, badgering her about going to Hawaii again.
Shane comes out and says he wants to talk to Maria. He sends Nick away.
Shane tells Maria frostily that he's going away, and he doesn't know when he's coming back. Maria tells him to tell her what this anger is all about. Shane tells her to live her life and he'll live his.
Victor and the Robinsons are just finishing their evening meal. Victor tells them that he's in investments, but he keeps changing the subject when it comes to his work.
Helen tells them that Victor was a bit of a hero during the war.
Maria tells Nick that she can't go to Hawaii - she has responsibilities here. Nick tries to persuade her. He asks Maria why she and Max really split up, but she doesn't want to say. Nick says he's leaving tomorrow - he's going to Hawaii, but he'll have a word with Shane before he goes.
Nick says of course he wants more from Maria than friendship - if he had his way, she'd be his wife. But some things aren't meant to be.
Victor and Helen are having a quiet chat. He says that he doesn't see a lot of his daughter - they don't get on very well. He heads off, but before he goes, he asks if he could pop over in the morning. Helen agrees. She kisses him on the cheek.
Robinsons, the following morning
Paul and Scott are teasing Helen about Victor. Helen tells Paul that Victor is an old flame of hers - if he hadn't been posted overseas, he could have been Paul's grandfather.
Paul asks Helen if she's thought of getting married again, but Helen says she hasn't really. He thinks she should give Victor a chance.
HELEN: Paul, if you don't stop, I'm going to hit you, OK!
The Bank
Victor bumps into Julie at the bank. When he's gone, her colleague tells her that his account is very low.
The Park
Helen and Victor are taking Basil for a walk. She says thinking about the old days has made her think of her own daughter, Anne. But she's glad that when Anne died, they loved each other.
Victor gives Helen a necklace that he's bought her. She thanks him, but tells him that she has to head off, because she's judging an art exhibition at Lucy's school.
Helen shows Julie and Jim the necklace that Victor bought for her. Julie is wondering to herself whether to tell Helen about the business at the bank.
A phone box
Victor is booking a cheap hotel room.
Danny is skiving off school to try to persuade Shane not to leave. Nick comes in to have a word with Shane. He says he knows why Shane is going - because he's been hanging around Maria. Shane tells him to butt out - he's not leaving because of Nick.
Maria comes in and says that Danny is very upset. Shane says he's going anyway, and storms out.



Episode title: 0054
Australian airdate: 30/05/85
UK airdate: 13/01/87
UK Gold: 14/01/93
Director: Mandy Smith
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Victor comes round to see Helen. But only Julie is there, and they sit awkwardly together. Victor says that he just uses his savings account for pocket money. Julie does not look convinced.
Victor asks Julie what she thinks of some earrings he has bought to match the pendant. Julie says she hopes Victor isn't spending more than he should. He looks very annoyed.
Helen comes in at that moment, so Julie heads off. Victor tells Helen that he hasn't really got a lot of money after all - he doesn't have any money or any investments. Nor does he have any business meetings. He gives Helen the earrings and says he lied because he wanted to impress her.
Helen tells Victor that she doesn't need gifts and things and calls him a silly old fool. She offers him a cup of tea, but he'd prefer a drop of scotch.
Max's bedsit
Mrs Logan is harrassing Max again, saying he's been spying on her in the bathroom. Max rolls his eyes and Mrs Logan calls him a filthy beast!
Just then, Shane arrives. He tells Max that he's going away to do some thinking - just like Max is living in the bedsit. He asks Max if there's something else he wants to tell him. He's very cryptic though. Shane tells Max that he misses him - he thanks him for everything he's done for him over the years. He gets very emotional and says that he hopes everything works out for Max.
SHANE: Bye, Dad.
Shane heads off.
MAX: Shane. Come back soon, eh?
Garden of the Robinsons
Victor and Helen are having a chat. He says he woke up one day and felt old, so he thought he'd look Helen up. Helen asks for more details about Victor's daughter. He says they haven't spoken in fourteen years, ever since she got involved with a hippy-type called Philip Newman and got pregnant. They eventually got married, but Victor didn't go to the wedding. He doesn't know where they are now. Helen says she'd love to meet his daughter. He shows Helen a photo.
Ramsay Street
Nick is just leaving. He sees Jim and tells him goodbye - he's off to Hawaii. He tells Maria not to worry about Shane - he'll be alright. He says if Maria changes her mind, she knows how to get in touch with him, but she tells him firmly that it won't happen. Nick says he'll go and see Max before he goes.
Jim is surprised to hear from Maria that Shane has gone away.
Helen is ringing around trying to find Victor's daughter without his knowledge (like you do!) Jim tells her not to be silly. Just then, someone answers the phone and it really is Victor's daughter. She tells Helen that she's tried with Victor in the past but that it's no good. Helen says that Victor does carry a photo of her around with him. Helen gives her the address and asks her to come round. Victor's daughter refuses, but says that Victor can come round and see her if he wants to.
Max's bedsit
Max is not at all pleased to see Nick. He tells Nick that he wants to know why Shane has gone away. Nick says it's not him - Shane is upset about something else, but he doesn't know what. Nick admits to Max that he loves Maria and always has. Max is angry, especially when he hears that Nick asked Maria to go away with him. Nick says that nothing has happened - Maria is too honourable. Max scoffs.
Helen is still thinking about Victor and his daughter. She'll try to talk Victor into seeing his daughter when she sees him next.
Helen answers the door, and it's Margart Newman - Victor's daughter! Jim and Julie head off to the cinema while Helen sits Margaret down on the sofa. She tells Helen that she thought about what she said and has decided to give it a go with her father. Apparently her husband convinced her to come - he's waiting outside in the car.
Margaret says she's no longer the rebellious hippy, she's a mother of a 14 year old. Helen says that Victor is desperately lonely and very proud - Margaret should go easy on him.
Just then Victor arrives. He doesnt recognise his daughter at first. Then he realises. He comes slowly into the room and hugs Margaret.
VICTOR: I don't know what to say. It's so good to see you again.
They sit down for a chat and gets on well. She invites Victor to stay with her and Philip. She goes to call Philip in from the car.
While Margaret is gone, Helen apologises for such a massive surprise, but reminds him that he has a great opportunity to reunite his family.
Just then, Philip, Margaret and two children come in - Victor's grandchildren. It's quite an emotional moment and I'm crying myself as his little granddaughter hugs him.
Philip invites Victor to stay, saying they've got a spare room and it's his for as long as he wants. Victor graciously accepts. He and Philip shake hands.
Max's bedsit
Nick wants to know the real reason that Max left Maria. Max won't tell him. Nick tells him to go home - Maria still loves Max.
Finally Max admits to Nick that Danny isn't his son. They had a row many years ago and separated for a while. She had an affair which resulted in Danny. Nick says that he can't hold a mistake against Maria for ever. Max loves her, but resents her - which is it going to be?



Episode title: 0055
Australian airdate: 31/05/85
UK airdate: 14/01/87
UK Gold: 15/01/93
Director: Mandy Smith
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Shane tells Max he's going away for while. He tells Max emotionally that he hopes everything works out for him.
Daphne tells Des she's giving up stripping and going back to secretarial work. Des is very pleased.
Max tells Nick that Danny isn't his real son. Nick tells him to put the past behind him.
Max's bedsit
Nick points out that Max's bedsit is awful. He thinks Max is crazy for not going back to Maria. Nick tells Max not to hang about - Maria may have said no to Nick, but may not be alone forever.
Des is on the phone to his mother. She is moaning at him as usual. Daphne gets up and starts making breakfast. Des asks for fried bread because he used to have it when he was in the Scouts! Des finally gets rid of Eileen, saying they'll go out for dinner on Wednesday and he won't ask Daphne(!)
DAPHNE: (innocently) Was that your mother?
DES: Very funny!
Des says his mother winds him up. The phone rings again and Des begs Daphne to answer it.
DAPHNE: Oh, no, I always upset her.
Eventually Des makes her answer it. But it isn't Eileen - it's about a secretarial job for Daphne! She's going to start straight away. She tells Des he'll have to make his own breakfast. Des can't even crack an egg!!
Max's bedsit
Edith comes round to find out what's burning. Max tells her, very irritably, that his toaster has broken. Now his toast is burnt. He tells her to get another one.
EDITH: Oooh! We did get out of the wrong side of the bed didn't we!
MAX: WE did nothing of the sort!
EDITH: And you can rest assured we never will!
(I knew she fancied him!)
When she's gone, Max puts a burned black piece of toast on his plate.
Quite a contrast from Max's bedsit as Maria pours tea for Helen out of a nice china teapot.
MARIA: It's so quiet without him here. That's the trouble.
HELEN: It's quiet without him next-door too!
Maria never thought Max would actually leave her. Helen advises her to find new hobbies to keep herself busy. Helen herself is just off to sort out some fighting Neighbours down at the Community Justice Centre.
An office in the city
Daphne comes in to her new job, and realises to her horror that her boss, Mr Evans, is a former client of hers. After a while he recognises her, but can't quite place her.
A phone box
Max is shouting at his work colleague who is driving the plumbing van recklessly. He storms into the phone box. He rings Maria up to see if any jobs have come in. But really he just wants to talk to Maria. They make polite small talk and then ring off.
Helen rings Maria from the Community Justice Centre. She tells her she has a problem that Maria can help her with. Maria reluctantly agrees to come over.
Community Justice Centre
Helen talks with her colleague Tom about the Czech couple who are coming in - apparently they don't speak English. Just then, Maria arrives. They tell her what they do - basically mediate between warring Neighbours (and Helen is an expert at that!) They explain to Maria that they have a warring Czech couple and their interpreter is ill. Apparently it's a fight over hosing down a car when the doors were open!
Maria is very apprehensive, but she goes into the next room and talks to the Czech couple in Czech. They chat away for a few minutes in Czech and the couple get quite animated. Maria can't get much of a word in. Eventually she gives up and comes back into Helen's office. She says she can't interpret for the couple - she doesn't like the Novaks. Apparently they hate their neighbours, the country and everything in it.
When Tom goes to look, the Novaks have gone. Helen drags Maria with her to chase after the Novaks.
Max comes round and shouts at Danny who is floating on an airbed in the pool. He says that noone is manning the phone in case a business call comes in. Max's mate Jason is very lazy. They row and Jason storms off, saying he'd rather work for a wild bull than work for Max. Max reluctantly gives him his money and then sends him on his way.
MAX: Damn! Should have got him to help me load the van before I paid him!
DANNY: Don't worry Dad. I'll help you.
Max looks a bit surprised but is pleased. Danny says if he had a licence he'd drive the van for Max. Max looks even more surprised!
An office in the city
Daphne is typing on an old-fashioned typewriter! (Awww!) Mr Evans asks Daphne to take her glasses off - now he recognises her. He remembers the last time he saw her, she was jumping out of a cake.
Daphne doesn't like Mr Evans sleazing at her, so she says she's going to leave. But he says if she leaves, he'll complain to the agency about her. Daphne says she'll stay as long as it's strictly boss and secretary.
Ramsay Street
Danny is helping Max to load his van. Max thanks him for his help. They are getting on very well, and Danny even reckons that he could work with Max. They chat about Shane, but neither of them can fathom why he's gone away. They go in to have a beer.
In the kitchen, they continue to discuss the Shane situation.
Maria comes in and is surprised to see Max there with Danny. She tells them about her afternoon with the Czech people. Maria asks Max awkwardly if he'd like to stay and have dinner with them. But he says he'd better be heading off.
The Park
Scott is playing football in the park with a mate, when Kim comes up. She tells him that she needs a favour - she needs some more money. She can't tell him why, but insists she isn't in to drugs. She tells Scott that she needs $200. Scott advises her to go home to her parents. Kim says she can't.
KIM: I'm pregnant!



Episode title: 0056
Australian airdate: 03/06/85
UK airdate: 15/01/87
UK Gold: 18/01/93
Director: Mark Callan
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Maria tries to interpret for a Czech couple.
Danny and Max chat about why Shane might have gone away.
Daphne's new boss recognises her from her stripping days.
Kim tells Scott that she's pregnant.
Scott asks Kim what Brad, the baby's father, wants. She says he wants her to get rid of the baby. Kim doesn't know what to do, and Scott is the only person she could think of who would help her - she can't tell her parents. Scott says she should talk to someone, like a counsellor. Kim refuses to let anyone else run her life. She says she's in a mess - never been so alone in her life. Scott agrees to try to get her some money so she can get somewhere to stay. He goes off to find Paul.
Lucy is trying to decide whether to take Basil for a walk or not. Helen says that she should. Paul comes in from mowing the lawn, quite exhausted. His training as an air steward is going well though.
Helen tells Paul that Maria didn't enjoy herself at the Community Justic Centre. Paul says that Helen is a very good citizen.
Paul is looking forward to seeing a bit of the world as part of his job.
Scott comes in for a word with Paul.
Scott's room
Scott asks Paul to lend him some money. He offers to lend him $20. Scott tells him about Kim - that she's in trouble. Paul says Kim won't pay him back. Scott knows she won't, but he'll pay Paul back.
Paul says Scott has done all he can for Kim - she needs to go to her parents now. He's also worried about Scott getting hurt again. Paul gives him some money anyway.
A horrible rented room
Scott and Kim come into the room. It's dark and dingy. Scott invites Kim over to the Robinsons for dinner, but she says she's fine. Scott says she can ring him if she needs anything.
Maria is getting ready to go out when Max comes in. He's come to pick up some piping. He asks her if he can leave his van in the garage at night - some stuff has been stolen from it outside the bedsit. Maria agrees he can use the garage.
Maria is off to the Community Justice Centre again. Max says that people are always fighting - they say things they don't mean and then pride takes over. They are about to talk properly when they are interrupted by Helen. Maria invites Max to help himself to food from the fridge while she's out, but he says he'd better be on his way.
Maria tells Helen that she wishes she'd never told Max the truth about Danny. She wants Helen to find another interpreter for today, but Helen isn't having any of it. She drags Maria off.
Community Justice Centre
The Novaks and their neighbours, the Collins, have both arrived. Helen, Tom and Maria are also there. The Novaks and the Collins eye each other warily.
Helen sits down to sort out the problem. Apparently each neighbour wants the other to move out. Apparently they used to be friendly neighbours until the car incident though (they used to smile at each other). Then Mrs Collins was cleaning the car when Mrs Novak turned the hose on it. Mrs Novak says via interpreter that it was an accident. Mr Collins says that doesn't explain why Mr Novak started shouting. He said Mr Novak kept saying "Prepachde" which he took to be a swear word.
Maria explains that the word "Prepachde" means, "I apologise".
The Collins look stunned.
Maria is sorting out the finer details - Mr Novak offered to pay for the damage but he couldn't make himself understood. Apparently Mr Novak and his wife have been working night and day to afford the house they are living in and haven't had time to go to English classes yet. The Collins say that it's fine, the car soon dried out. They ask Helen what the next step is.
HELEN: Well, you know one word of their language, why don't you try that?
MR COLLINS: (to the Novaks) Prepachde.
They shake hands.
Kim's horrible rented room
Kim's mate, Josie, from the squat, comes round to see her. Her mate is heavily pregnant. She says she's only having the baby because she left it too late to get rid of it. Josie says that being pregnant does have its advantages.
Just then, Scott comes round. He's brought Kim some food. Josie decides to head off.
Lucy comes in with Basil. She gives him to Paul to hold while she gets her food ready.
Community Justice Centre
Jim comes to find Helen. She tells him about Maria's success that afternoon. Jim says he'll be home late - he's going to go and see Max. Helen says that Jim is doing the right thing. She wishes him luck.
Max's bedsit
Max is opening a tin when Jim arrives.
JIM: Max, I've made a stupid mistake. I've had some words with Shane. Max - we've been mates ever since we were at school and you know I wouldn't deliberately hurt you or your family. I misunderstood something Shane said.
Jim goes on to say that he accidentally got the impression from Shane that Max had told Shane about Danny's paternity. So he accidentally let it slip.
Max says it's no wonder that Shane shot through.
JIM: I am sorry, Max.
MAX: Oh, it's alright. I mean, probably done me a favour, actually. Shane's family, he deserves to know what caused all this.
JIM: And Danny?
MAX: Danny's Maria's problem.



Episode title: 0057
Australian airdate: 04/06/85
UK airdate: 16/01/87
UK Gold: 19/01/93
Writer: Penny Fraser
Director: Mark Callan
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Paul tells Scott to go careful with Kim, but lends him some money to help her anyway.
Maria wishes she'd never told Max about Danny's real paternity.
Kim talks to Josie about having a baby but is confused by her answers.
Jim tells Max that he let slip to Shane about Danny's paternity.
A road
A motorbike comes down the toad and a bloke lifts his visor.
Kim's rented room
Scot brings Kim some money to buy food. She tells him she really appreciates it. He tries to tell her she has to make some decisions. She says she's scared. Scott says he's worried about her and if she's going to have the baby, she can't just rely on Scott. Kim says Josie is coming over again later - she's hoping Josie can help her.
Outside Kim's block
The dodgy bloke on the motorbike enters the building.
Kim's rented room
Kim opens the door thinking it's Scott come back. The dodgy bloke turns out to be Brad. She doesn't want to let him in, but he talks her round. He tells her she should come back with him, but Kim wants to work things out for herself. Apparently Josie told Brad where Kim was. Kim isn't pleased. Brad says he was a bit out of line before, but he's got it all worked out now. He says Kim can have the baby if she wants to. He tells her to trust him and come back with him to the squat. She doesn't want to. Brad says she can check with Josie first.
Later at Kim's rented room
Josie comes round and Kim shouts at her for giving Brad her address. Josie says it was the best thing for her - Brad won't do anything to hurt her. Apparently he's going to sort out all their problems. Kim doesn't trust him because he lost his cool before.
Josie says the plan is that she has the baby - and then sells it! Josie is going along with this for her own pregnancy! Josie says it's the only way to go - people out there want kids and they don't(!)
An office in the city
Daphne is at work when her employer, Mr Evan s comes in. He touches her on the bum, much to her chagrin. He wants to know if Daphne is still working in the stripping industry. Daphne tells him to mind his own business - she can do what she likes outside working hours. Mr Evans threatens to tell the Managing Director. He says he'll take her out to dinner if she's not working. Daphne insists her relationship with him must be strictly business. Mr Evans says maybe another night, and implies that he'll sack Daphne if she doesn't have dinner with him.
Kim's rented room
Kim is explaining the selling babies racket to Scott. Kim has come round to the idea for herself(!) Scott is appalled, and is even more appalled to hear that Brad knows where Kim is.
SCOTT: I can't believe you can't see how wrong this all is.
Scott offers to leave school and get a job to help her, but Kim says there's no point them ruining both their lives.
Des's house is like a tip since Daphne has taken a full-time job. Julie says that most women can manage a full-time job and keep things clean as well. She starts cleaning up.
Daphne is just coming in and has heard what Julie said. She isn't pleased and storms off to her room.
Des is amazed - he's never seen Daphne angry before.
Julie asks Des if he'll come to a dinner next month with her, but he's engrossed in thought about Daphne!
JULIE: I don't know what you're getting so concerned about. She's just your tenant. Isn't she?!
Julie says that the gossip in the bank is that Des and Daphne are on together. Des tells Julie that most nights, Daphne whips off all her clothes and they make mad, passionate love on the kitchen floor. He says that he thinks Daphne was upset because she thought Julie wouldn't join them(!)
JULIE: That's sick.
She storms off, forgetting about the dinner date!
Jim is brooding about the situation with Shane. Helen tells him not to worry - Shane will be back. He goes on to muse that things have been quiet lately - especially Scott. Jim says he'll have a chat to him.
Julie comes in, moaning about Daphne.
Daphne is doing the dishes and moaning about Julie. She's also moaning about her boss.
DAPHNE: It all comes down to the age-old problem - sex.
DES: Oh. Well if it's not being too personal, could you be more specific?
DAPHNE: Oh, what's the point Des. You can't help.
Des looks a bit disappointed(!)
Daphne says that maybe she gives out a sex vibe(!) Des is appalled to hear about the situation with Mr Evans and tells Daphne to stand up to him - she'd be covered under the law. He says next time he says anything, Daphne should tell him she's calling a solicitor. Daphne thinks that Des has got a point.
Danny is trying to hang a net curtain when Max comes in and surprises him. Everyone is out, so Max gives him a hand.
They chat about Shane again. Danny wonders if Shane might be at the campsite they were at after Shane's accident. Max suggests Danny makes them a cup of coffee.
Shane has been swimming in the river. He comes back in his swimming tunks and bumps into a couple of girls. They offer him some breakfast, but Shane has eaten already. He decides to go off to the shops, and offers to get some groceries for the girls as well.
Scott is sitting at the kitchen table, deep in thought. Jim wants to know what's on his mind lately. He knows that Scott has been borrowing money, but that's not the point - the old Scott seems to have disappeared.
Jim says that the last time they had a conversation like this, Scott was worried about Kim. He says if Scott needs any help or advice, he only has to ask.
Shane has brought back a ton of groceries for the girls(!). They offer him some lunch in return. Over lunch, they chat about their lives - the girls left their jobs and took off to see Australia. They're going to make money by fruit-picking and stuff. Shane says it sounds great. The girls say he can join them if he wants - it would be good to have a man with them. Shane isn't sure though.
Just then, Max comes up. He asks Shane if they can have a bit of a talk.
By the river
Max talks to Shane about Danny's paternity - he knows he heard about it from Jim. But Max hasn't really come to talk about that - he's come to talk about Maria. Max still cares about Maria and he doesn't want Shane to blame Maria. Max has come to tell Shane the full story - it's not just Maria's fault.



Episode title: 0058
Australian airdate: 05/06/85
UK airdate: 19/01/87
UK Gold: 20/01/93
Writer: Adrian Van Den Bok
Director: Mark Callan
Summary/Images by: Paul/Karen (Katie)
Outback – camp site
Max explains to Shane he suspected Maria only married him out of gratitude out of helping her family. Their separation before Danny was conceived happened on one of their wedding anniversaries when Max was unhappy with a dress that Maria was wearing. Max stormed off to the pub and Maria left Ramsay St, leaving Shane to be looked after by Helen. Max explains that when Maria returned they learnt she was expecting Danny and it was only recently she told him Danny was conceived with a man she met while they were separated. Max explains he cannot reconcile with Maria for these reasons but he still loves her.
Danny returns home early from school due to a teaching strike. Maria comments how Max is not picking up his messages from the answer machine for work from the house. Danny tells her Shane could pass on the messages now he is seeing Max again. Danny asks her if he can have a party to celebrate his 16th – Maria tells him money is tight but she'll think about it.
Danny and Scott complain about the teaching strike. Scott asks him for more money but cannot tell him the reason why. Danny leaves to run an errand for his mother – Scott asks Maria if he can borrow $A20 but Maria is embarrassed. When Scott leaves after Helen requests he go home, Maria tells her of Scott's request. She also tells her she would like to earn some money for herself by working like Helen at the Community Justice Centre. Danny arrives back and Helen asks him if he knows why Scott wants money. Danny admits no. After Helen leaves Danny comments to Maria he thinks the reason is Kim Taylor.
Jim and Helen question Scott why he wants to borrow money. Scott tells them he hasn't got a problem and storms off to his bedroom as Paul arrives home.
No.26 Paul & Scott's bedroom
Helen tells Scott they are only concerned for his welfare and she will lend him the money. Paul comes into the room and after Helen leaves warns his brother he can't keep borrowing to give to Kim or he faces Jim discovering the truth. Scott tells Paul he owes $A90.
Mr. Evans office
Drunk, Mr. Evans gropes Daphne – when she threatens to take him to court he only laughs telling her no one will believe her, as she is a stripper. Daphne tells him she will sue – he tells her he'll fight her all the way.
Pacific Bank / Evan's office
Des tells Daphne it'll be worth her suing Evans despite using her past as a defence. Back at the office Daphne tells him she has no intention of suing him as she is quitting the job – Daphne walks out.
Paul lends Scott more money for Kim. Julie complains she can't sell her second concert ticket to anyone. Helen suggests Danny or even herself buying from her – When Julie tells her she's too old Helen replies she wants to go!
Des isn't happy with Daphne's decision to not follow up with her complaint against Evans and her refusal to explain why. Daphne's grandfather Harry Henderson arrives having returned from South America. Des has to pay for his taxi and the driver drops off Harry's parrot.
Daphne, Des and Harry arrive home from a restaurant. Having already paid for the meal Des then gives up his bed for Harry to sleep in.
Jim apologises to Maria for revealing to Shane the truth about Danny's father. Maria accepts but tells him she fears Shane will never talk to her again. Jim tries to be positive suggesting it could help reunite them now the truth is known. Jim also apologises to her regarding Scott asking her for money.
Scott leaves the house early.
Helen and Julie return having both enjoyed the concert.
Jim questions Paul over the money Scott keeps asking for and tells his son he hopes if Scott was in trouble, that Paul would tell him. Paul begins to feel guilty at hiding the truth from Jim.



Episode title: 0059
Australian airdate: 06/06/85
UK airdate: 20/01/87
UK Gold: 21/01/93
Guests: Harry Henderson: Johnny Lockwood
Kim Taylor: Jenny Young
Brad: Rick Ireland
Cleo: Denise Kirby
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Shane asks Max who Danny's real father is. Max tells Shane not to be too hard on Maria.
Max says he can't help thinking of her with some other bloke, but he still loves her.
Scott is helping Kim out. Paul thinks he should tell Jim the situation.
Daphne shouts at her boss saying that he should keep his hands to himself. He warns her not to take him on legally or he'll fight her.
Daphne's grnadfather, Harry Henderson turns up.
Daphne tells her boss she's leaving her job.
Outside Kim's flat
Scott walks by. A bloke on a motorcycle drives up and tells him to stay away from Kim or he's a dead man. Scott tells Brad that Kim is his friend. Brad says Kim is coming back with him. He says that Kim is going to sell her baby - their baby.
Just then, Kim comes back from the shops. She tells Scott that she doesn't know what to do - but she's got to do something. Scott begs her not to make any rash decisions. He gives Kim some money.
When Scott has gone, Brad tells Kim to take no notice of Scott.
Maria is cleaning up when Max comes in and scares her. He says he's training to be a cat burgular(!)
She offers him a coffee. Max has had five calls, but Maria has told them Max can't do it. Maria says that Max can't drive, and she's sick of putting people off. Max says he'll sort something out.
Maria asks how Shane reacted to their talk. Max says that Shane doesn't know when he's coming back. Maria wants to know if Shane hates him. Max says that Shane needs a bit of time to come to terms with things. They start to row, but Max says they've been through this and now they just have to learn to live with it.
Des thinks Daphne's grandfather is a bit of a rager(!) He says that Daphne's grandfather is a bit short of cash for a world traveller! He's not sure if her grandfather is a world traveller at all. But they agree to give him a good time while he's there. Daphne is taking him sightseeing and then to the Senior Citizen's Centre.
Just then, Julie comes in through the back door.
JULIE: Have you got a parrot here?
Daphne explains about her grandfather's parrot. Apparently Des put it in the garden, next to Julie's bedroom window and it kept her awake all night. Des and Daphne try not to laugh.
JULIE: Some of us workers need our beauty sleep.
DAPHNE: I'm sure *you* do!
Des quickly offers Julie a lift to work.
Des's, later that evening
Daphne is exhausted after taking her grandfather around all day. She says he's a human dynamo! Apparently he met a lady at the Senior Citizen's Centre!
DES: The old devil!
Daphne fills Des in on the rest of their day. Apparently Harry has signed up for kung-fu as well - to teach it!
Harry comes in at that moment and Des tells him that the parrot bit him. He heads off to bed, leaving the parrot on the living room table.
DAPHNE: I think he's rather cute.
DES: Yeah, so was Attila the Hun!
Des's, middle of the night
Des is up because the parrot is squawking. He tries to feed it toast through the bars(!)
DES: Just shut up, you mangy old thing!
He puts a towel over the cage and tells the parrot to drop dead!
Kim's flat
Kim is having a dream and calling out "No!" in her sleep.
Scott and Paul's room
Scott wakes Paul up. He says he was thinking about Kim. Paul guesses that Kim is pregnant. Scott says that it's not his baby - he never touched Kim. Paul can't understand why he's paying for a place for Kim then.
Des's, the following morning
Des knocks on Daphne's door and tells her to come quickly. He tells her that something terrible has happened - the parrot has karked it!
Des is hurriedly dressing to go to get a replacement from the pet shop(!) telling Daphne to hide the parrot.
Harry comes out and Des tries to stop him looking in the cage. Des says the parrot is lying down(!) Daphne suggests that Harry goes out for his job. Des says he'll get down the pet shop straightaway!
Scott and Paul's room
Scott is explaining to Paul about Brad. He says Kim needs help - she's got no-one and she won't go back to her parents. Scott is afraid for Kim with Brad hanging around.
Des has got the parrot's twin from the pet shop for $50. They look in the cage and the dead parrot's body has gone! They look at each other in puzzlement.
Harry explains that the parrot normally sleeps on its back(!) as if its playing dead.
DES: I knew it! I should have wrung its neck last night!
The parrot seems to have escaped. Harry comes out to get the towel off the cage, but luckily Daphne has got the replacement parrot into the cage. It doesn't squawk though, so Des suggests that it might have laryngitis(!)
When Harry has gone off for his shower, they hear squawking from outside and realise the original parrot is sitting in the tree outside!
Shane has come home, much to Maria's delight. He apologises for all the things he said to Maria - he was pretty upset about Danny's paternity at the time. Maria understands. Shane says he knows what happened now - he'd had no idea what had happened when Max and Maria split up all those years ago. Maria is just glad that things are out in the open. She asks Shane to promise to talk to her in the future - about anything.
Des has managed to catch Squawker (the original parrot). They put it in the cage and put the replacement one back in the box. Then Des goes outside and releases it(!)
Daphne has a strange phonecall to say "Watch out for Harry's bird"
Just then there's a knock at the door. It's a strange woman who introduces herself as "Harry's bird"! She comes in and hugs Harry. Harry says that Des will pay her taxi(!)
Harry explains that she's the lady he met at the Senior Citizens Centre - but she's not an old woman, she's one of the telephonists!
Danny is pleased to see Shane has come back. He asks him where he's been and he explains he's been camping. Danny had guessed right. They chat about Max.
Shane says that he didn't leave home for nothing - he needs to sort a few problems out. He can't do it here, there's too many pressures. Danny wants to know what the big mystery is. Shane says what Danny doesn't know won't hurt him.
Shane tells Maria that he's off to say hello to Daphne. But he asks her one more question. Why did Maria have an affair with another guy?
MARIA:(shocked) You mean he didn't tell you about the other woman?



Episode title: 0060
Australian airdate: 07/06/85
UK airdate: 21/01/87
UK Gold: 22/01/93
Guests: Harry Henderson: Johnny Lockwood
Kim Taylor: Jenny Young
Josie: Cindy Lee
Brad: Rick Ireland
Cleo: Denise Kirby
Tim Duncan: Nick Carrafa
Mrs Lee: Helene Jacoby
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Max and Maria row. Max says what's done is done and they just have to learn to live with it.
Scott tells Paul that Kim is pregnant.
Kim isn't sleeping well.
Scott is afraid for Kim's welfare.
A woman calls round and introduces herself as "Harry's bird". Harry gets Des to pay for the taxi.
Maria tells Shane that there was another woman for Max.
Maria is furious that Max didn't tell Shane about his other woman. Shane wants Maria to tell him her side of the story. Maria says that she doesn't want Shane to take sides. But she tells him about Max not coming home one night. The next morning she found Max with another woman - that's why she left Max all those years ago. During the separation, Maria stayed at a guest house in the country to have a think about the future.
In a flashback, Maria says that the people at the guest house were kind and didn't ask too many questions. Then Tim Duncan arrived. He sat at Maria with her table and introduced himself. Maria says that Tim was a very happy man. The next morning she went for a walk and Tim saw her. He joined her on her walk. They kissed in the forest.
Maria says that Tim was one-of-a-kind. She was shy and unsure before, but he made her feel loved and desired. But two days later Tim moved on and Maria came back to Max in Ramsay Street.
Maria never mentioned her affair and neither did Max. Shane tells Maria that one day Danny will have to know the truth.
Scott's room
Julie is giving Scott a lift to school. She tells him off for being messy in his bedroom. Paul tells Julie that Shane is back. Julie says that she feels very sorry for the Ramsay family.
Hary and his girlfriend (who is taller than him) are laughing together. They are planning to go round the world together if they win the raffle(!) The ticket is being drawn today.
Shane comes in and everyone does introductions. Harry's girlfriend (Cleo) recognises Shane as an excellent diver. But says she's sorry about his accident.
When Harry and Cleo have gone, Shane tells Daphne that he's found something out - people don't communicate enough. So he's come to tell Daphne that she's one of his favourite people. He kisses her on the cheek. Daphne says that she likes the way Shane communicates!
Shane is just off - he's going up the coast with the girls he met at the campsite. Shane tells Maria that he hopes that Max and Maria will get back together.
Kim's flat
Scott gives Kim some more money. She says she's done some thinking - Brad has got people to take the baby. She says there's no alternative but to sell the baby. Apparently Josie is in labour at the moment and is going to hand over the baby. Scott is appalled and tells Kim that she doesn't need him anymore. Anyway, Kim knows where he lives if she changes her mind.
Kim has come to see Josie. She's lying in bed, crying. Josie tells Kim tearfully that the baby was beautiful. And she can't let Brad take her away from her. She doesn't want the money - she just wants to keep her little girl.
JOSIE: Don't let him do this to you, Kim.
Kim rings up to talk to Scott, but only Paul is there. Paul tells Kim that Scott can't give her anymore money - he can't get it. But he'll tell Scott that she called.
Just then Scott comes in and Paul gives him the message from Kim. Scott tells Paul that he's had enough. Paul explains that Kim said on the phone that she didn't want to see him about the money.
Scott says he's had enough of Kim. Paul encourages him not to give up on her. Scott says that he's out of his depth. Paul offers to come with him to see Kim.
Kim's flat
Scott and Paul have come to see Kim. Kim tells Scott that she can't go through with selling the baby. She cries in his arms.
Des comes in and hears Daphne talking to the parrot. It sounds quite suggestive but it's quite innocent! Des tells her that he saw her grandfather at the bank - he gave him $30 to get rid of him.
Just then Harry and Cleo come in. They tell them that they didn't win the raffle, but they did win a 10,000th couple prize in a restaurant. They've also won a free trip to the Gold Coast and they leave tonight! Des is very pleased!
Harry and Cleo are just off, leaving the parrot behind for Des(!)
DAPHNE: He said he'd be back.
DES: I heard.
Kim's flat
Kim tells Scott that she doesn't like their plan. Just then, Brad arrives - apparently they've called him. Kim tells Brad that she won't sell the baby. Paul says he'd better sling his hook or he'll report him to the police. Then he throw him out of Kim's flat.
Paul says it's up to Kim now. Kim says she's in a mess and she can't go back to her parents. Paul says she has to do something. Paul says he'll try to make some arrangements for her and she agrees to go along with anything he suggests. Paul says that he'll make an appointment for some counselling for Kim - God knows she needs it.