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"Соседи"(Австралия) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Episode title: 0021
Australian airdate: 15/04/85
UK airdate: 24/11/86
UK Gold: 30/11/92
Writer: Hugh Stuckey
Director: Greg Shears
Guests: Eileen Clarke: Myra de Groot
Carol Brown: Merrin Canning
Reporter: Bill Binks
Photographer: Scott Taylor
- "Carmen" by Georges Bizet
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
The car falls on Danny. Shane tries to lift the car to help him out. Max asks Shane anxiously how his back is. Shane says it's OK and Max closes his eyes in relief.
Des is listening to classical music as Daphne prepares to go out to the show with Paul wearing a pink outfit. She tells Des that the music is a bit morbid. Des says he always plays it when he's depressed(!)
Just then Paul arrives and takes Daphne away. Des turns up his despressing music and lies down to read the record cover(!)
Max is amazed that Shane managed to lift the car. He's very pleased that Shane's injury is OK. Danny is a bit upset that Max isn't concerned about his welfare(!)
Maria comes in with an old newspaper and shows them an article she read about an old woman who lifted a van off her son. Max says it's the adrenaline rush - if only they could harness that power! He says they should work on it(!) He thinks Shane can start training again. Shane doesn't look convinced.
The record has ended and Des is asleep on the sofa. Daphne comes in and Des wakes up. She tells Des the show was great. Des offers her a nightcap, but she doesn't want one. Daphne asks if Des was waiting up for her. Just then the phone rings and there's no-one there. Scary music plays and Des replaces the phone. Apparently a weirdo made a hissing sound.
Des's, the following morning
Des tells Daphne that he heard her walking around at about 3am. Des wonders if they should report it - it's happening too often for his liking. Daphne tells him not to worry about it.
Des invites Daphne to go out for dinner with him tonight. She says she'd love to.
Outside the Ramsays
Scott asks Danny how he was after that car. He's surprised that Shane managed to lift the car like Superman. Danny and Scott decide to skive off school this morning(!)
Max has got a couple of reporters round to take a picture of Shane for lifting the car(!) Shane does not look impressed. One of the reporters asks Shane about his previous accident. Max says it's a miracle and Shane is making a comeback. Maria looks worried in the background. Max asks the reporter to mention his plumbing business as well(!)
A road
Danny and Scott see Mrs Brown at the shops and hide from her. They make mooing noises and she drops her milk. They run off, laughing.
Daphne is practising her dancing act, wearing a leotard, when a lady comes to the door.
(Strike me, it's Eileen!!!!! Yay!!!)
EILEEN: Does Desmond Clarke live here?
DAPHNE: Desmond?
Eileen is pleased that she's found the right place and says she'll come in and wait - she's come to stay.
EILEEN: You see, I'm his mother. And you're exactly the way I imagined you, Lorraine!
She hugs Daphne and kisses her on the cheek.
Later at Des's
Des comes in from the bank and messes about in the kitchen before he realises Eileen is there.
DES: What the hell are you doing here, mum?
EILEEN: Well that's a nice way to greet me when I've flown all the way from Perth.
Des says she could have given him some warning and Eileen says he could have told her he wasn't married(!)
Eileen says that Daphne seems quite nice, although she dressed very unusually. Daphne told her she was the tenant.
Des doesn't want to talk about Lorraine - he just says that it didn't work out. Eileen says that Des should have consulted her first - she's never been wrong about any of Des's girlfriends yet(!)
EILEEN: See what happens when you go so far away from home?
DES: Obviously not far enough!
Des says that Eileen didn't come to the wedding, but she said he didn't give her much warning - only a telegram the day before! Eileen says that Des has always been a bad judge of women. She wants to know what Des's relationship with Daphne is because she seems lovely. Des says they're just very good friends.
DES: I *was* going to take her out to dinner, but I'll have to cancel it now that you're here.
EILEEN: Oh, no, son, I wouldn't hear of it!
Eileen insists that Des takes Daphne out and enjoys himself - they can talk later. Des is chuffed and hugs his mother.
Max comes in in a very good mood. He's still very pleased about Shane. Maria tells him that she doesn't want to be a spoilsport, but he shouldn't be rushing Shane back to diving. The x-rays don't lie. But Max still thinks that a miracle has occurred where Shane is concerned. Maria still looks worried.
A road
Mrs Brown sees Paul and tells him that she's having terrible trouble with possums running across the roof. She wants Paul to have a word with Daphne (she saw them going out last night) and ask her to stop feeding the possums. Paul isn't very pleased at Mrs Brown's attitude towards Daphne.
Daphne and Eileen are getting on extremely well. Daphne gives her some of her magazines to read while they are out.
EILEEN: Well don't you two rush your dinner on my account, you go out and enjoy yourselves.
DAPHNE: Thank you, Mrs Clarke. It's lovely to have you staying here.
Eileen tells Daphne that she's a lovely girl - an old-fashioned sort(!) Des and Daphne head off.
As they do, Eileen has a bit of a turn. Daphne rushes to help Eileen. Des is unconcerned and says it's just indigestion.
DES:(to Daphne) I'm sorry about dinner.
The Ramsays are watching television. Maria turns the television off and says she's been to see Shane's doctor. He said that if Shane has just one dive he could be crippled for life. Max doesn't believe it, but Shane does. He tells Max that he's been to see the doctor himself - the x-rays are correct. Shane says that picking up the car was a one-off. Shane said that he didn't want to disappoint Max, but he can't dive again.
Des's, the following morning
Eileen is watering the garden when Julie and Mrs Brown come round. It seems Mrs Brown lives at Number 30.
Julie tells Eileen that she and Des are old friends and they used to go out together. Eileen invites her in.
Danny's room
Max comes to see Danny. He tells him he's very sorry about not being more concerned about Danny's injury. Then he says that he believes in Danny's ability, and wants Danny to have another go at training. He promises that he won't get mad at Danny again. Danny isn't convinced and says no.
Eileen and Julie are having a cup of tea and a biscuit. Eileen tells Julie that she has an ailment that is a mystery to medical science - she doesn't say what it is, but apparently eating biscuits isn't good for it(!) She explains to Julie that she is divorced and lives alone - it's hard being away from Des.
EILEEN: My first night here and I had an attack. Just as Desmond was about to go out with that nice Daphne.
JULIE:(coldly): Like Daphne, do you?
Eileen says that Daphne is very sweet. Julie doesn't say anything. She explains that she was Des's girl before Lorraine came along. She's over it now though. Eileen asks about why the wedding was called off, but Julie says she doesn't really know Lorraine's reason for dumping Des.
Eileen says that at least Des has some nice friends, like Daphne.
JULIE: She's quite nice...if you can accept what she does.
EILEEN: What she does?
JULIE: Mmm. That's why Carol Brown wouldn't come round here for a cuppa. And there's a few of the Neighbours that feel exactly the same way.
EILEEN: Well...what does she do? I mean, she looks perfectly alright to me.
JULIE: You obviously don't know. Daphne's a stripper.
Eileen sits down in shock.



Episode title: 0022
Australian airdate: 16/04/85
UK airdate: 25/11/86
UK Gold: 01/12/92
Guests: Eileen Clarke: Myra de Groot
Carol Brown: Merrin Canning
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Des's mother arrives for a surprise visit. She likes Daphne very much.
Max offers to coach Danny again but Danny is fed up of Max yelling at him and doesn't want to.
Julie tells Eileen that Daphne is a stripper. Eileen sits down in shock.
Eileen is sorting through her many pills(!) for something to calm her nerves. Des is trying not to laugh. Eileen goes on at Des for leaving Perth, but Des says he wanted his own life.
Eileen has called Des home from the bank to tell him that she's heard something horrifying. She says that "that female" who is sharing the house is a...
DES: Oh, Daphne you mean? She's a stripper.
Des says that's it's Daphne's livelihood, but she's a decent, respectable girl.
DES: Besides, she's very good at it.
EILEEN: You've seen her doing it?!
Des says he's twenty-eight years old and seeing a woman's body is not an entirely new experience to him! Eileen says it's a good thing she's there - to put a stop to Des's moral decadence(!)
Danny is having a snack which seems bigger than a main meal(!) Maria wants Danny to have another go with Max and the training. Danny says he can't handle it. But Maria says that Max has changed his expectations now. Danny is quite adamant that he won't train though.
Scott comes round and he and Danny go out.
Outside the Ramsays
Scott tells Danny that he's got some news - it's a letter from Kim. She wants to meet SCott and it sounds pretty urgent.
Ramsay Street
Mrs Brown comes over for a word with Eileen who is doing the garden. Eileen asks Carol what she knows about the "female" who is living with Des. Carold says she doesn't know what Des and Daphne's personal arrangements are, but that Daphne takes her clothes off in public for men. Carol says she wouldn't be under the same roof as "that woman". Carol says that everyone locally is up in arms about Daphne, saying that it brings the street into disrepute. Carol says that they are taking steps though. Eileen says she's very pleased that she's talked with Carol.
EILEEN: I can see I'm going to have to do something about this myself.
Danny's room
Shane and Danny are hanging out. Danny is upset about the training situation - he's still adamant he doesn't want to do it again. Shane says he's had an idea. Unlike most brothers, he and Danny get along. He says that they should go into business together.
DANNY: Business? What sort of business?
SHANE: Shut the door and I'll tell you what I mean.
Ramsays - kitchen
Maria is asking Max to be gentle with Danny and not to push him. Shane and Danny are just going out. Max demands to know where they're going, but on Maria's look he changes his question to asking what time they'll be back. They say around ten.
MAX: Bet it's closer to eleven!
Eileen sneaks up on Des and starts measuring him with her measuring tape. She wants to make a jumper.
Daphne comes in and Eileen promptly retires to her room.
Des tells Daphne that now she knows why Des left Perth. Daphne berates Des for not putting his mother in her place.
DAPHNE: You have no idea what I've put up with today. Sly innuendos, a constant stream of rude remarks. I don't care if she is your mother, Des, I'm not putting up with much more.
Scott tells Helen and Jim that he's going out for a bit and he'll be back at about nine. He finds a note under the door - and shows it to Helen. The note isn't very nice.
HELEN: Who would say such horrible things about Daphne?
JIM: Someone with a dirty mind.
The note calls Daphne a slut and other names. Helen looks worried.
Dingy squat
A bonfire is burning outside when Scott approaches an old house. It's very dingy and there are rough types hanging around.
Des is watching football when there's a knock at the door. It's Julie. She tells Des that Eileen has invited her around. Eileen greets her happily while Des scowls in the background. Eileen fusses over Julie. Des pointedly sits in the chair, rather than on the sofa with Julie as Eileen requests.
Eileen is clearly trying to match Julie and Des up. Des gets up in exasperation and goes for a walk.
Dingy squat
Scott is waiting for Kim to come. But she doesn't so he gets up and walks away.
A road
Daphne is walking home with Paul. They are laughing and joking. When they get back home, Daphne sees that graffiti has been daubed on the garage. Daphne is very upset and says that she's not a prostitute, just a stripper.
It's already ten o'clock and Scott is late home - Jim is not pleased. He rings Maria to see if Danny knows where he is.
Max tells Jim on the phone that Danny and Shane have gone out and he hasn't seen Scott.
Jim and Max are suspicious about what the boys are up to. They think they're up to no good.
Jim is ringing around Scott's friends. But just then Scott comes in. Jim wants to know where he's been. He shows Jim the letter from Kim. Jim is shocked at the place Scott has been to - it's full of prostitutes and junkies.
Scott tells them that Kim didn't show - the place is awful and he's really scared for Kim.
Danny and Shane come in to find the house in darkness. Max and Maria come out and demand an explanation. Shane says that he and Danny have just been for a walk. They head off to bed. Max is not pleased.
Robinsons, the following morning
Julie is telling the Robinsons about Eileen. Helen shows Paul the note they got about Daphne. Paul is appalled and tells them that Des's garage was graffitied too.
Des is exasperated with Eileen cooking too much food and going on about Julie. He warns her not to matchmake - he's definitely not interested in Julie.
EILEEN: She's interested in you.
DES: Well, that's her problem!
Des says that Julie is wasting her time holding a torch for him.
Eileen tells Des that she's had her house in Perth leased so she can stay with Des.
EILEEN: You're going to have your mother around for a long, long time. What do you think of that?!
Des despairs.



Episode title: 0023
Australian airdate: 17/04/85
UK airdate: 26/11/86
UK Gold: 02/12/92
Guests: Eileen Clarke: Myra de Groot
Carol Brown: Merrin Canning
Dr Murray: Robert Morgan
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Shane suggests that he and Danny go into business.
Scott has been to meet Kim, but she didn't show. He's really scared for Kim being in such an awful place.
Eileen tells Des that she's leased her house so she can stay with him forever!
Shane and Danny are just going out and being mysterious about it.
Maria asks Max why he's so quiet. Max says he's going to follow Shane and Danny!
Julie is introducing Eileen to Jim, Scott, Paul and Helen. Eileen says that everyone in the street is very friendly and nice with one exception. Paul agrees that there's always one snag, even in the best of societies(!) Julie tells them all that Eileen is moving in with Des permanently.
HELEN: How does Des feel about it?
EILEEN: Well, he hasn't said much. He's very emotional you know, keep his feelings well hidden.
JIM: Yes, I can understand that(!)
The phone rings and all the boys try to answer it(!) but Scott gets there first. He takes the phone into his room.
Scott's room
It's Kim on the phone. Scott asks her why she didn't turn up. Kim tells Scott that she needs money. He says he'll try to get it and meet her later.
A road
Danny and Shane have noticed that Max is following them. They try to shake him off by running on ahead. They run through an abandoned building with Max in pursuit. Max can't keeps up though and soon loses them. He heads off dejectedly. Shane and Danny are hiding behind a sign!
Eileen is telling Des that she's had a lovely day visiting her "new neighbours". Eileen liked the Robinsons very much.
EILEEN: So sad, Jim losing his wife so young.
DES: How long were you in there?!
Eileen is knitting baby clothes. She says she never knows when Des might need them!
EILEEN: The right girl may not be far away.
Daphne comes in at that moment. She and Des are off out. They haven't told Eileen until this moment. Des tells Eileen not to wait up.
Eileen asks Daphne if she's heard she's moving in. Daphne tells her it won't put her out too much(!)
EILEEN: Where are you going?
DAPHNE: Oh, didn't Des tell you? He's coming to watch me work.
EILEEN: Work? Taking your clothes off?
DAPHNE: Yes, Mrs Clarke. I'd love to have invited you along...but it's only for men. Bye now!
Eileen has a little turn but this time they just hand Eileen her pills and a glass of water. Des phones Dr Murray up immediately and tells the doctor that Eileen is having a heart attack.
Des and Daphne head off. Des says if there's any trouble, the doctor will run Eileen to the hospital(!)
Max is mad about Shane and Danny giving him the slip - he wants to know what the big secret is. Maria rants at Max for interfering with the boys - the boys don't trust him anymore. Max tells Maria that he doesn't know what's happening to this family. He wants to sort it out.
The doctor has arrived and says that Eileen doesn't have a heart problem - in fact she's in perfect shape.
EILEEN: Well, there are some things that a cursory examination do not show up, doctor!
The doctor says that Eileen should come in to his surgery first thing on Monday morning, just in case.
When the doctor has gone, Eileen says there was no need to call the doctor. But Des is being over-protective as a joke.
Des heads off to join Daphne at her show.
EILEEN:(angrily) Daphne! She's got to go!
Ramsay Street, the following morning
Daphne is out jogging and bumps into Shane. She says she's been asking about him. Shane says he's been a bit busy lately. He's a bit standoffish with her.
DAPHNE: See you sometime, Shane.
Danny's room
Danny thinks $50 is a lot for Kim to want from him. He says Scott should forget about Kim, but Scott can't - she's living in an awful place. He says he's the only person Kim's got. Danny hasn't got $50 to lend Scott. Scott says he'll have to get it - Kim said she was desperate on the phone.
Daphne is telling Helen about Eileen's hurtful words towards her. Helen tells Daphne that there's a campaign going on against her. She tells Daphne about the note slipped under the door and says that quite a few people in the street have had one. Helen thinks it's some cranky individual - most people in the street don't give a damn what Daphne does.
Daphne muses that Shane was very off-hand with her just then. She'd better get used to it.
When Daphne has gone, Scott comes in. He's a bit distracted. He asks Jim to give him a job every Saturday and Sunday for a month for $50. He says he needs $50 but he can't tell Jim why. Jim says he can't pay him in advance and has to know what Scott wants it for.
Garden of the Robinsons
Max has come to chat to Jim. He says that he's not getting on very well with Shane and Danny. He admits that neither of them listens to the other and they just yell all the time. Jim advises Max to give the boys time - Max does push them very hard.
Carol has come round to see Eileen. They immediately start bitching about Daphne. Eileen tells Carol that Des and Daphne have gone to the beach together. Carol says that Daphne won't be there much longer - steps are being taken.
Scott asks Paul to lend him the $50 to give to Kim but says he can't pay him back. Paul relents and gives him the $50 - as long as it's not for anything dangerous or illegal. Scott asks Paul not to tell anyone.
Outside the Robinsons
Scott sneaks away to see Kim, but Jim catches him on the driveway. Jim guesses where Scott is going. He says he won't let Scott go to that place at this time of night.
Eileen is watching television and eating chocolates. But when she hears Des and Daphene coming back, she turns of the TV and puts on a weak voice. Des says Eileen smells of chocolates and Eileen said she had one to take away the taste of her pills! She starts going on about her condition, but Des isn't having any of it - Dr Murray said she was fine. Also, he's got her test results and Eileen is fine. So all of Eileen's pills can go down the toilet!
EILEEN: I demand to see a specialist!
Julie is reading a note when Paul sneaks up on her. He wants to see the note. He has to grab it out of Julie's pocket. It's a note to Daphne, but Paul doesn't think that Julie wrote it.
Just then, the phone rings and Scott answers it. It's Kim. He tells her he couldn't make their meeting. He tells her he's got the $50 though. He promises to meet her tomorrow.
SCOTT: Kim? I love you.



Episode title: 0024
Australian airdate: 18/04/85
UK airdate: 27/11/86
UK Gold: 03/12/92
Guests: Eileen Clarke: Myra De Groot
Carol Brown: Merrin Canning
Kim Taylor: Jenny Young
Mrs.Armitage: Marion Heathfield
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Des goes with Daphne to work.
Maria tells Max that the boys don't trust him any more.
Carol Brown tells Eileen that steps are being taken to drive Daphne out.
Scott tells Kim on the phone that he's got the money for her. He tells her he loves her.
Maria says that Max's face would turn milk sour. He's still moaning about Shane and Danny calling them juvenile delinquents!
Danny comes out to have his breakfast, followed by Shane. Max is still ranting about the boys having secrets. Shane tells him to drop it. Max says he has a right to know where the boys get to.
Eventually Shane gets fed up and Danny offers to tell Max what they've been up to. Max is mad by now and runs off. Shane tells Maria that it's no big deal - he's training Danny so that Max will realise he was wrong about him.
There is a very frosty silence at Des's. Daphne is throwing away the latest notes she's received. Eileen says they are written by respectable people who care about the neighbourhood. Daphne says there's nothing respectable about anonymous notes. Eileen tells Daphne to pack up and leave - she's done enough harm. Daphne says she hasn't done any harm. Eileen says she's ruined Des's reputation and dragged the area down.
Daphne gets really mad but controls herself in the face of extreme provocation(!) Eileen tells Daphne to go back to the gutter! Daphne says she's upset noone - but there's a twisted mind behind the notes. Eileen thinks the note-writer is very courageous. Daphne thinks Eileen knows something.
EILEEN: Why don't you take my advice. Move.
DAPHNE: And give you the satisfaction? Nuh.
Daphne storms out.
Outside Des's
Paul sees Daphne storming out of the house. She tells him about the latest notes. Paul wonders if Eileen is behind it, but Daphne thinks even Eileen wouldn't stoop that low. Just then Carol Brown walks past on her way in to see Eileen. Daphne and Paul look at each other.
Carol Brown has brought a book from the library about civil rights. Eileen tells her that Daphne has spoken to her in an awful way(!) Eileen says that she's checked and unless an offence happens there is nothing they can do about Daphne.
Eileen says that Daphne is "dancing" at the Anglers Club tonight. Carol says there must be something they can do. She's had words with the people in the street and they're all worried that Daphne will attract more of her kind and Ramsay Street will become another Red Light District(!)
Maria answers the door to Jim and Helen, who have come for dinner. She tells him to open the wine he's brought quick!
Max comes out and says he'll have a beer instead of wine. He says he's fed up of not having respect from the kids. Maria says that the boys are only training at the pool. Max is incredulous. He says Danny won't get anywhere without him. Jim thinks Max is being a bit unfair on Danny.
HELEN: Well, here's to an...er...pleasant evening!
They all clinks glasses. Max is still sulking.
Paul is getting his own dinner (ice-cream!) when Des comes round. Paul tells him that Des has a problem.
DES: Do you think the person...just remotely...with the poison pen...just remotely...could be my mother?
PAUL: Yep. Do you think it could be your mother?
DES: Well, in a word...um...yep.
Paul says that Eileen seemed so nice at first, but Des says Eileen is nightmare. He decides to go and sort Eileen out.
Des comes in. Eileen says she's done a lot for Des today - lots of cleaning. She intimates that Daphne isn't doing a good job.
DES:(angrily) Do you think we can have one conversation...just one...without you putting down Daphne?
EILEEN: Did I say Daphne? Did I mention Daphne? Oh believe me, she's the last person I want to talk about.
DES: You see?! There you go again!
Eileen tells Des to watch his blood pressure! His father had high blood pressure too and Des says he can understand that.
Daphne storms in saying that there was a bomb scare at the Anglers' Club - she couldn't do her act. It turned out to be a hoax of course, but Daphne didn't get paid.
Apparently the person who called to say there was a bomb...was a woman. Eileen decides to retire to bed at this point.
Daphne says she doesn't know if Eileen if behind the "Get Daphne" campaign or not - either way, she's moving out. She'll look at flats tomorrow. Des protests, but Daphne stomps off to her room.
Mrs Armitage runs in, saying to Helen that her husband has found another woman. She says that it's just for sex though(!) She says she'll sue her husband for every penny she has. She says she's still an attractive woman and Jim and Max have been looking at her(!) Then she goes on to talk about the notes sent to Daphne. Then she wanders off. Long-suffering Helen rolls her eyes.
A squat
Kim answers the door to Scott. She immediately asks for the money. She says she needs the money to buy food. Scott invites Kim to stay with them, but she says Jim will get her parents on to her. Scott says that she can't live there (it's a hovel), but Kim says she can do what she likes in the squat.
SCOTT: I really loved you, Kim.
KIM: Yeah. Look, if you want to have sex with me, it's OK, you know.
Scott looks shocked and says he'd better get home. She thanks him for the money.
Jim and Helen are playing backgammon when Scott comes in. He says he won't see Kim again - she's changed and is no longer the same person. He looks very upset.
Des comes in and tells Eileen straight that he's got her a new home - he's rented her a unit since she can't go back to her house in Perth. He won't live under the same roof as Eileen any more. He says Eileen can visit when she's invited.
Eileen starts to say that Daphne is behind this, but Des isn't having any of that - it's his decision.
DES: Have you had anything to do with this disgusting campaign against Daphne? Now come on - I want to know.
EILEEN: It's got nothing to do with me, honestly, Desmond.
DES: But you know who it is, don't you.
EILEEN: I promised Carol I wouldn't say anything!
DES: It's Carol Brown. Right. We'll sort her out later.
He takes Eileen offto see her new home.
Maria turns off the television so that Shane and Danny can talk to him. Shane says that it was the local championships at the pool today and they had a go. Danny shows Max a trophy - he won.
Des tells Daphne that she's definitely not moving out - this is her home. Daphne says she's already found a flat.
DAPHNE: This place is not big enough for me and your mother.
DES: I agree. So my mother's moving out. She's in her room right now, packing. I've rented her a unit. We've just been to see it.
DAPHNE: What?! Can you afford it?
DES: Well, I'll be in debt up to my eyeballs...but it's worth it!
There's a knock at the door.
DES: That will be Mrs Brown.
He walks purposefully to the door. He opens it. Daphne is just off out, so she leaves Des to it.
Des sits Carol down and tells her that he knows she wrote the notes about Daphne and did the graffiti etc. Carol admits it, saying someone had to do something to save the neighbourhood. Des rants at her and says her methods have no morality at all.
DES: You're a self-righteous bigot. And if I hear one more disgusting note, one more phone call, one more of your vicious attacks against Daphne, and I'm going to the police. Now get out of this house!
He slams the door behind her.
I sit in shock at Des being so masterful. What a guy!



Episode title: 0025
Australian airdate: 19/04/85
UK airdate: 28/11/86
UK Gold: 04/12/92
Writer: David Phillips
Director: Greg Shears
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Eileen wants Daphne to move out.
Danny tells Max that he's won the local diving competition.
Des puts Carol Brown in her place over her hate campaign against Daphne. He throws her out of the house.
Eileen is listening to Des's tirade in shock from behind her bedroom door.
Max does not look pleased that Danny has won his trophy. Maria tells him to be happy for Danny. Danny and Shane come in and Max ignores Danny's greeting.
Danny's Room
Danny is very upset that Max wanted him to blow the competition. Shane says he just needs to think about the positives - that he won.
DANNY: Shane. I didn't do it for myself.
Danny has come round to see Des. They chat about Max. Danny says he doesn't know what to do - he only got into diving for Max and Shane and now Max has kicked him. Des says his mother is awkward too. Des says Danny has to start looking after himself.
DANNY: Wish I had a girlfriend.
DES: Join the club.
Danny says that he and Scott have got a bet going about Des and Daphne(!) Des says that nothing's going to happen there - Daphne's got a great social life, but he's not a part of it.
Shane is looking at Danny's trophy when Max comes in. He tells Max he should have told him about training Danny. Max says grudgingly that Shane did a good job with Danny. Shane says he really enjoyed training Danny - he's proud of him. Max asks Shane if he thinks he could go on with coaching - in general, not just Danny. He says it would be good for Shane to have a future in the sport.
Max tells Shane to put Danny's trophy in his room. (Shane's are openly displayed in the living room)
Maria comes in and rants at Max for making both boys miserable. Max says the boys have done well. Maria wants Max to tell Danny that. Max shouts that now Shane and Danny are training together, he has been pushed out. They don't need him to train them anymore. Maria says that that boys are growing up and he has to let go.
MAX: But where does that leave me?
MARIA: It leaves us. Doesn't it?
Max walks off.
Julie is telling Paul that she likes Danny, but thinks he is his own worst enemy. Scott shouts at her for putting Julie down, but Helen intervenes when Jim comes in, saying he need peace. Jim moans that the lawns haven't been mowed and Scott says the mower is broken.
Helen comes in to talk to Jim. She tells him that he has *got* to stop thinking about Anna. Jim wants to do it his own way though.
Des is reminiscing about his school days - his mate tried to talk him into going round the world with him, but Eileen talked him out of it.
DES: Ever since I can remember, women have been running me ragged.
Danny says that it would be amazing to go round the world.
Daphne and Father Barry come in at that moment. Father Barry congratulates Danny on his win at the diving competition. Des tells Daphne that he has to talk to her urgently, but she says she has to talk something over with Father Barry first. She takes him off to her room.
Des invites Danny to stay for dinner, but Danny says he'd better get home or Max will be cross.
Daphne's room
Daphne is talking to Father Barry about a girl at the squat. She asks him to handle it as she's working tonight. They also chat about Danny and Daphne stiffens at the mention of Shane. She's clearly very annoyed with Shane. She says that she's not chasing him - she's got self-respect.
Ramsay Street
Daphne is walking out when a girl runs out. Danny stops her running into the road. Carol Brown comes out and shouts at Danny for handling her child(!) She says she'll talk to Max about it and also threatens to call the police! (The woman is a nutter!)
Des is burning toast and listening to the radio. He's also managed to boil an egg.
Daphne's room
Des brings Daphne breakfast in bed and sits down on her bed to talk to her. She opens her eyes sleepily as Des opens the curtains. He says he's been trying to talk to her for 24 hours. Daphne tries to snuggle back under her covers, but Des is determined!
DES: You're the one who always brings home the visitors and I'm the one that feels like a lodger. My love-life is shot to hell and enough is enough! Hmmm?
DAPHNE: What time is it?
DES: Quarter to eight.
DAPHNE: Quarter to eight? Do you know what time I got home this morning? OUT!
She tells him again to get out and when he doesn't she throws some of her breakfast at him!
There is a frosty atmosphere at the Ramsays this morning. Everyone is silent at the breakfast table. Max offers Danny a lift to school and Danny declines.
Maria says that Danny should apologise to Mrs Brown. Danny says he didn't do anything. Maria says she knows he didn't, but an apology would help. Danny refuses, saying Mrs Brown should apologise to him. Shane agrees - Mrs Brown is crazy - and she's the one who ran the hate campaign against Daphne.
Shane is very angry with Max - he heard him on the phone to Mrs Brown last night and he didn't back Danny up. Maria tells him not to judge his father, but Shane isn't having this - Max is treating Danny badly. Maria says that Max is very disappointed about his life after Shane's accident.
Scott is looking for clean shirts and Julie is trying to get in the bathroom.
Jim calmly eats breakfast among the mayhem. Scott asks him if he has any work going for Danny, but Jim says things are a bit tight at the moment.
Ramsay Street
Scott catches Danny up. Danny tells him things are awful at home with Max. Danny asks about the work, but Scott tell him there isn't any with Jim. Danny is disappointed.
OUtside the Ramsays
Shane is heading off at a run - he tells Paul he's going to see about a part-time coaching position at the pool.
Julie sees Des and asks him for a lift, saying her car is playing up. Paul says in surprise that her car isn't playing up but Julie shushes him.
Paul sees Father Barry and asks him what he's doing today. Father Barry says he can't discuss it.
Garden of the Robinsons
Jim and Max are trying to fix the lawnmower. They reminisce about their schooldays. Jim says he's heard Danny is looking for a part-time job. This is the first Max has heard of it.
Shane comes in and tells Maria that he's got the job at the pool - it's only twenty hours a week, but it's a start.
He tells Maria that he's thought about things and says that he and Danny can't live their lives around Max's hangups. Maria asks Shane to be patient. Shane says that Max is trying to keep Danny down and he can't let him - he's his brother and deserves more. If Shane doesn't stand up for him, no-one will. Maria smiles.
Outside Des's
Des has given Julie a lift home and send her straight off home - he wants to speak to Daphne.
Des storms in to talk to Daphne but she rather takes the wind out of his sails by presenting him with a beer and apologising for what happened that morning. She says she's been worrying about it all day - she has swamped Des. Des is rather takenaback as Daphne goes on to thank him for sorting out the business with the poison pen letters. Daphne says that from now on, the house will run for Des's convenience, not hers. Also, she'll sort out Des's social life.
DAPHNE: OK. Your turn.
Des is speechless and can't do anything but sip his beer!
Helen is making Jim and Max a cup of tea as Paul tries to raid the fridge. She asks him to take a book over to Mrs Brown - she doesn't want Mrs Brown to have an excuse to come over to see them(!) Paul groans.
Ramsay Street
Paul is crosses to Number 30 with the book for Mrs Brown. He finds her two children sitting on the front steps. One is very young - barely more than a baby. The older child, Josie looks upset and Paul goes into the house as scary music plays.
Paul goes into the house and finds Mrs Brown unconscious on the floor.



Episode title: 0026
Australian airdate: 22/04/85
UK airdate: 01/12/86
UK Gold: 07/12/92
Writer: David Phillips
Director: Russell Webb
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Danny is upset that Max isn't happy about him winning the diving trophy.
Maria tells Max that the boys are growing up and he has to let go.
Danny stops Carol Brown's little girl running into the road. Her mother isn't pleased.
Paul find Mrs Brown unconscious.
Paul runs in to get Helen. She gets Jim and Max.
Max and Jim have lifted Carol off the floor - she's dead drunk. Helen says that she's take the kids over to their place to look after them.
Danny's room
Maria tells Danny that she's proud of him for winning the trophy. Danny says he only did it to show Max that he could do it. Maria asks Danny not to sell Max short. Danny tells Maria to find him some proof that Max is at all interested in him - Shane is his golden boy, not Danny.
MARIA: I want to stop what's happening in this family.
DANNY: Then stop sitting on the fence, Mum.
Danny says that sooner or later Maria will have to make up her mind who's side she's on.
Front Garden of the Robinsons
Scott is playing what looks like Swingball, but it is tied to a washing line! He and Danny head off. He tells Danny that he's seen some jobs going at a supermarket, so they go to have a look.
Scott tells DAnny about the situation with Mrs Brown.
Jim is trying to find a phone number for Ted Brown in the Yellow Pages. Jim says she doesn't understand why it's their responsibility. Helen is surprised that Jim has become so cold.
Maria offers Max a drink, but he says that Carol's drunkenness has put him off! They have a glass of wine together though. Max says he thinks Carol was probably drunk when she shouted at Danny. Max thinks Danny won the diving trophy to spite him, but Maria says Danny just wants Max to be proud of him. Max says he'll have a chat with Danny when he gets in. Meanwhile, they'd better find a place for Danny's cup (aww!)
Julie is moaning about Mrs Brown's kids staying with them. Helen says you can't just ignore people with problems.
Paul is on the phone leaving a message for Father Barry. He says the Daphne is helping out. Julie surprised that Daphne is so involved.
Julie asks Paul if he thinks there's anything going on between Des and Daphne. Paul says Julie should ask them. He mocks Julie about asking Des for a lift to work. He says Julie should play it straight with guys.
Daphne is dressed up in a riding outfit ready for work. Des is quite appreciative(!) Des is looking through his little black book for potential dates. Suddenly he decides to ring a girl called Rita. A man answers the phone. It turns out that Rita is married. Des hangs up quickly.
Lucy is fed up of playing with the Brown children. She tries to ask Jim a question about school but he won't listen.
LUCY: It's OK, Gran. Julie told me about Dad's mid-life crisis.
Just then the door-bell rings and Helen answers it to Mrs Brown - she's come to pick up her children. Helen asks her how she is. She says she's angry because people have barged into her house and taken her children. Helen points out that they were only trying to help, considering the condition Mrs Brown was in. Mrs Brown says she was just having a dizzy spell(!) and Helen's lucky she didn't call the police!
Later at the Robinsons
Paul answers the door to Father Barry. He shows him into his and Scott's room.
In the kitchen, Lucy is grilling Helen on what's wrong with Mrs Brown.
HELEN: She apparently has dizzy spells.
LUCY: Then why did Paul say to Julie she was "smashed"?!
Helen says that Lucy isn't to repeat that to anyone.
They go on to talk about what Lucy wanted to talk to Jim about. Lucy says it doesn't matter.
Paul and Scott's room
Paul tells Father Barry about Mrs Brown and her alcoholism. Father Barry has been visiting Mrs Brown recently so he is concerned. He tells Paul that things are heavy round at Mrs Brown's. He says he'd better get round there. Paul says to let him know if he can do anything.
Number 30
Father Barry has called around to see Carol. He asks her sharply if there is alcohol in the house. She insists she hasn't touched a drop. Father Barry says that for the sake of her children she has to do something - and her husband is worried about the children. Mrs Brown continues to insist that it was a dizzy spell.
Daphne comes in and throws her cowboy outfit on a chair. Just then there's a knock at the door. It's Julie, much to Daphne's surprise. To her even greater surprise, she invites Daphne to come and play tennis at her club. She says that Daphne and Des could play mixed doubles. Daphne says that she can't speak for Des because they lead separate lives. Julie looks very pleased at this. Daphne says that she and Des are just friends.
Max is waiting up for Danny to come in - it's 12:10am. Eventually he come in and tells Max that he's been working - stacking shelves at the supermarket. Max rants about Danny being up late on a school night and not telling them where he is. Max yells that Danny is grounded. Danny says he should just lock the door and throw the key away(!)
Helen is asking Lucy about the problem at school again and Lucy says it's fine. Helen explains that Jim has been working very hard recently, but that's no reason for the family to stop talking to each other. Lucy says wisely that some things you just have to work out on your own!
Scott runs in in a panic and says that Jim has to talk to Max - he won't believe that Danny was working at the supermarket last night. Jim says he's not butting in on the Ramsay family. Scott isn't pleased.
When Scott has stormed out, Helen says that it's about time Jim starts communicating with his kids again - they don't have a father or a mother at the moment. Jim says he can't help the way he feels. Helen tells him to stop feeling sorry for himself. Jim says that some things you need to work out on your own.
Des has given Julie a lift home again. She tells Des that they never get the chance to talk these days. He invites Julie in for five minutes. She says she can't, but she's free for dinner tomorrow. Des is puzzled why Julie's car hasn't been fixed yet(!)
Danny is looking at his speakers in the window. Just then they see Mrs Brown staggering past unsteadily.
A road
Mrs Brown is mugged. Danny sees her on the floor and races over to help. She starts screaming that Danny is mugging her. He and Scott panic and run.



Episode title: 0027
Australian airdate: 23/04/85
UK airdate: 02/12/86
UK Gold: 08/12/92
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Danny sees Mrs Brown being mugged and rushes to help. But she is so drunk she thinks Danny is the mugger. Danny panics and he and Scott run.
A Park
Danny and Scott are still running until they collapse under a tree out of breath. Scott asks Danny why they are running away(!) Danny says he freaked out when Mrs Brown thought he was the mugger. Scott says that this is going to look bad.
The police have come to see Max and Maria about Danny.
Outside the Robinsons
Jim sees the police car outside Max's house. Helen comes out and asks him what's going on. Jim says it's probably overdue parking fines!
Helen has come to talk to Jim about Lucy - there's something she won't tell Helen. She wants Jim to have a go.
Max comes up with the police.
MAX: Better go inside, Jim. Danny and Scott are in trouble.
The Park
Danny and Scott don't know what to do. Scott suggests going back and just telling the truth. Danny says it's his word against Mrs Brown's - no-one else saw what happened. Danny is very agitated though and says that Mrs Brown hates his guts. Danny said maybe Scott could be his witness. Scott says lying will only make things worse. But eventually he agrees.
Max says that Mrs Brown is a bit of a troublemaker who has it in for Danny. Max defends Danny to the hilt and Helen defends Scott. The police say that they'll just have to speak to the boys.
Just then the both boys come in. They ask them about the incident with Mrs Brown. They say that Danny and Scott will have to come down to the police station and answer questions about robbery with assault.
Police Station
Scott gives his full name as "Scott James Ramsay".
Danny is already in the questioning room and has told them the whole story - including him freaking out and running. The police want to know where Danny got the money he has on him - Danny tells him quite truthfully that he's been saving up for it while working in the supermarket. Max backs him up - Danny has been saving up for at least six months. Mrs Brown is apparently formally accusing Danny of being the mugger.
Max tells the police that it wasn't Danny. But the police says that Danny has some criminal mates.
Danny eventually comes out of the questioning room and Scott goes in.
Scott is telling the police about looking in the window of the speaker store. Then he tells them that he saw Mrs Brown on the ground and Danny tried to help her up. Then Danny freaked and ran. He said he ran because he panicked when Mrs Brown started yelling.
The police say that both boys will be charged and fingerprinted. He says it's the boys' word against Mrs Brown's and it's up to a magistrate.
Jim and Scott arrive home. Helen is shocked to hear they've been charged. She's shocked at Carol Brown's behaviour. Jim tells Scott off for getting into trouble, saying that Danny Ramsay attracts trouble.
HELEN:(to Jim) Sometimes I think I don't know you at all.
Max is being very supportive of Danny. He says he'll have a word with Carol Brown. Danny and Shane head off to bed.
Maria apologises to Max - he's handled the situation really well. Max says that he won't let some drunk drag his family through the mud.
Danny's room
Danny says that maybe Mrs Brown did make an honest mistake. He's really surprised that Max stuck up for him at the cop shop. Shane says that he has told Danny before - Max is on his side.
DANNY: Looks like I've been wrong about Dad. I tell you, Shane - I'll make it up to him.
Number 30
Max has come to see Mrs Brown. He says he'll sue her if she makes false accusations. Carol Brown yells at him and shuts the door in his face.
Danny's room
Shane wants to know about the local criminals the police mentioned. Danny says that he was with a couple of guys from school at the pinball parlour once when the cops came in and hassled them. He was just with them, he didn't do anything wrong. Shane tells him that the magistrate may think badly of Danny anyway.
Max comes in and tells Danny that there's new rules - he'll be taking him to school and Shane will be bringing him home. He says that until the business is sorted out, Danny and Scott are marked men - anything that goes wrong in the neighbourhood will be pinned on them. So he's keeping Danny in for his own protection. Danny thinks about it and says that's fair enough.
Number 30
Carol has called the police to report that Max Ramsay has been threatening to sue her. They also ask her if it's possible that she's made a mistake about the identity of her attacker. She says there is no mistake. When the police have gone, she smiles wickedly to herself.
Max tells the police that he was just having a word with Mrs Brown so they could settle things privately. The policeman tells him to stay away from Mrs Brown or he could make things worse for Danny.
When the police have gone, Max tells Maria that they need a good lawyer. Maria thanks Max for fighting for Danny and being so calm.
Jim comes round and Max tells him that they need a good solicitor - they could use the same one for both boys. Max says they'll have to bring up Mrs Brown's drunkenness in court as a defence.
Shane is just off to a coaching clinic in town. Danny thanks Max for backing him up. But Max tells Danny that he's only doing this so Maria's heart won't be broken.
Scott hasn't slept very well - he's been dreaming about the incident. He lets slip that he didn't see the incident. Jim says that Scott is stupid for lying to the police. Scott insists that Danny didn't do it. Jim says he'll have to tell the police. Scott begs him not to.
SCOTT: What about Danny?
JIM: To hell with Danny.



Episode title: 0028
Australian airdate: 24/04/85
UK airdate: 03/12/86
UK Gold: 09/12/92
Guests: Marilyn Temple: Kassie McLuskie
Leo Mason: Justin Gaffney
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Scott lies to the police that he saw the mugging incident.
Max has a go at Mrs Brown.
Jim realises that Scott has lied to the police. He rings them to tell them.
Julie is filing her nails in the kitchen, much to Lucy's dismay. Julie says tells Helen that she's having dinner with Des tonight.
LUCY: Paul says you've got the hots for Des.
HELEN: Lucy! What Paul means...
LUCY: I know what Paul means. I'm not stupid!
Julie says she could murder Paul sometimes.
Helen tells Lucy that while she was in the shower, Mrs Thornton rang to see if Lucy was going to the fancy-dress party. Helen told her Lucy would be. Lucy isn't pleased, much to Helen's surprise. She says she doesn't want to go.
Helen tells Julie that something has been worrying Lucy lately and now she's stumbled on it.
Robinsons - Living Room
Jim says that they'll stop off at the police station on the way to school so that Scott can change his statement. Scott isn't pleased that Jim has told the police.
Des is making breakfast for Daphne. He's trying to be quiet but he stubs his toe. He goes into his room to shriek about it(!)
Daphne comes in from her aerobics class, much to Des's surprise - he was trying not to wake her(!) Daphne says that her new aerobics teacher is gorgeous.
Daphne offers to cook dinner for Des and Julie tonight. He is very pleased. He's still flicking through his little black book - from now on, it's romance without strings! Daphne suggests Des asks Julie for an update on what the girls in the little black book are doing. Daphne says she'll cook something really "special" tonight.
Julie is all dressed up to have dinner with Des. Helen is quite surprised, saying she thought Julie had given up on Des.
Max comes round to see Jim - he wanted to know why Scott changed his statement. Jim says he had no choice once he found out. Max says that now the boys haven't got a leg to stand on.
Julie has turned up for dinner. She's very pleased to see Des has set the table nicely, but she's not very pleased when she hears Daphne has done it(!) Daphne is just off to work, telling Des that all he has to do is take the food out of the oven.
DES: Isn't she a great girl?
JULIE: Er...yes. She's wonderful.
Julie tells Des that she's glad they've got the place to themselves. Des says he has something very important to tell Julie tonight. Julie looks pleased!
Shane has come to have a chat with Max about Danny. Max says that there's nothing to talk about. Shane says that Danny feels awful because Max doesn't believe he didn't mug the woman. Shane says he believes Danny. Max says it makes no difference. Shane is angry.
Danny's bedroom
Shane and Danny are talking through the mugging incident. Shane says tomorrow he'll go down to the shopping centre and ask if anyone saw the incident. Danny is going to see Scott to find out if he dobbed him in on purpose(!) He tells Shane to cover for him.
Scott's room
Danny comes in through the window. He shouts at Scott for dobbing him in. Scott says that he made a mistake - he's a lousy liar. They say that they're both gone now - especially Danny who might get locked up.
Des and Julie drink a toast to old friends. Julie says that Des has had a rough time lately and she hasn't help him much. But Des wants to talk about the future. He starts asking her about his past girlfriends and acquaintances. Julie is rather puzzled as she answers his questions. Then he explains that he's trying to get his social life back on the rails(!) Julie is not pleased. Des says that Daphne thought Julie could help him go through his little black book.
As Julie is seething, Daphne comes in. Julie goes off home saying she feels a bit tired.
When Julie has gone, Des smiles and tells Daphne innocently that Julie was the ideal person to talk to about his little black book!
Julie comes in crying. She says Des humiliated her and explains about his little black book. She says that Daphne put him up to it.
Ramsay Street, the following morning
Shane and Daphne meet while jogging. They exchange cordialities.
Daphne comes in from jogging. Des is on the phone to Marilyn (Julie's friend at the bank). He invites her to come to dinner at his place and she accepts. Daphne tells Des that she has someone coming over herself tonight. Des says he can't take Marilyn out - he's broke. Daphne says she'll cook and they can all eat together.
Danny's room
Shane is going to go door-to-door on the street of the mugging. Danny suggests asking Father Barry and Daphne if they've heard anything on the grapevine from the squats. Danny tells Shane that he's off his head for not going out with Daphne.
Lucy tells Julie that she looks awful(!)
LUCY: How did it go with Des? Did you do it?
HELEN: Lucy, what do you mean?
LUCY: You know!
Helen tells her to eat her breakfast! Then she asks if Lucy has spoken to Jim about her problem yet.
LUCY: Let's face it, Gran. I don't think Dad's interested in talking to me anymore.
Marilyn has arrived, but Daphne's date isn't there yet. Marilyn comments how nice the house if looking since Daphne moved in. Daphne's date, Leo Mason arrives. Marilyn recognises Leo, saying she used to go to his aerobics classes. A bit of a frosty atmosphere descends.
Max asks Shane how his detective work went. Max tells Danny that things aren't looking good. Max says that Danny will have to plead guilty - if he pleads innocent they'll probably lose.
The conversation at Des's is not going very well. Daphne asks why Marilyn stopped going to aerobics classes, but she is unforthcoming.
Scott's room
Lucy has had a nightmare, and now Scott is up. He tells Helen that Jim isn't being very supportive of him.
The conversation is now even more stilted. Marilyn and Leo decide to leave. Leo offers to give Marilyn a lift home.
Daphne closes the door and she and Des start to laugh.
Helen tells Jim that Lucy has had a nightmare. He doesn't seem very interested. Helen thinks it has something to do with the fancy-dress party. Jim says he has more important things to worry about.
HELEN: Don't you worry, you've made your point. You've been making it ever since Anna left.
JIM: I don't want that subject discussed. I thought I made that clear to you.
Helen follows Jim into the kitchen and starts ranting at Jim - he's been awful to the kids recently. Helen says that if Jim keeps wallowing in self-pity, he'll wake up one morning and find all his children are strangers.



Episode title: 0029
Australian airdate: 25/04/85
UK airdate: 04/12/86
UK Gold: 10/12/92
Guests: Father Barry: Wayne Cull
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Scott and Danny think they're both going to be convicted.
Helen tells Jim straight that he'd better stop wallowing in self-pity or he'll wake up and find his children are strangers.
Scott and Paul's bedroom
Paul offers Father Barry his help. Father Barry says that it's a huge commitment - and he's got a tough job in mind for Paul. It's Mrs Brown - she's well on her way to becoming a full-scale alcoholic. Father Barry needs help to keep the family together. Paul isn't sure - she's laying charges against Scott. But eventually he agrees.
Just then Scott comes in. When Father Barry has gone, Scott says he was listening outside - he thought Paul was on his side. Paul says he is, but that Mrs Brown needs help.
When Paul has gone, Danny climbs in through the window. He tells Scott that the lawyer told Max that Danny should plead guilty. He doesn't want to though. But he says that Scott is probably going to be off the hook. Scott isn't sure though - if their own fathers won't believe them, why should the magistrate?
Jim tells Helen that she's right - he's been wallowing lately. Helen says that she did go overboard a bit. Jim says that'll it will take him quite a long time to get over Anna, but he won't make the family suffer any more.
Danny's bedroom
Danny climbs back in through his window and finds Max waiting for him. He yells at Danny. He says he's been next-door but Max doesn't believe him. Maria tries to calm Max down. Danny yells that he and Scott are on their own - neither Max or Jim are supporting them. Max is so angry he goes to hit Danny but Maria and Shane stop him.
DANNY: I hope they lock me up and throw away the key! Because anything would be better than this dump!
Jim asks Lucy about her fancy-dress party. Lucy says she's not going. Jim says she can understand that - fancy dress parties always scared him. But once he was there it was fine. Lucy says that Jim didn't go school with Janette Riley the creep. She says that Janette has been picking on her, saying Lucy is going to look stupid. Jim says that if Lucy goes and looks great, that'll be one on the nose for Janette Riley.
Just then Father Barry calls round. Jim asks him about finding a costume for Lucy that no-one will laugh at. Helen has some ideas but Lucy says she's out of date! Lucy asks what Jim went as. He says he went as a tramp!
Father Barry and Paul head off.
Jim tells Lucy that she can't let the Janette Rileys of this world run things. Lucy quite likes the idea of a tramp.
Scott and Paul's room
Jim tells Scott that he's been giving Scott a hard time over the business with Mrs Brown - he apologises for talking to Scott like he's guilty. But he'll support him from now on. Scott asks Jim to talk to Max on Danny's behalf.
Number 30
Father Barry has brought Paul round to see Mrs Brown. She isn't pleased to see Paul but eventually relents. The house is a bit of a mess and she says he husband is asleep. Father Barry wants her husband to be part of the discussion. Mrs Brown starts to cry and says her husband didn't come home last night. She cries that she wants him back. Father Barry says that Mrs Brown has to make the first step - her drinking is the main reason for their separation. Father Barry explains that Mrs Brown is an alcoholic and they can't help her until she asks for it.
Mrs Brown asks why Paul is even there when she is charging Scott. Paul says that he's willing to help and he only lives down the road. Mrs Brown insists that she isn't an alcoholic.
FATHER BARRY: Until you can accept it, we can't help you.
He and Paul leave. Paul tells her he's just a phonecall away.
When they've gone, she takes a bottle out of the cupboard and starts to empty it into the sink. But then she pours some into a glass and drinks it.
Lucy is dressed up as a tramp and agrees to go to the fancy dress party. Jim admires her costume.
In the kitchen, Paul and Father Barry are having a cup of juice. Paul says that he always thought drunks were dirty old men in gutters - not housewives and teenagers. He says that in this case Father Barry should get someone else, because he doesn't like Mrs Brown. Father Barry says it doesn't matter - this work is about being bigger than your own petty likes and dislikes. He tells Paul to think about it.
Ramsay Street
Jim and Max are having a stroll. Max says that Danny's word isn't good enough for him. He tells Jim that Danny has been sneaking out at night to meet Scott.
Garden Fence between the Robinsons and the Ramsays
Scott and Danny are chatting about their situation. Danny is not optimistic that Jim will talk Max round.
Maria says that Danny should not be talking to Scott. Danny is upset that Max doesn't believe his story. He says that if Danny could be put away without Max looking bad, he'd do it.
Mrs Brown rings Paul up. She's crying and says she needs to talk to someone.
Danny's bedroom
Danny looks at his diving trophy. He drops it into the bin. Then he gets a bag from his cupboard and starts packing it.
Lucy is back from that party and has won second prize!
Jim is talking to Scott in the kitchen. He is telling him off for meeting Danny secretly. He says that he doesn't believe Scott's non-involvement any more.
Number 30
Mrs Brown tells Paul that her husband has been to the house and he took the children away with him. She was out cold in the bedroom at the time. She's asking Paul for help with her alcoholism, so she can get them all back. Paul says it won't be easy and it won't happen overnight, but he can arrange for her to see someone.
Mrs Brown asks Paul to take her to the police station first. She tells him that she had a phonecall today. She didn't loose her purse when she was robbed - she lost it in a bar that afternoon. She just didn't remember. If she was wrong about the purse, she might have been wrong about Danny Ramsay. She wants to tell the police that. Paul thanks her.
Lucy's room
Lucy is worried that Jim and Scott are yelling at each other again. Helen tells her not to worry and get some sleep. Lucy hugs Helen and bids her goodnight.
Scott's room
Danny comes in through the window - he's come to get the $2 Scott owes him because he's running away. Scott says Danny was right about parents - Jim isn't supporting him any more.
SCOTT: Will you wait for me in the park? I'm coming with you.



Episode title: 0030
Australian airdate: 26/04/85
UK airdate: 05/12/86
UK Gold: 11/12/92
Writer: Chris McCourt
Director: Russell Webb
Guests: Mick: Nick Bufalo
Geoff: Bobby Driessen
Shop Keeper: Ron Pinnell
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Mrs Brown says she's going to drop the charges against Danny - she was drunk at the time and may have been mistaken.
Danny and Scott decide to run away.
Jim and Helen are having a quiet evening. Jim tells Helen that Scott deserved him yelling at him. He'll talk to him in the morning. Helen says that Jim has had a dream run with Scott so far - he has to expect a few bumps. Jim says he's never had any trouble with Scott before.
HELEN: He's a teenager, Jim! You should be grateful he doesn't sniff glue.
Paul rushes in saying he's got the best news ever - Mrs Brown is dropping the charges. Scott is in the clear. Jim is very relieved. Paul says that Scott hasn't had much moral support around the house - Jim could have done more. He goes off to tell Scott.
Scott and Paul's room
Paul goes to tell Scott the good news, but he's gone. There's a note saying he and Danny have run away.
JIM: Scott. Danny. God knows how Max is going to take this.
Danny's bedroom
MAX: Damn fool kid! I don't know why I bother with him half the time!
Jim says that he and Max have given the boys a pretty hard time. Max says he'll break every bone in Danny's body when he gets home!
Ramsays - Kitchen
Helen and Maria are having a glass of wine. They are both worried about the boys, but Helen says after a few nights they'll come home to their own beds. Maria says that at least the boys are together.
Max is ranting that Danny has taken Shane's sleeping bag with him. Maria tells Max that Danny was very upset when Max wouldn't believe he didn't mug Mrs Brown.
Helen and Jim excuse themselves.
Max tells Maria that he feels like giving up on Danny. Shane comes out and Maria tells him that Danny and Scott have run away.
The Countryside, the following morning
Danny and Scott and cycling down a country road, having slept in a ditch. Scott says that Jim wouldn't even talk to him.
Julie is worried about Scott. Paul is reading the paper rejectedly and ignoring Jim. He tells Jim that it's Jim's fault Scott has run away - because he didn't trust him. Julie tells Paul to stop going on at Jim. He tells her to belt up.
Julie fusses over Jim and he rolls his eyes.
Max is just heading out to install a central heating system. They chat about Danny. Max is unrepentant about his part in Danny running away. Maria rants at him for always being down on Danny. She starts to cry and says that Danny is her son and she wants him home safe and well - Max is behaving like he's glad to be rid of Danny. She says he never tells or shows Danny that he loves him. If Danny doesn't come back, it's Max's fault.
The Countryside
Danny and Scott are still cycling when Danny gets a puncture and falls off his bike. It's a really big puncture and they don't have a patch big enough. Scott says they'll have to hitch and see if they can get a ute, so they can put the bikes in the back.
Later in the Countryside
Scott and Danny are not having much luck hitchhiking. They still have 20kms before the next town.
Scott eventually manages to wave down a red car. The blokes inside put their bikes on the top of their car and give them a lift into town.
Maria is telling Helen that Max really doesn't like Danny.
MARIA: He doesn't like Danny, he never has.
HELEN: Does he suspect?
MARIA: No, not on the surface. But I'm sure part of him knows.
Maria thinks that's why Max shuts him out. Helen is confident that Scott will come back once he's rung and they can tell him he's in the clear.
Paul is off to meet Shane to look for the boys. He's hoping they might be in a squat somewhere. Maria tells him that if he does find Danny, he should tell him that both she and his father love him.
But Maria is not sure this last part is true. Helen doesn't think the Paul's chances of finding the boys are very good - they'll just have to wait until the boys want to come back.
Red car
Scott and Danny are in the back of the car having a lift into town. They explain why they're running away.
Shane and Paul are just going out - Shane is going to miss his coaching tonight. Max thinks Shane is out of his mind, he might lose his job. Shane says tha Danny is more important.
Julie is round getting some stuff for Helen. Max says that Danny is probably having the time of his life!
When Julie has gone, Max says he can't understand why everyone is so worried about Danny.
Red car
Scott asks the blokes to drop them off at the garage. They thanks the blokes for the lift. They pull in and Scott and Danny get out. They go to get their bikes off the top, but the blokes drive off taking their bikes and their bags with them.
Later at the garage
Danny and Scott are trying to work out what to do. They only have $15 between them. They see an advert in the garage window about farm work and decide to follow it up. They ask the owner about it. He says that it's for the Forbes' farm - but they're real battle-axes. It's Scott and Danny's only option though.
Helen thinks that Scott and Danny will call once they run out of money. Jim is feeling bad about not trusting Scott. Julie says that Max is much worse - this afternoon it was almost like he was glad Danny was gone. Jim says it's just tension talking.
Maria tells Max that they have to talk. She wants to know why Max doesn't love Danny like he loves Shane. Max says he doesn't know - he wants to, but he doesn't seem to be able to get close to him. It's been that way ever since he was a baby.
MARIA:(nervously) Have you ever wondered why?
MAX: Course I have. I'm not a monster, you know. I mean, he's just difficult, that's all.
Max pauses and says that that's not the only reason. Right from the start, he was never really sure that Danny was his. He was only born nine months after Maria came back to him.
MARIA: I knew that was the reason.
There is a long pause.
MAX: Well? Is Danny my son? ...Is he?
MARIA: ... No.



Episode title: 0031
Australian airdate: 29/04/85
UK airdate: 08/12/86
UK Gold: 14/12/92
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Scott and Danny have run away.
Maria tells Max that Danny isn't his son.
A long silence descends.
MARIA: I'm sorry, Max.
MAX: Why didn't you tell me before?
He is nearly in tears as he tells Maria that she's lied to him for sixteen years. Maria says she was afraid to tell him. She knew Max didn't like Danny and thought telling Max would make things worse.
Max starts ranting - who is Danny's real father? - someone fancy, with an education?
MAX: I always knew you didn't think I was good enough for you.
MARIA: That's not true!
MAX: True? You wouldn't know the truth if you fell over it.
Max stands up angrily.
MAX:(emotionally) You don't know what you've done to me.
He storms out.
Maria has come to see Helen, in a great state of agitation. Julie and Jim are also there but Helen sends Julie away.
MARIA: It's happened. I told him the truth.
Jim doesn't know what she's talking about but Helen knows immediately.
MARIA: Max has walked out on me.
JIM: What do you mean 'walked out on you'? Where's he gone?
MARIA:(tearfully) I don't know.
JIM: But why?
Maria tells them that they had an argument and they walked out. Jim is confused. Helen asks Jim to go and look for Max.
When Jim has gone, Helen sits Maria down.
MARIA: I shouldn't have told him. Shouldn't
HELEN: Why did you?
MARIA: Because he asked me. He finally asked me and I couldn't just lie anymore.
Helen says it's no consolation, but it might be better in the long run. Maria thinks Max could live with the suspicion, but he can't live with the truth.
Ramsay Street
Max is leaning against his car when Jim comes up. He says Maria told him Max had walked out on her.
JIM: Well, have you? Or is this just a gentle stroll around the block?
MAX: Go away, Jim! This has nothing to do with you.
Jim protests that he has Maria in his house almost in tears. Max nearly starts crying too, but he holds himself together.
MAX: Alright! How would you feel if your missus had suddenly turned round to you and said, 'You know your son? Sorry, pal. He's not your son at all'
JIM: What?
MAX: How would you feel, Jim?
Jim is shocked. Max reminds Jim of the time they separated all those years ago - it must have happened then.
Max can't believe that Maria has hidden this for sixteen years. He tries not to cry again.
Jim asks if Max will give Maria a chance to explain.
MAX: Are you kidding? I know how babies are born, mate. I don't need an explanation!
Max says it's weird - one minute it's pretty good and then it just falls apart. Max doesn't know what he's going to do. Jim advises Max to talk to Maria - he knows she loves him. Max says he'll need to think about it for a while.
Maria is sitting on the sofa when Max comes back in. She says she was afraid he wasn't coming back. He says he's come to give her a chance to explain.
MARIA: Max. I couldn't bear it if you stopped loving me. All these years ago when we separated.
MAX: When you left me.
Maria says that Max is still Danny's father as much as anyone could be. Max says that he's wondered about Danny for years and rants that Maria should have told him. He says he doesn't trust Maria any more - if she could tell such a lie for sixteen years, any other lie would come easily too.
Just then, Shane and Paul come back. They haven't found any trace of Scott and Danny - they must have gone out bush. She sends them through to get a beer.
MAX: Have you thought about what it's going to do to him?
Garden of the Ramsays
Shane and Paul wonder what's going on inside. Shane says maybe now Danny has gone, Max has started yelling at Maria instead(!)
They chat about their missing brothers.
Jim tells Helen he can understand why Max is so upset, and he's surprised at Maria. Helen says Maria made a mistake. She doesn't know what will happen to their marriage now.
JIM: The trouble is, Max has always had this thing about not being good enough for Maria. This is only going to rub salt into the wound.
HELEN: He must have suspected.
Jim looks at Helen knowingly and says that Helen has known all along. Helen says that she couldn't tell Maria's secret.
Just then Paul comes in and reports that there's no news about Scott. Paul tells Helen privately that Jim doesn't seem to worried about Scott. Helen says Jim is very worried, but isn't showing it because he feels guilty. She asks Paul to go easy on Jim.
Maria and Max are sitting in silence. Max tells Shane not to miss any more coaching sessions. Shane says it isn't a bit deal - he just rescheduled one session. Max says he wants Shane to get ahead in his career. Shane starts going on about Max not being very nice to Danny.
MARIA: Shane, not now.
Shane tells them that he knows something is going on, but Maria says things are just a little bit tense at the moment. Shane decides to go to his room for a while.
When Shane has gone, Max says that Maria is destroying Shane's life as well.
Maria asks Max not to make things even worse, but he says she deserves it.
Lucy is being a bit sulky. Julie says that she understands why Jim is yelling a lot at the moment - because Scott has gone. Jim looks surprised.
Scott and Paul's room
Julie has come to ask Paul to stop picking on Jim. Paul says Helen has already asked him that. Julie says that Scott has been very irresponsible by running off. She's worried about him though.
Julie asks Paul again what's going on next-door, but he doesn't know.
Maria is getting breakfast for Max. Shane comes out and finds things are still very tense - Maria is crying over the toaster. Shane asks if Maria is sick.
Shane asks again what's going on, but Max tells him to give it a rest.
Lucy picks up the phone and rings up a boy called Simon.
LUCY: Simon? This is Lucy Robinson. I just called to tell you something. You may think that all the girls in the class are after you, but here's one who isn't. So do me a favour - drop dead.
Helen overhears this exchange with amusement.
HELEN: Who's Simon?
LUCY: He thinks he's a sex symbol, but really he's a nerd.
Lucy tells Helen that Simon is a boy in her class. They've walked to the bus stop a few times. But yesterday he ignored her and went with Becky Kelly. He even carried her schoolbag!
HELEN: Good heavens!
Helen said she thought things had changed since she was young. A boy did a very similar thing to her when she was young.
HELEN: If we'd been on the phone, I'd love to have done to him what you just did to Simon.
LUCY: Yeah, well I did tell him what I thought of him.
HELEN: You certainly did!
LUCY: Gran? I didn't really phone him. I only dialled the first three numbers and pretended.
Max has cancelled his job for this morning - he's decided to do his acocunts instead. Maria wants to talk to Max rather than shouting or silence. Max says he can't talk about it until he's thought it through. Maria starts to cry again. Max tells Maria that he can't think things through if she keeps nagging him.
MARIA: I don't think I can cope if you keep on the way you are.
MAX: Well you should have thought of that before you behaved like a whore!
Maria runs out.
Maria has come to see Helen. She tells her she's at her wits end - Max refuses to talk to her. She hasn't been given a chance to explain what really happened, but she says there's no excuse. Helen asks if Shane knows - Maria says she doesn't know if Max will tell him. Helen says that blaming herself won't help. She advises Maria to give Max more time. Maria says that Max is a good man at heart - even though he yells and screams all the time.
MARIA: I can't bear the thought that I've hurt him.
HELEN: Yes, you have hurt him. Now he need reassurance. He needs to know how much you still love him.
Maria says she'll try again. She gives Helen a hug.
Maria comes back in to find Max in the living room.
MARIA: I've been thinking...I have no right to try and push you into talking about what's happened. You're entitled to deal with it any way you like, Max. But I want to say - I do love you and I always will.
MAX: Don't, Maria. I've been thinking too. Thinking what it'd be like in a week. How I'd feel in six months, in six years, even. And the thing that keeps coming up is - no matter what, I could never, ever come to terms with it. And that being the case, there's not point us living together any more. I want out, Maria. The marriage is over.



Episode title: 0032
Australian airdate: 30/04/85
UK airdate: 09/12/86
UK Gold: 15/12/92
Guests: Mrs Forbes – Gwen Plumb
Birthday Boy – John Adams
Summary/Images by: Tracy F/Karen (Katie)
Max is asking Jim, “If you knew you son wasn't yours, how would you feel?"
Maria and Helen are chatting in the kitchen and Maria is visibly upset. She says that Max finally asked her and she couldn't just lie anymore.
A van pulls out and Danny and Scott get out. They are going to get their stuff out of the back and the van drives off leaving the boys unsuccessfully pursuing it on foot.
Max explains to Maria that he can't go on living with her anymore, he wants out, and the marriage is over.
Maria says she understands how Max is feeling but asks if it what he really wants. It's all he can cope with at the moment. He says he'll move out. Maria thinks it's unfair that he move out, but he insists. When will they tell the boys? Max wants to tell Shane tonight, and they can tell Danny when he gets back. Max is sure he'll be happy about it anyway.
Forbes` Farm
The boys turn up at the gate of an old farmhouse after been told at the local shop that the old lady who owns the farm, Mrs Forbes needs labourers. They've been told she is an old hag. She approaches them and asks them if they've worked the land before. Of course they have. They're hired. They introduce themselves as Scott and Danny Jones.
No 24
Shane is home and tells his mum about how his coaching business is taking off. Maria is happy for him; he deserves to be a success after all he work he's put in. Helen arrives and Maria asks Shane to put the ironing away for her, but it's really an excuse to get him out of the room. Helen asks if the war is over. Oh yes, says Maria. Helen is pleased until Maria explains it's over because Max is moving out. Helen hugs her and tells her to fight, but she says she has no weapons. Will Helen keep the news to herself until Shane is told? Of course she will.
Forbes Farm
Mrs Forbes shows the boys the barn where they will be living. She tells them the pay is $40 per day each and they get paid only when the job is completed. They are going to be digging a manure pit and it's hard graft.
The boys are digging away but not making much of an impression on the dry hard land. Mrs Forbes arrives and explains she is going out. Danny says she's definitely an alcoholic and will be off to the pub.
No 24
Maria tells Max that a client called about her central heating. She gives him the details and he thanks her. He can't expect her to keep taking messages for him, he'll hire an answering service, but Maria insists he should save the money and she will continue to take his messages. Max is very calm and very polite. Maria says it's not too late to change his mind.
Forbes Farm
The boys are still digging when Mrs Forbes returns. She gives them more instructions, the hole needs to be wider. She picks up Scotts watch which is on the ground with the boys shirts and reads the inscription on the reverse, it's his name and telephone no.
No 28
Daphne tells Shane and Des that she has a job later on in the evening. Shane doesn't seem too interested and Des asks him what is wrong. Daphne tells Des to leave off, Shane is worried about Danny. Des says that at least Max isn't on his back whilst he's away. Daphne says that Des shouldn`t say that, but Shane says its ok and everyone knows what his dad is like. He makes his excuses and goes home.
Forbes Farm
The boys are wrecked, but still plan the evening ahead. They'll go to the local pub, they look 18, no they look 19, 20, they'll definitely get served. Mrs Forbes brings dinner and asks questions about the boys. Danny is gutted to find the dinner is corned beef, which he hates but he's so hungry he'd eat a boiled horse,
No 28
Des enjoyed the tea Daphne cooked them, and compliments her. Daphne explains there's more to a woman than cooking, which he agrees with. She doesn't fancy working tonight but needs must and she needs the rent money. Des offers to drive her, but she won't hear of it. He insists.
Outside the party house
Des doesn't like the look of the house, he doesn't want her to go in, but she does anyway. He sits in the car for a few minutes then walks towards the house.
Forbes Farm
The boys are still planning their evening and Danny reckons they will definitely get some girls as they are cool city boys. Scott doesn't reply and when Danny checks he is fast asleep.
At the farmhouse Mrs Forbes is looking at the phone number from Scotts watch. Her thoughts are interrupted by a call from the sister at the hospital Her hubby Ned has had a turn. She's really upset and will be in to see him tomorrow.
No 24
Maria and Max wait for Shane. Max isn't happy that he has been over at that tart Daphnes house. Maria wants to know what they will tell him. Max says they'll say they grew apart and need some time away from each other. Shane arrives and senses an atmosphere. Is everything alright. No answer. Shane goes to bed. Maria asks why Max didn't say anything and he blows up at her saying that it isn't easy, it's all her fault and he'll never forgive her for this.
The party
Daphne wants her fee for the party, but the birthday boy wants more first. Daphne says no and then Capt Courageous bounds in and the guy is punched. Daphne's is none too pleased with Desmond…………



Episode title: 0033
Australian airdate: 01/05/85
UK airdate: 10/12/86
UK Gold: 16/12/92
Writer: Chris McCourt
Director: Mandy Smith
Guests: Mrs Forbes – Gwen Plumb
Birthday Boy – John Adams
Summary/Images by: Tracy F/Karen (Katie)
Forbes Farm
Danny and Scott ask Mrs Forbes why they are digging the hole, what`s it for. She announces it`s a manure pit, and to keep digging.
No 24
Helen asks Maria how things are with Max. It`s over announces Maria, which Helen took to mean the feud and says thank goodness for that . Maria then explains that Helen has misunderstood. It`s over between her and Max.
Outside the Stag party
Des is hiding at the side of the house whilst watching Daphne and party boy outside the front door. Daphnes asks for her $40 fee, but party boy wants extras. Daphnes refuses and demands her cash. Just then Des appears on the scene to save the day and defend the maidens honour. Back at no 28 Daph makes it clear she didn`t want to be rescued. Des cost her $40 and she hasn`t a chance in hell of getting it back. Des apologises and says he was looking out for her, but Daphne says he was spying and guess what, that $40 was her rent money. Des apologises yet again.
Forbes Farm
The boys are asleep in the barn when Mrs Forbes arrives with breakfast. The boys groggily ask her the time, it`s 6am, and it`s time for brekkie as she wants them out working by 7am. Mrs Forbes leaves and Scott asks Danny whats for brekkie. Gruel Danny announces, yum.
No 24
Max and Maria discuss telling Shane about their impending split. Maria insists that if Max is leaving Shane should be told as soon as possible. She gives Max the option to stay if he wishes, making it clear it`s not what she really wants. Max is adamant, he wants a separation, and they will tell Shane, but he knows it won`t be easy.
No 28
Daphne is having breakfast when Des joins her. She`s still sulking and Des offers yet another apology saying he will see party boy and get the money for Daphne. Julie arrives and Daphne leaves the room. Des then confesses his actions of the previous night to Julie, who finds the whole thing quite amusing. She knows the type of work that Daphne does and maybe Des should be careful. He says he`ll see the bloke and get Daphnes money back, but Julie thinks he`s brave as the bloke might hit him. Des looks a little thoughtful.
Forbes Farm
The boys are in the kitchen of the farmhouse with Mrs Forbes and she asks them what they are running away from. Nothing they say, but she doesn`t buy it, she knows they are running from something and she`s not bothered unless they are running from the Police. They say they aren`t running from the law, just an abusive father who knocks them around. When the boys leave to return to work, Mrs Forbes picks up a scrap of paper and dials a number.
No26/Forbes Farm
Jim answers the phone. The woman on the other end asks him if he has a boy called Scott. Yes he does, is he ok. Mrs Forbes assures him he is fine, does he have a boy Danny. Jim asks after Danny too, yes they are both fine according to Mrs Forbes, but they won`t be home yet because they are working on her farm and they`re not finished. She won`t leave her name or where she is, but tells Jim they are fine and not to worry.
No 24
Jim tells Maria of the mysterious call and that the boys are fine. She is relieved and asks Jim if Helen told him about her and Max. He knows they`re having problems. Maria says that in view of what is going on, she is glad Danny is still away and that he doesn`t have to face up to what`s happening at home. She thinks that Max may want to tell Danny why they are splitting up and that Danny will hate her for it.
Forbes Farm
Mrs Forbes asks the boys about their dad. The boys say that he seems nice to everyone else, but it`s a front.
No 24
Paul helps Maria with her groceries, and they chat about the boys. Maria is obviously preoccupied and says she can manage with the rest of her shopping, and thanks Paul.
No 26
Jim is under the sink trying to fix a leak. Paul wonders why they don`t ask Max, but Jim insists he can fix it. Paul isn`t convinced, he thinks it`s still leaking but never mind. He apologises to Jim about his behaviour earlier.
No 24
Max arrives home. Maria tells him that Danny is ok and Max is pleased and obviously relieved. He says he`ll go and collect Danny but Maria explains he can`t, they don`t know where the boys are. She says she wasn`t sure he would care about the news of Danny. Max is furious, of course he cares, he raised the boy, just because of what happened between the pair of them doesn`t mean he doesn`t love Danny.
No 28
Daphne is on the phone to party boy demanding her cash, but to no avail. In walks Des, all cheery, and announces that he had a talk with party boy and he`s got her $40 fee. Daphne laughs and says that`s strange, she just rang him and he flatly refused to pay up. Des fesses up that he didn`t dare see the guy and that the money was his. They make up. Shane arrives and apologises for leaving early the previous night, but he was worried about Danny
Forbes Farm
The boys discuss the hole. Is it big enough?. Yeah they think it is. Mrs Forbes pulls up. She inspects the hole and declares it fine, it`ll do. Can the boys have their money now they ask. Not until they fill it in. They`re lucky the manure is bagged up. She drives away and the boys figure she`s off to the pub. They decide that they might go to the pub and pull a couple of country girls.
No 24
Max and Maria want to talk to Shane. They tell him about their decision to separate and say it`s because they have drifted apart. It`s been happening for a while now, but now the boys are older they feel they can handle it better. Shane can`t believe it, he yells that it is the silliest thing he has ever heard. He is stunned...



Episode title: 0034
Australian airdate: 02/05/85
UK airdate: 11/12/86
UK Gold: 17/12/92
Writer: Chris McCourt
Director: Mandy Smith
Guests: Mrs Forbes – Gwen Plumb
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Maria wants Shane to know the truth.
Mrs Forbes wants the manure pit dug by Saturday.
Danny and Scott finish the pit, but Mrs Forbes insists it isn't finished.
Max tells Shane that he and Maria have decided to separate. Shane is stunned.
Max says that he and Maria have grown apart. Shane demands to know if Max has met someone else, but Max says he hasn't. Max tells Shane that it's not sudden - they've been thinking about it for a long time. Shane is very upset and tells Max he's throwing away 21 years of marriage. He storms of to the pub.
Max tells Maria that now Shane knows, he'd find it easier if they didn't sleep in the same room.
Shane is on the verge of tears as he tells Daphne about the marriage break-up. He doesn't think Max and Maria are making any effort. Daphne tries to calm him down, telling Shane that Max and Maria aren't trying to hurt him on purpose. Now Shane has to accept their decision. Shane can see Daphne's point of view, but still thinks the decision is wrong.
SHANE: God knows what it's going to do to Danny.
Mrs Forbes' Place
Danny doesn't think Mrs Forbes will ever pay them. He says he's got an idea - they could take the money out of her purse. Scott says it's stealing, even if she does owe them money. Danny reckons Mrs Forbes is the type to hide money under her mattress. He calls Scott a wimp and says he's going to do it.
Danny goes towards the house with Scott trying to stop him. He makes Danny see reason - anyway, the house is all locked up.
Just then, Mrs Forbes drives up so they start heaving sacks again.
Julie is cleaning up and offers Jim a coffee. Max comes round to do some plumbing. Jim tries to get rid of Julie.
JULIE: Are you trying to get rid of me?
JIM: Yes!
Max tells Jim that telling Shane went worse than he thought - but at least they're not pretending any more. Jim asks Max if he's rushing into things - maybe with a couple of weeks break he might change his mind. But Max thinks a clean break is best.
Danny's bedroom
Shane is sitting on Danny's bed. He tells Maria he doesn't know how Danny will take the news of the split. He asks Maria if she still loves Max. She says in a lot of ways it does, but it's not good enough anymore. Shane doesn't understand, but Maria says the split will be better for everyone in the long run.
Mrs Forbes's house
Mrs Forbes gives Scott and Danny a drink of lemonade. Apparently the manure is so that she can grow strwaberries next year.
Danny asks when they're getting paid and Mrs Forbes says there's 3-4 hours of sack heaving yet. Scott is starting to like her(!)
Julie is insulted at being sent out of the room while Jim talked Max. She tells Jim that she knows something is going on and wants to know. Jim tells her she is not to gossip, then tells her that Maria and Max are splitting up. Julie wants to know why and starts asking lots of questions. Jim tells her sternly to mind her own business.
JULIE: What if she wants someone to talk to?
JIM: Well, if she does, it won't be you!
Max says that money will be a bit tight for a while with him taking on a flat. Maria offers to get a job, but Max says that it's his decision to leave, so Maria shouldn't have to change her life too much. Max says he's going to look for somewhere fairly close.
MAX: Well. I suppose that's it.
Maria says she needs to prepare herself for what they'll tell Danny. Max says there's no point telling him anything different from what they told Shane.
MARIA: Thank you for that. I really appreciate it.
Julie and Lucy are making a collage of the map of Australia. Daphne comes round looking for Helen with a recipe, but she isn't in. Daphne says she'll come back another time. Daphne looks at Lucy's map and Lucy offers Daphne to help. Julie tries to send Daphne away, but Daphne sits down and starts telling Lucy all about the Northern Territory. Julie gets mad and starts shouting at Daphne that she's taking over.
Jim comes in through the back door and Julie moans that she's always told off for interfering, but whenever other people do it it's "helping".
Jim tells Lucy that Julie is just going through a difficult time at the moment - Lucy didn't do anything wrong.
LUCY: Paul's right. She's emotionally immature.
Daphne looks very amused.
Maria is trying to make a cake, but is getting shell in the mixture with the eggs. She starts to cry. Just then, Shane comes in and sees her crying. He gives her a hug. He wants to know if there's anything Maria can do to stop Max from going. Maria says there isn't.
Mrs Forbes' place
Scott and Danny have finished their work, but as they are washing themselves off the police arrive. Danny wants to leg it, but Scott won't go until he's been paid!
The Constable tells Mrs Forbes that "he's dead". Mrs Forbes says she's been expecting it. The policeman gives her her husband's belongings. She starts to cry a bit and goes into the house.
The policeman drives off, much to Scott and Danny's puzzlement as they haven't overheard the conversation.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
Mrs Forbes is sitting at the kitchen table, crying. She tells Danny and Scott to go away. They come in and tell her they've finished the work. They realise she is upset and ask if she's OK. Mrs Forbes gives them the money they're owed. Then she shouts at them to get out.



Episode title: 0035
Australian airdate: 03/05/85
UK airdate: 12/12/86
UK Gold: 18/12/92
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Mrs Forbes is told by a policeman that her husband has died. She is upset. She gives Scott and Danny their money for the work and tells them to get out.
Outside Mrs Forbes' place
On their way out, Scott and Danny meet a bloke who tells them that he's heard Mrs Forbes' husband has died.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
Mrs Forbes is looking at her husband's possessions when Scott and Danny come back. Scott tells her rather awkwardly that they've heard about her husband. Danny offers to make her a cup of tea and she accepts gratefully. She looks a photo of herself and her husband, tearfully.
Des comes in and tells Daphne he's been offered a promotion with the bank - in Canberra! But Des says he's really happy living in the Ramsay Street house with Daphne, but the promotion could lead to and even bigger promotion. He'll have to consider selling the house.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
Mrs Forbes is showing Scott and Danny some photos and has cheered up a bit. She tells them stories about when she and her husband were young and they used to wind up the neighbours. She starts to cry again. Scott asks if Mrs Forbes has any relatives, but she hasn't. She tells the boys they'd better go home, it'll be getting dark soon. Scott asks her if they can have their job back for a while longer.
Daphne is sad that Des might be selling the house - she'll have to move on yet again.
Shane comes round for a bit of company - he's still upset about Max and Maria. Des is surprised to hear the news and tells Shane he's really sorry. Shane says they won't tell him what it's all about - even though Max yells a bit, he always thought his parents were happy together. Shane says that everything seems to be changing suddenly.
A door-to-door salesman bloke is doing the hoovering when Paul comes in. He's trying to sell Helen the hoover. She agrees she'll talk to her son-in-law and call him tomorrow. Then she shows him out.
When the salesman has gone, Helen tells Paul that Jim has gone to the school to explain about Scott. Paul asks if Jim is upset about Anna. Helen says that you never get over someone you truly love, but now Jim will have to try to put Anna behind him - now that she's married to someone else. Paul tells Helen that the family is lucky to have them. He wishes Scott would come home so they can all be a happy family again.
Mrs Forbes' place
A bloke has come to see Mrs Forbes. He tells Scott and Danni that he buys up farm machinery and old antiques - he wants them to get him a bargain. Scott suggests he waits until after the funeral.
Mrs Forbes herself comes up at that moment and tells the bloke he'd better get lost or she will get her shotgun out. He heads off.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen.
Mrs Forbes is sitting at the kitchen table, upset again. She tells Scott and Danny that she's been for an early-morning walk, but it isn't the same without her husband. Danny and Scott start cooking breakfast.
Daphne says that maybe it will be a good thing if Des goes to Canberra - she's spoiling him too much! She says that if the money's good and he can get a good deal, he should go for it. As long as he thinks he can find happiness in Canberra, he should go for it. Des kisses her on the cheek.
DES: I'm glad I've met you, Daph!
DAPHNE: Me, too.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
The funeral director is there. He asks Mrs Forbes if she prefers burial or cremation. The whole funeral will cost $1200. Mrs Forbes says she doesn't have that sort of money. The funeral director says he'll see what he can do.
Helen has bought the hoover after all. Shane comes round and Helen invites him to admire it(!) She invites Shane to stay for lunch.
Shane asks Helen bluntly if she knows why Max and Maria are splitting up. Helen says that whatever the reason, it'll come out in due course. Shane tells Helen that Max and Maria split up once before, when he was four years old - Helen would know why it happened back then. Helen glosses over this saying that his parents didn't really split up, Maria just wanted a bit of time on her own. Besides, Maria came back again. Shane doesn't know if Max will come back.
Des comes in to find Daphne doing the ironing. He tells her that he's made his decision about Canberra - he's decided to accept the job.
Daphne tells Des that she'll really miss him. Des says he'll have to sell the house. Daphne says it isn't a problem, although she really does love the house. Suddenly she says that there's no need for her to move - she could get a loan to buy the house herself! Des says that he'd have to talk to the bank manager - Daphne would need a deposit and a job. He says he'll talk to the manager, but Des doesn't look very keen on the idea.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
Mrs Forbes is cleaning the kitchen floor when Danny comes in. He tells her that they're off to fix the fence. Mrs Forbes seems to have gone a bit crazy and doesn't recognise Danny.
Chicken Yard at Mrs Forbes' Farm
Danny tells Scott that Mrs Forbes is off her tree - she can't even remember who he is. Danny tells Scott that he wants to move on. Scott goes to see for himself.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Mrs Forbes is sitting at the kitchen table again when Scott and Danny come in. She show them a photo of her husband and starts telling them the same stories as she did yesterday. Mrs Forbes doesn't recognise them and picks up her shotgun. She aims it at Scott and Danny.



Episode title: 0036
Australian airdate: 06/05/85
UK airdate: 15/12/86
UK Gold: 21/12/92
Writer: Reg Watson
Director: Colin Budds
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Daphne asks Des to ask the bank manager if she can have a loan to buy No.28.
Helen tells Paul that Jim will have to put Anna behind him now that she is married to someone else.
Mrs Forbes goes a bit crazy and threatens Scott and Danny with a gun.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
Scott tells Mrs Forbes calmly that she has a very old gun. She says quite good-humouredly that it is. She seems to recognise them now and tells them to go back to work.
Danny is petrified and wants to do a runner, but Scott says they can't leave Mrs Forbes on her own. Danny thinks they should call a doctor. Scott says it might just be a temporary thing. Danny says she might need professional help. Scott says OK, but they'll wait until after the funeral.
Julie comes in and Helen shows her her new hoover. Julie is in a mood - Des has been offered a job in Canberra. Paul overhears and is dismayed. Julie says that Des is very important to "the bank" (yeah right, Julie!)
Des comes round and Helen congratulates him on his promotion. Paul wants to know what's going to happen with Daphne. Seeing that Julie is earwigging, Des takes Paul off outside.
Ramsay Street
Des tells Paul that Daphne wants to buy the house - but he can't front the manager and ask him for a loan for a stripper who is living in his house.
PAUL: Oh, well, if that's the problem, maybe you should just come clean to Daphne and tell her that you're ashamed of her.
Des splutters and says that he thought Paul would understand. Paul says that he isn't being a very good friend to Daphne. He tells Des he's very disappointed in him.
Des comes in and tells Daphne that he hasn't seen about the loan yet. Daphne says it's just as well, she has been working out the money she'll have to pay every month. Des says that it's a lot of money. He agrees to see the manager in the morning.
The Bank, the following morning
Mr Arnold calls Des into his office. His son Greg is already there - he's starting work there today. He asks Des to keep an eye on him.
Des asks Mr Arnold if he can talk to him later about a new client. He goes off to show Greg around.
Front desk at the bank
Des is introducing Greg to the staff. He is clearly a bit chauvinistic and perves at Julie and Marilyn.
Mr Arnold's Office
Des has told Mrs Arnold that Daphne is an "entertainer". With further probing, he is forced to admit that Daphne is a stripper. Mr Arnold wants to know how a stripper has come to be in the market to buy Des's house. Des says that Daphne is a friend of his, and he wouldn't be recommending her if he didn't have confidence in her ability to repay the loan. Des admits that Daphne is his lodger.
MR ARNOLD: Are you telling me that as an employee of this bank, you are living with a stripper?!
DES: Well, that's not exactly the way it is, Mr Arnold.
MR ARNOLD: Then tell me, exactly, how is it?
Front desk at the bank
Marilyn is showing Greg some of the books. He is more interesting in perving though.
Marilyn tells Julie quietly that she thinks Greg is a creep. Julie says that first impressions aren't always right.
Greg comes up and perves on Julie a bit. He invites her out to dinner and she accepts.
Mr Arnold's Office
Mr Arnold says that Des is sharing a house with a woman of doubtful morals. Des protests that they have a landlord-tenant relationship. Apparently Mr Arnold has been on to head office and says that Des has a too permissive attitude in his private life - it casts doubt on Des's character. They're reconsidering him for the Canberra position. Des gets cross and tells Mr Arnold not to push his luck, or he'll threaten him with legal action. Des stalks out.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
Scott and Danny are dressed up ready to go to Mrs Forbes' husband's funeral. Mrs Forbes is dressed up too. She is quite touched by Scott and Danny coming along to the funeral.
Mrs Gough is gossiping to Helen about Max Ramsay - she says she's never really liked him, but that Maria is a credit to her country(!) Helen says that Maria is Australian, just like them.
The phone rings and it's Julie ringing from the bank. Helen tells Julie that Mrs Gough is there. Julie groans and says that Mrs Gough is a dreadful gossip. She tells Helen that she won't be in for dinner because she's going on a date.
Helen tries to get rid of Mrs Gough, but she won't stop gossiping - this time about Daphne!
Eventually Mrs Gough heads off. Helen shuts the door behind her, saying "Good riddance" quietly to herself.
From a distance, we see a short service going on. There are only a handful of people there as the coffin is lowered into the ground.
Mrs Forbes cries as she puts flowers on to the coffin, telling her husband that she loves him.
Mrs Forbes' kitchen
Mrs Forbes, Scott and Danny are having a cup of tea. She can't understand where Danny and Scott their shirts and ties from. Scott tells her that they went to the shop this morning. She is quite touched that they spent some of the money they earned on clothes for the funeral.
There's a knock at the door and it's a Mrs Oakley. Apparently she lives about a mile or so down the road. Mrs Forbes says she doesn't like strangers. But Mrs Oakley says she's come to see if there's anything she can do - she's so sorry to hear about her husband. Mrs Forbes goes a bit batty again and says that her husband will be home soon.
Scott offers Mrs Oakley a cup of tea. Mrs Forbes introduces Danny and Scott. Suddenly she remembers the funeral and starts to cry again. Scott suggests that she has a lie down.
Mrs Oakley tells Scott that Mrs Forbes needs help. Danny quickly says that Mrs Forbes is their aunty and they are looking after her. Mrs Oakley says that Mrs Forbes needs professional help.
Paul and Helen are washing up. Jim comes in and tells Helen that he's busy at work. Helen tells Jim that Julie has gone out on a date with a chap from the bank. Jim says it's a shame about Peter Kirk, he thought he was right for Julie. Helen mentions that Mrs Gough called round to catch up on all the gossip!
A letter has come for Jim from an Estate Agent. They want Jim as a reference for Max Ramsay in renting one of their apartments. Jim says he was hoping it would blow over, but it looks like Max is definitely leaving Maria after all.



Episode title: 0037
Australian airdate: 07/05/85
UK airdate: 16/12/86
UK Gold: 22/12/92
Guests: Mrs Forbes: Gwen Plumb
Mrs French: Kate Jason
Detective Conway: Peter Tandy
Old Man: Ernest Wilson
Spinster: Cheryl Ballantine
Waiter: David Armstrong
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Danny tells Scott that Mrs Forbes needs professional help. Scott agrees, but says they'll wait until after the funeral.
Jim gets a letter asking him to be a referee for Max Ramsay in renting a flat. It seems that Max is going to leave Maria after all.
Greg and Julie are having dinner. Julie starts to talk about work, but Greg is more interested in finding out if Julie has a boyfriend or not.
Greg tells Julie that Des might not get the Canberra job because he lives with a stripper.
Ramsay Street
Shane is helping Max to load up his van. Jim comes up and tells Max he thinks he is making a mistake in moving out. Max takes offence and says he's moving this morning.
Max is writing his address down on a pad for Maria. He asks her to take any calls that come in from customers.
Shane gets upset as Max prepares to leave. He starts ranting that noone is doing a thing to stop Max from walking out of their lives.
SHANE: Look, it can't be mum, she's never looked at another man.
Shane also says that Danny will be upset. Max says it has nothing to do with Danny or Shane, it's between him and Maria. He leaves.
When Max has gone, Shane rants at Maria that she and Max are like a couple of kids with their lousy secrets. Maria says she can't tell him the real reason - it would make things worse for everyone.
Max is just moving in. He bumps into the concierge who tells him she hasn't had time to clean his prospective flat yet. Max goes into the flat. It's full of empty grog bottles and is dark and dingy. Also, the road outside is very noisy. Max sits resignedly down on the bed. Then he suddenly realises there's a woman sleeping in the bed!
Outside Max's bedsit
The concierge is having a row with the girl who was sleeping in the bed(!) She tells her to get out.
WOMAN: Living in this hole is enough to drive anyone to drink. I can't wait to get out of here!
Shane is reading the paper distractedly. He decides to go out. Before he does he has another go at Maria about having secrets. Maria tells him that things are bad enough without Shane carrying on.
SHANE: I don't know what this is doing to you, Mum. But I know what it's doing to me.
Shane stalks out of the front door. Helen comes in the back and finds Maria crying at the sink. She doesn't know what to do - she feels so lonely without Max. Helen tells her the first thing to do is get dressed up - she is taking Maria to the pictures. They really have to make the effort to get out. Maria is worried about leaving Shane alone, and also she's promised Max she'll be there for him to ring at 6pm about work calls. Helen won't have any of this and says that Max can just ring back later!
Max's bedsit is slightly more presentable now. An old man knocks his door and tells him to watch out for the concierge - if she takes a dislike to you, you might as well move out. Then the bloke invites himself in and sits down. He explains that he used to have that room, but he couldn't stand the smell(!)
Eventually he wanders off leaving Max shaking his head.
A few seconds later, the concierge comes round to see if Max has any complaints. He hasn't. He picks up the phone in the hall to ring Maria. But there is no answer at the Ramsay house. Eventually Shane comes out of his room and answers the phone. He reads out a message Maria has left about work jobs. Shane says that Maria has gone to the pictures. Max says he'll call back tomorrow. When he turns back to his room, he realises he has locked himself out(!)
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Mrs Forbes has started cooking again - she's making dinner for Scott and Danny. She asks him what he wants to do with his life, but he doesn't know yet. She tells him that farms are a waste of time these days. Danny says definitely not going to be a plumber like his old man. But he's not going home - ever. Mrs Forbes says she has a message for them, but she can't quite remember. Apparently someone said it was "all right". But she can't remember.
Ramsays, the following morning
Shane and Maria are having a very quiet cup of tea. Shane says that he gave Max the message. He's still obviously very upset about the breakup.
The phone rings and Shane answers it - it's a call for Max. Shane tells the caller he isn't there.
Shane has come to look for Max. He knocks on the door with some trepidation. Max comes out of the shared bathroom and Shane gives him a message about a plumbing customer.
Max offers Shane a cup of tea as Shane looks warily around the room. He tells Max that he can't live in the bedsit - it's horrible, and besides, he owns the Ramsay house. Max says it has nothing to do with Shane. Shane walks out, not waiting for his cup of tea. Max tries the kettle, then the light and realises the electricity is off. He tries to open the curtain and it comes away in his hand.
Front garden of the Ramsays
Jim and Maria chat about Danny and Scott. Jim says he's had a phonecall from the police - he thinks they might have had some news.
Police station
The police have found Scott's wallet. Apparently they found it on a girl they picked up last night. Apparently they shot through with the boys' clothes and money.
The police think Danny and Scott could be anywhere by now - even in the Northern Territory.
Mrs Forbes' place
Danny is worried about Mrs Forbes's mental state. Just then she appears and tells them to get back to work.
When Mrs Forbes has gone, Danny tells Scott that sometimes Mrs Forbes is lucid and sometimes she isn't. But Scott likes it on the farm. Danny admits he does too. Scott says it's the closest thing they have to a home at the moment, they'd better make the best of it. It's not like they can go home - the police are looking for them. Scott thinks they can make a go of it on the farm, and look after Mrs Forbes as well.



Episode title: 0038
Australian airdate: 08/05/85
UK airdate: 17/12/86
UK Gold: 23/12/92
Writer: Reg Watson
Director: Colin Budds
Guests: Nick Burman: Vic Hawkins
Mr Arnold: John Murphy
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Jim asks Max to reconsider moving out. Max tells Jim it's none of his business.
Max leaves the Ramsay house. Shane is very upset.
Scott tells Danny they can make a go of it on the farm - they can't go home because the police are looking for them.
Shane rants at Maria for keeping secrets.
Helen hears Jim coming and quickly hides a hat under a cushion. She pretends to be relaxing when Helen comes in. She tells him that a bloke called Nick Burmond called round to see him. Jim sees the hat and decides to play a joke on Helen, He pretends that he isn't pleased and says Helen should have told Nick he was overseas. Jim says he owes him money, and when he comes back, Helen should tell Nick he's out and isn't coming back! Helen looks very worried!
Just then Nick comes out of the bathroom. Jim greets him cordially and says he's very pleased to see him. Jim apologises to Helen - he explains that he and Nick are old mates from school. He's a pilot now and doing international routes now. Nick asks after Maria and Max, but Jim is evasive. Nick says he always wanted Maria for himself(!) He says that Max is a lucky devil!
Max's bedsit
Poor old Max comes into his bedsit. He has tidied it up a bit, but it still looks dreadful. He looks around, sadly.
Maria is cooking dinner. Shane is sulking in front of the television. Shane apologises to his mother and suggests that they eat in the lounge for a change.
Max's bedsit
Max tries to cut a tomato in half. He fails.
Nick is giving presents to Jim and Lucy. Lucy gets French perfume! She is very pleased.
Nick tells Jim that he's never had a family and he's married to the airline now. The last time he saw Jim, he's just got engaged to Anne. Anne would have been very proud of Jim for bringing up four kids on his own. Jim says he couldn't have done it without Helen.
The Bank
Greg has reprogrammed the computer badly. Des is attempting to rectify it, with no help from his manager who thinks his son Greg is wonderful! Julie is defending Greg, saying that it's Des's fault, not Greg's. Des says that Greg hasn't got a clue. Julie accuses Des of trying to get back at Mr Arnold for the tension between them lately(!)
The manager comes out and tells Julie to stop bickering. He also has a go at Des about the computer. Poor old Des!
Max's bedsit
Max gets a beer out of the fridge. He turns on the radio, but it doesn't work very well. He opens the beer and says, "Cheers" to no-one in particular.
Shane and Maria have had a nice meal, in stark contrast to Max. Maria asks Shane to help wash up, but Shane says the doctors have advised him to avoid strenuous activity(!)
Jim and Nick are talking about old times and old friends. Helen invites Nick to stay for dinner. Julie comes in and moans about the bank. She doesn't see Nick, but then Jim introduces her. Lucy shows Julie the perfume that Nick gave her - he's brought one for Julie too! Nick offers the girls a ride in his hire car - a Mercedes.
When the girls and Nick have gone, Jim wonders if he should have told Jim about Max and Maria. Jim says that he thought Nick would Maria marry at one point but Max beat him to it. That's why Jim thinks Nick went overseas. Jim thinks Nick is lonely and is looking for something to complete his life. That's why he's come back to Ramsay Street.
Max's bedsit
Shane calls round to see Max. He is doing his invoices, but puts them down to talk to Shane. Shane says he's come to ask Max to fix the tap by the back door. Max says it's Shane's job now and he'd better get used to it. Max gives Shane a beer and asks him cheerfully what he's been up to.
The Bank
Des is still working on the computer program. Greg is making out that it's all Des's fault. Des says Greg has rewritten the program badly. Greg says that Des just finds it easier to blame someone else(!) Greg starts going on about Daphne. Des tells him he's had enough - he's trying to get away with murder because he's the boss's son. Des tells Greg he is a useless, incompetent idiot (Go Des!) Des says if he had his way, Greg would be out.
Mr Arnold comes back and says that Des is just bitter about turning down Daphne's loan application!
Max's bedsit
Max and Shane are having a good laugh and a catch up. Suddenly Shane starts talking about the split, but Max tells him to leave it alone. Shane reluctantly agrees. He heads off. Max says he hopes things won't change between them just because Max doesn't live at home any more. He gives Shane advice on how to fix the tap.
Shane heads off. Max looks very sad to see him go.
Nick is back from taking the girls for a ride in his car. Nick wonders where Scott and Paul are. Jim says that Paul will be home soon, but Scott is "away" at the moment. Nick twigs that Scott has run away from home. Jim doesn't want to talk about it.
Nick decides to head off to see Max and Maria. Julie tells him that Max and Maria have split up - and very recently. She says Jim wouldn't have told him because he doesn't like to talk about other people's business. Nick goes straight over to see Maria(!)
In the kitchen, Helen serves up dinner, but Nick has gone over to the Ramsays. Jim and Julie are nowhere to be seen and Paul still hasn't arrived home.
HELEN: Lucy, go and wash your hands. And I hope you're very hungry!
Maria is washing up when there's a knock at the door. She's stunned to see Nick on her doorstep and invites him in. They hug. Nick says that Maria hasn't changed a bit.
Nick tells Maria that he's heard about her and Max. He thinks Max is crazy and asks Maria what happened. She doesn't want to talk about it, but does say that she didn't want Max to go. Nick says to give it time - Max will come round eventually. Maria says Max is too proud - whatever they had is all gone. She starts to cry in Nick's arms.
Just then, Shane comes in. He is shocked to see Maria hugging another man.



Episode title: 0039
Australian airdate: 09/05/85
UK airdate: 18/12/86
UK Gold: 24/12/92
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Maria finds Nick, an old friend, on her doorstep. She tells him about Max and starts to cry. Shane comes in and is shocked to find her hugging another man.
Lucy hasn't finished her homework and is late for school. Julie gossips to Lucy that Nick used to be in love with Maria years ago.
Helen tells the family that she's going to the theatre with Maria tonight, so they'll have to fend for themselves.
Nick comes in. He sits down with Jim. He asks why Jim didn't tell him about Max and Maria. Jim says it's best to keep out of other people's business. Jim heads off to work, leaving Nick with Helen.
Helen offers Nick a cup of tea and some breakfast. He accepts.
Shane has fixed the tap. Maria says Shane embarrassed her the night before in front of an old friend. She tells Shane off for assuming she was having an affair. Maria says that it was Max's decision to leave - she's lonely and she needs friends. She won't cut herself off because Max walked out on her. She tells Shane she's going to the theatre with Helen tonight and he'll have to fend for himself. He doesn't look very pleased.
Helen and Nick are chatting about the Robinsons family setup. Nick says Danny and Scott being missing must be a worry to them. Helen heads off to do some shopping. Nick offers to give her a lift.
Daphne is mending Des's shirt. He is agitated because he's late for work. Daphne tells him to relax. Daphne says she'll have to change her job to something more respectable so she can get a loan from the bank(!)
DES: A bank needs security on a loan like that. A stable income.
DAPHNE: There's no recession in the stripping business, believe me!
Daphne says she could probably afford the repayments better than Des's other customers!
Finally, Des's shirt is ready and Daphne helps him put it on. Des heads off to the bank. (They seem like husband and wife already in this scene!)
Later at the Robinsons
Helen and Nick are back from shopping. He is chatting to Paul. They chat about the future. Paul doesn't seem too thrilled about going into engineering - it's a bit boring sometimes, he says. Paul says he fancies something else, but he doesn't really know what. Nick says there's a big world outside. He says that lots of people Paul's age work on the airlines as stewards. Paul looks thoughtful.
The Bank
Julie is bickering with Des again. She says that Daphne is ruining Des's reputation. Des tells her to stop stirring and get back to work.
Nick is telling stories about him, Jim and Max when they were in school. Apparently they were something of tearaways.
Shane calls round. He's not very pleased to see Nick there. Nick heads off to see Max. Shane is very frosty with Nick.
When Nick has gone, Shane tells Paul that he thinks Nick is bad news. But Paul thinks he's a good bloke - he's seriously thinking about his future thanks to Nick. Paul is now thinking of going out and seeing the world.
Max's bedsit
Nick calls round to see Max. He's chuffed to see him. He offers Nick a beer. They have a laugh about old times over a beer and talk about people they were at school with. Nick suggests that they get together with Jim at the pub - the "terrible trio" back in option. He goes off to ring Jim.
Jim is testing Lucy on capital cities. Nick rings up for Jim. He invites him out with him and Max, but Jim says he doesn't feel like it tonight. Nick tells him off for being boring(!)
Max's bedsit
Nick and Max head off to the pub.
Des tells Daphne that they might be able to get a joint mortgage. Daphne asks Des if he's trying to tell her something(!) Des says it might be possible.
Julie comes round and gives Des some papers from the bank solicitor. Des says the papers are for Greg, but apparently Greg left early.
DES: Oh well. There goes a relaxing evening(!)
When Des has left the room, Julie tells Daphne that she is taking wonderful care of Des. She says that Des was late for work though. Julie goes on to say that Des has been blamed for everything recently and intimates that it's Daphne's fault. Daphne tells her to get lost. (not in so many words!)
A Pub
Max and Nick are having a drink.
Des is working on the solicitor's papers. Paul brings him round a calculator Des has asked to borrow. Paul tells Des that he's thinking of becoming an airline steward - it's one way to see the word. Des tells him to have a good think before making any decisions. Paul doesn't think Jim will be too pleased.
Des tells Paul that he's fed up of covering for the boss's son. Paul tells Des to stop covering and let his boss see his son as he is. Des says it's not that simple - he delgates the work and any mistake Greg makes becomes his fault(!)
The City
Max and Nick (especially Nick) are quite drunk. Max stops Nick from driving, but then gets in the car himself(!) They drive off.
Paul tells Julie that the boss's son at work sounds like a right drongo. Julie says that Des is the problem and Daphne is affecting his work(!) Paul says Julie will only believe what she wants to believe! Paul says that Julie should give Daphne a chance. He thinks Julie is jealous of Daphne! Julie stalks off.
The phone rings and Shane answers it. It's Max. He tells Shane he's been in an accident - he's hurt his arm. Nick is OK though. They're at the police station - Max has been done for drunk driving.



Episode title: 0040
Australian airdate: 10/05/85
UK airdate: 19/12/86
UK Gold: 25/12/92
Writer: Alan Coleman
Director: Colin Budds
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Karen (Katie)
Max is done for drunk driving. He's also hurt his arm.
Max's bedsit
Shane is picking Max up from his bedsit to go to the hospital for a checkup. He berates Max for drink driving, wondering what's going to happen to the business now.
Nick has called round to see Maria to explain what happened last night. He explains that they had a few too many drinks and Nick insisted on Max driving his car. He braked suddenly and hit the sterring wheel. But the car is undamaged.
Nick asks Maria to make him a cup of coffee.
Mrs Forbes's Farm
A man from the bank is round to talk to Mrs Forbes about the farm, saying she can't manage it on her own. Mrs Forbes says she doesn't want to sell the farm, but says that she'll have to - she can't manage it on her own.
She tells the man from the bank to prepare the papers.
Paul is trying to study while Julie wanders around doing housework. They bicker about Greg and Des and the situation at the bank. Julie says that Greg is a better man than Paul or Des(!)
Julie starts ranting about Scott being missing.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
A Mrs Anne Hammond comes round to see Mrs Forbes. She's quite surprised not to be met with a shotgun(!) She's come from Social Welfare - she wants to make sure Mrs Forbes is looked after when she leaves the farm. Mrs Forbes says she's not leaving - she has her two nephews working with her.
Max's bedsit
Max and Shane are back from the hospital. He helps Max take off his shoes. Shane says he'd better sort out his diary - decide what jobs they can and can't do.
Later at Max's bedsit
Maria has come to visit. Max invites her in. She asks Max how his arm is and looks around at the dingy room. Maria asks Max if he can manage on his own and he tells her he can. There's an awkward silence and Max offers Maria a cup of tea.
Maria tells Max there's no word of Danny yet.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Mrs Hammond is asking Scott and Danny which side of the family they're from. She says Mrs Forbes will be going in to care. Mrs Forbes guesses that Scott and Danny aren't really family. She says that Mrs Forbes' pension will pay for the care place. She says she'll be in touch in a few days.
When she's gone, Mrs Forbes says Scott and Danny had better go home. They should swallow their pride and call their family. Scott realises that she's right - he's going to call his dad. Danny isn't keen saying his Dad will belt the living daylights out of them. He says he's not going back to cop it for something he didn't do.
Nick's car
Nick has given Paul a test drive of his car. Paul is impressed with it. Nick says Paul should decide what he wants in life and then go for it. Paul says he'd better finished Uni first. Nick says Paul isn't really happy at Uni - if he's not really into it, he should leave. Paul says he quite likes social work. Nick says Paul has to make up his mind what he wants - and if he wants to think big, Nick can help to set him on his way.
Mrs Forbes' Farm
Scott and Danny are clearing up some mess and putting it in the back of the ute.
Max's bedsit
Maria doesn't see how Shane can help Max run the business. Max says that Shane will just do the driving for him.
Maria heads off and Max bids her goodbye. He looks a bit sad.
MARIA: If there's anything you want, you know where we are.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Mrs Forbes is servicing her shotgun(!) She says she knows Scott and Danny aren't brothers. Also she doesn't think that their families were rough on them. Now it's time for them decide where they go from here - the farm is finished.
A Pub
Paul tells Nick that he'll have to talk things over with Jim first. Nick tells Paul you can get so wrapped up in your own little world you forget what's out there. If Paul wants a career in the airline business, Nick will get him an interview. From then on, it's up to him.
Paul says it's a big decision.
Julie comes round to see Daphne. She tells Daphne off for telling Des what she said to her about bank business. Daphne tells Julie angrily that she goes round spreading insults about Daphne so she can't expect Daphne not to do anything about them. Julie is furious.
Just then Paul comes in and tells Julie off. She storms off.
Paul tell Daphne that he's thinking of going for an interview for a airline steward's job. Daphne is surprised and asks Paul what Jim would think.
Mrs Forbes's kitchen
Danny tells Scott that he's moving on. Scott says they can't run forever. Mrs Forbes tells them that whatever trouble they're in, they can put things right. Mrs Forbes says everyone does things they regret. She says having Scott and Danny around has been like a new lease of life, but now it's all over. She gives Danny and penknife and Scott a watch to remember her by - they were her husband's most treasured possessions. They accept in shock. She tells them to get a move on - now Social Welfare knows where they are, they'll be round to pick them off. She herself is going into care.
MRS FORBES: Goodbye, Danny. Goodbye, Scott. If I'd have had a couple of sons, I'd have liked them to be like you boys.
When Mrs Forbes has gone, Danny and Scott sit quietly looking at the penknife and watch. But then they hear a gunshot from the other room.
DANNY: Mrs Forbes! Mrs Forbes!