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"Все мои дети" (США) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Ep. #9564

Zach faces losing Kendall forever when she takes matters into her own hands in her dealings with Alexander. Bianca and Zoe's friendship deepens over personal worries about Kendall's safety and Zoe's desire to discover more about Zoe. Barbara lets out the nasty truth about Erica and Jeff sleeping together to Jackson when Erica comes over to argue about going to Las Vegas to find Kendall. Ryan, unconscious because of Zach's punch, is discovered by Tad, but both men are soon locked up for murder.

Ep. #9565

Alexander forces Zach to beg him to save Kendall's life. Josh admitted to Babe that he, Jeff and Jack faked her death to keep her safe, and that Zach took her from the hospital to bring her to the casino. In Las Vegas, the divided men continue to investigate Kendall's whereabouts. Jack manages to set Tad and Ryan free. Josh visited Krystal to talk to her about Babe.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9566

Kendall is horrified to hear Alexander's plans for Spike. Colby figures out that Barbara's presence in town is bothering Sean. Krystal tries to convince Babe that J.R. is truly grieving for her. Di, Julia, and Annie tease each other over love.



Ep. #9567

While Erica is over at the Chandler mansion, she receives a call from Kendall that everything was fine. Josh overhears Krystal tell Babe about Charlotte's true father. Alex Cambias Sr. continues to torment the boys even in police custody. After the phone call, Erica almost speaks about Babe's resurrection. When Krystal returns, Adam notices a change in attitude.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9568

Josh has a plan of his own and finally puts it into motion. Babe, however, isn't sure if she should just leave Pine Valley. Josh suggests she could only be happy if she could just disappear and spend the rest of her life in peace, and Babe realizes that J.R. would probably win in court. Krystal almost blurts out about Babe to J.R. He vows to take care of Little Adam the way Babe would have wanted him to. Little Adam tells J.R. that he saw Babe. Zoe empathizes with Zach. Kendall defends Zach to Erica. Annie is surprised by Ryan's wedding proposal, and he tells her how Kendall's near-death experience changed his life.



Ep. #9569

Bianca supports Zoe's attempts to rebuild her life as a woman. Both of them are surprised by J.R.'s apology. Zoe arrives at Dr. Massey's, where she learns of the transitional process, and is surprised to learn that she will have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation first. Then she attends a transgender group meeting. Kendall finally meets with Babe, and rushes Babe to decide what to do. J.R. confronts Krystal about talking to Little Adam about Babe. Erica listens to J.R.'s confession at an AA meeting. Kendall buys a pregnancy test. Myrtle tries to convince Zach that he isn't guilty for his father's sins. Erica overhears Babe and Josh's plan.

Ep. #9570

J.R. uses Little Adam to talk to Tad. Krystal is stunned by J.R.'s life change. Josh rushes Babe to decide if she wants to run away, because rumors of her being alive might spread out. Krystal realizes Babe doesn't want to leave, but Babe convinces her otherwise. Erica learns more about Babe and Josh's plans to run away together. Bianca warns her to stay away from Josh's life. Kendall is happy to learn she's pregnant. Erica reveals a secret to J.R. and Tad. Zach stands up to Alexander, telling him that he can't control him anymore, but it seems like Alexander has another plan. Zoe attends the transgender group meeting.



Ep. #9571

Babe decides to take Little Adam and leave with Josh, as Erica decides to tell both Tad and J.R. that Babe is still alive. J.R. goes to find Babe, and is surprised to realize Erica was telling the truth. J.R. tells Babe he is a changed man. Adam accuses Krystal of deceiving him. Alexander continues driving Zach mad. Annie tells Julia and Di why she shouldn't marry Ryan, but they try to convince her otherwise. Kendall tells Zach about her pregnancy.

Ep. #9572

J.R. tries to convince Babe that he's changed his ways and isn't the same jerk he was before. Erica tries to get Tad to help her find out what is J.R. using to blackmail Babe, but Tad refuses to go along with her plan. Annie still hasn't decided about Ryan's proposal. Kendall wants Ryan to help her get Zach to take over the Cambias offices.

Ep. #9573

Alexander is pleasantly surprised when Zach tells him he'll take over Cambias, but then Zach breaks off any connection he ever had with his father. Zach credits Kendall with being able to bring him out of the darkness. Kendall reminds Ryan that Annie doesn't know that Ryan can't have children. Babe and Bianca mend their friendship. J.R. assures Tad that he won't use the info he has on Babe.



Ep. #9574

Krystal risks everything to protect Babe when she prepares to tell Adam that the baby isn't his.

Ep. #9575

Babe is frantic to get to Krystal before she ruins her future with Adam. Bianca and Zoe get closer. Colby and Sean bond over their troubles with their parents.

Ep. #9576

Tad is thrown for a loop when Krystal finally admits that the baby belongs to him. Adam continues his tirade, and Colby begs her father to stop. J.R. and Josh again go toe-to-toe.

Ep. #9577

Zach wants Ryan to stay on and manage Cambias with him, but Ryan is determined to start clean. Jamie is furious to learn that J.R. knew that Tad was the baby's father and heads to confront him. Krystal begs Adam not to throw away their marriage, but he issues her an ultimatum: Get rid of the baby, or they're finished.

Ep. #9578

Annie tells Ryan that she loves him, but she's not sure if they could make a marriage between them work. Tad goes to see Livia to find out how hard it would be to get custody of the baby when it's born. Adam has a suggestion for Erica as to how she can get Babe out of Josh's life once and for all.



Ep. #9579

Adam drags Erica down to the police station, determined to have her testify that Babe and Krystal are guilty of insurance fraud. After talking to Bianca, who reminds her that Josh will never forgive her if she puts Babe away, Erica lies for Krystal and Babe. Josh isn't interested in talking with her, but Zoe offers comfort to Erica. Sean enjoys helping Adam board up the secret tunnels into Wildwind, but J.R., Tad and the crew find a way in. Kendall congratulates Annie on dumping Ryan, then hires her on for a job.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9580

Lily meets Zoe and is confused because she looks like a man but dresses like a woman. Zoe explains that she always knew she was different. Annie is awestruck by the fairy tale that Ryan has created for Emma. Krystal and Adam both try, without success, to get Tad to leave, and only Colby's reminder that it's Little Adam's birthday creates a temporary detente.



Ep. #9581

Zach finally admits to Kendall that he pushed Ethan away because he didn't want his son to fall victim to the Cambias curse. Bianca is pleased to see the special music box that Zoe had made for Miranda for her birthday. Annie is upset when Julia tells her that she has chicken pox.

Ep. #9582

Sean tries to convince Erica not to divorce Jack. Zach is curious when Lily warns him that someone is stalking him. Krystal tries to keep Adam from being institutionalised.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9583

Kendall stands up for Zoe when a potential customer makes fun of her. Babe tries to talk to Tad, but he refuses to reconsider fighting Krystal for custody. Zach is impressed by Hannah's business sense and offers her a job at Cambias. Jamie and Adam exchange barbs.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9584

Erica tries to explain to Jeff why they don't have a future together. Barbara tries to convince Jack that she can help him 'ease' his pain. Zoe's mother begs her not to go through with her gender change, but Zoe tries to convince her mother that she's finally who she wants to be. Hannah visits Alexander in jail.

Ep. #9585

J.R. calls an emergency board meeting, hoping to have Adam ousted from the board at Chandler Enterprises. Annie changes her mind about marrying Ryan. Lily is determined to get away from Barbara. Aidan spies a girl who looks a lot like Lily. Babe tries to convince Tad to let up on Krystal, then later tries to convince Krystal to let Tad be part of the baby's life.

Ep. #9586

Sean tries to reach Lily by leaving a number of messages on her voicemail. Erica surprises Jack and Barbara in bed, and later Barbara finds herself locked in the ship's stateroom. Babe wants to work out a custody arrangement with J.R. Aidan realises that the young woman he's talking to isn't Lily.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9587

Lily wants an advance on her salary so she can find a long-lost relation. Hannah introduces herself to Ryan, then prods him for information about the Cambias men. Jamie declares war on Adam. Krystal again tells Tad she will not leave Adam.



Ep. #9588

Bianca tries to reach out to Zoe's mother. Tad and Jamie throw Adam into a locked attic. Babe asks for a peaceful divorce from JR.

Ep. #9600

Annie is pleased when Ryan tells her he's gone to see the doctor about reversing the vasectomy but initially worries he's only doing it to please her until he sets her straight. Erica convinces Zoe to appear on New Beginnings. Bianca approaches Zach with the idea of returning to the Paris office. Tad, J.R. and Joe search frantically for baby Jenny while an unaware Krystal shows off baby pictures to Opal. Adam, who has taken Jenny, calls an adoption broker.

Ep. #9601

Babe tries unsuccessfully to keep Krystal from realising that Jenny is missing. Zach demures when Hannah attempts to push him into attacking Alexander. Bianca worries that Erica will humiliate Zoe during her New Beginnings interview. Adam manipulates Janet into caring for baby Jenny.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9602

Adam denies any knowledge of Jenny's kidnapping, but secretly makes plans for the baby to be adopted on the blackmarket. Erica defends Zoe on the air when a bigot in the audience verbally attacks her. Colby tells Adam that if he gives the baby back, she'll come home. Krystal has to be sedated.

Ep. #9603

Tad and Jamie interrupt the goodbye party Erica is throwing for Zoe and Bianca on the yacht with news that Adam may have Jenny on board. Amanda admits to Babe that Adam sprung her mother from the mental institution, but insists she doesn't know where she is. Adam refuses Colby's offer, telling her that she sided with the enemy.

Ep. #9604

Zach is upset when Alexander threatens Kendall. Jamie blasts Amanda, telling her that it's her fault Jenny is missing. Zoe and Bianca leave Pine Valley. Tad convinces Erica to air a televised plea for Janet to contact Amanda.

Ep. #9605

Janet is upset to realise that Adam has sent a couple to her in the hopes that they will adopt Jenny. Ryan defends Jonathan when Derek believes he may have been the person who shot Alexander. Krystal holds Adam at gunpoint as she demands that he return her daughter, and Colby tries desperately to convince the two to back down. Kendall faints after learning of Alexander's shooting.



Ep. #9606

Despite their past animosities, Kendall's heart reaches out to Krystal, who is devastated with the loss of her daughter. Tad is furious with the Masons, the adoptive couple who had wanted to adopt Jenny, even though they are innocent of any wrongdoing. Annie is upset when Jonathan seems so cheered over Alexander's shooting.

Ep. #9607

Annie worries that the Lavery legacy of violence will harm Emma. Jamie begins to understand that his actions are connected to Adam's determination to destroy Tad. Derek tries to lure Zach into confessing by suggesting he won't go too harshly on whoever shot Alexander. Josh and Hannah have sex.

Ep. #9608

Krystal blames herself for the mess that she and Tad are in with baby Jenny because she was willing to raise her with Adam. Annie apologises to Jonathan, and asks him to come to the wedding party. Zach agrees to cover up Hannah's shooting of Alexander. Babe, J.R. and Sean are proud of Colby.



Ep. #9609

Ava continues to push Jonathan's buttons after he confronts her about using Lily's credit card. Babe tries to convince Amanda that she is not responsible for what Janet does. Annie and Ryan celebrate their wedding shower.

Ep. #9610

Amanda is worried for baby Jenny after finding her in the warehouse. Erica attempts to convince Jack to take part in a New Beginnings special on divorce. Tad and J.R. don't believe Adam is having a heart attack after he faked having a stroke. Ava is eager to spend quality time with Sean.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9611

An irrational Janet 'interviews' Tad and Krystal to find out if they're fit to be parents. Kendall is shocked to realise that Greenlee is also being treated at the spa. Zach wants Josh to spy on Hannah. Joe tries to convince Colby that she is not responsible for Adam's heart attack.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9612

Janet is taken away by the cops. J.R. tries to convince Adam to admit his sins, but Adam doesn't take him seriously, and then tells Derek that Janet is the only person to blame. After learning about his heart attack, Krystal wonders if she should visit Adam. Kendall and Greenlee talk after a long time. Greenlee is surprised that Kendall supports Annie and Ryan's wedding, and Kendall fears that Greenlee came back to destroy Ryan's wedding.

Ep. #9613

Zach advises Kendall not to approach Ryan, but she decides to warn him about Greenlee. However, Jonathan stops her in time. Kathy, Emma, Di and Julie help Annie prepare for the wedding. Ryan reassures Annie that nothing will ruin their wedding day. Greenlee plots to stop the wedding, but Jonathan accidentally ruins her plan. Kendall watches out for Greenlee, to stop her if she tries to do something. Jack appears in Erica's show, and Erica is furious when he goes off script, and then later announces they still love each other.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9614

Kendall stops Greenlee in time before she can crash Annie and Ryan's wedding. Greenlee, who obviously won't stop doing whatever she wants, is surprised to learn that Emma is Ryan and Annie's biological daughter. Greenlee won't stop, so Kendall locks her in the Wildwind playhouse. Annie and Ryan finally get married. Lily teaches Ava how to act like her, so she'd attend the wedding in her place. Erica confronts Jack about what he said on her show, and is then touched to hear how much Jack is missing they days they spent together. Pam informs them that they became a hit on the show.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9615

Although she's finally fine, Krystal still feels like something bad is going to happen. With the help from her friends, she manages to put the fear aside and get home with Jenny. Colby talks to Krystal about Adam, and Krystal advises Colby to stand by Adam's side. Colby goes to the hospital to pick up Adam. J.T. goes to Dixie's grave and regrets not respecting her final wish. Babe warns Adam to stay away from Krystal. Greenlee watches the wedding celebration from afar. Di realizes Ava is trying to make everyone believe she's Lily. Greenlee has a secret plan to ruin the wedding day.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9616

Ryan is released from prison. Greenlee shares her hopes with Jack, and is then surprised when Jack tells her that people have moved on with their lives. Ryan promises to marry Annie in any way possible, and then they make love. Jack bursts at Ava for pretending to be Lily at the wedding. Jonathan, who had a good time with "Lily" at the wedding, is surprised when the real Lily suddenly behaves cold toward him. Ava tells Lily she enjoyed playing her role, and then Lily offers to let Ava play a bit longer, without Jack's knowledge.

Ep. #9617

Jack tells Ryan he should resolve all things between Greenlee and him. Greenlee arrives at Fusion, where she proudly names herself a partner because she owns a few shares, but Babe refuses to stand by her side. Greenlee is surprised to learn that Kendall and Babe aren't against each other anymore. When Annie arrives and sees Greenlee, she decides to pretend not to care about her. Greenlee is, once again, surprised to learn that Annie is taking care of a Fusion Green project. Then finally, Ryan arrives at the office, ready to finally set things straight with Greenlee. Adam tries to convince Zach to help him take over Chandler Enterprises from J.R. Amanda is using a punching bag to release her anger toward Adam. J.R. convinces her that it's going to be okay, and then they have a close moment together, but quickly stop. Erica is jealous over Jack's rising fame. She decides to do an interview, and is then surprised when



Ep. #9618

Ryan is surprised when Greenlee calmly agrees to return to Bahamas and have the divorce. Kendall warns Annie that Greenlee always has a secret plan, but Greenlee denies Kendall's warning. Greenlee is surprised when Ryan arrives at the plane with Annie. Hannah confronts Zach about sending Josh to spy on her, and then she explains why she returned to Pine Valley. Erica tapes Jack during a fight and plans to publish the tape. She also tricks him into participating in a reality show about their divorce. Sean invites Colby to the prom. Di and Aidan argue over Ava.

Ep. #9619

Annie is having trouble breathing on the plane, as she is suffering from an asthma attack. Both Greenlee and Ryan help her get safe to the Bahamas. Annie realizes why Ryan loved Greenlee in the past. Kendall shares her fears over Greenlee with Zach. She wants Greenlee to leave town. Ava is hurt when Aidan won't flirt with her. She then pretends to be Lily in front of Jonathan, but he knows it's actually Ava. Sean is feeling guilty for having slept with Ava. Zach decides to join Adam on his fight against J.R.



Ep. #9620

Annie wants Ryan to finally talk things over with Greenlee. Both Greenlee and Ryan are surprised when they learn stuff about each other that they hadn't known about. Zach wants to help Kendall resolve her problems with Greenlee. Hannah informs them about moving on with her life, and then Kendall wants her to stay in Pine Valley. Tad arrives just in time to attend a special dinner at the Yacht Club with Erica, Jack and Barbara, while the cameras are recording everything for the reality show. Erica and Tad surprise everyone by kissing. Ava and Jonathan kiss during an argument. Once she is rejected by both Aidan and Jonathan, Ava is determined to seduce Sean. Erica and Jack catch Sean and Ava making out.

Ep. #9621

Greenlee is still convinced that Ryan loves her, and she refuses to accept the fact that he is happy with Annie. She pours her soul out to him, but he makes it clear there is nothing between them anymore. They finally sign the divorce papers. Jonathan confronts Di about knowing that Ava pretended to be Lily at the wedding. Di defends herself by saying that she knows how it feels to be an outsider. Adam refuses to let Sean enter the mansion, so Sean climbs to Colby's window to spend the night there. Colby wants Adam to take better care of his health. Erica and Jack continue arguing about Sean and Ava, and Jack finally admits he is partially guilty for the entire mess. After Jack leaves, Erica watches the secret footage of Jack after she left, and is left surprised.



Ep. #9622

After getting legally married at the Bahamas, Ryan and Annie, along with Greenlee, return to Pine Valley, where Ryan assures Jonathan that Greenlee will no longer make problems in his life. Greenlee announces that she is the majority owner of the Fusion, so she is the owner and the leader of the place. Zach saves Kendall and Babe by giving Kendall the Cambias shares, so now Greenlee and Kendall are equal partners. Greenlee feels like Kendall is trying to steal everything away from her. Hannah breaks into Zach and Kendall's place. Zach talks to Josh about his suspicion concerning Hannah. Josh catches Hannah in Kendall and Zach's place. Sean hides before Adam can discover him in Colby's room. Adam gives Colby a lecture about boys. Meanwhile, Sean feels guilty when Ava sends him a text message.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9623

Zach reveals to Greenlee that he was the one that caused the blackout, only to stop Greenlee from having Ryan's child, and to protect Kendall. Greenlee is stunned to meet Spike. Kendall is worried to see Greenlee with Spike. Then later, Greenlee decides to take a little time off, so she goes to ConFusion and gets drunk. Kendall, Babe, Di, Annie and Ryan are embarrassed to run into her. Hannah tries to lie to Josh, but he knows something isn't right, so she finally admits that she wants the life she wasn't able to have with her baby. Krystal finds Sean at Colby's place, but doesn't say anything. Sean tells Colby about the message Ava sent him, and assures her that Ava is just messing around. Adam wants to enter a battle with Krystal, but she refuses to be engaged in his little games.



Ep. #9624

At ConFusion, a drunk Greenlee rips into all of her so-called friends and forgives each of them for the crimes they committed, and then claims that nobody wants to forgive her for coming back to Pine Valley. Krystal is happy when Jamie, Joe, Opal and Babe think of her as a part of their family. Hannah demands to have a baby with Zach, and it is unclear if Zach granted her wish before she left town. On their anniversary, Erica and Jack learn that there's a strong fan base voting for their divorce, and is ready to give a donation of a million dollars once their divorce is finalized. Greenlee has a shocking talk with Kendall, and then leaves the bar. She ends up on the Fusion roof with Ryan.

Ep. #9625

Greenlee and Ryan kiss after having an emotional talk on the Fusion roof, but Ryan quickly breaks it off. Greenlee is surprised to learn that Annie and Ryan are legally married. However, she won't let Ryan go without a fight. Zach informs Josh that Hannah left town, but won't go into details. At ConFusion, Annie assures Kendall that she is tough enough to handle Greenlee. Jonathan apologizes to Ava, but she isn't sure if she should trust him. They end up kissing. Sean doesn't reveal the entire truth about Ava to Colby. They also end their night kissing. Ryan returns home to Annie and wants to talk about what happened with Greenlee, but Annie says he doesn't need to say anything, because she trusts him.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9626

Ryan tells Annie about Greenlee, and she is ready to give him a chance to back out of their marriage, but he convinces her that she is the only woman he wants to be with. At Fusion, Greenlee makes silly comments on Babe's expense and hurt the woman by talking about never graduating from high school. Then Babe, Annie and Kendall comment on how they are all mothers, and Greenlee still isn't. Josh is convinced that Zach slept with Hannah before she left Pine Valley. Kendall senses that Zach is somewhat affected by Hannah's surprising departure. Babe isn't ready to tell Krystal about losing the Fusion shares, but she talks to Jamie about it. During their conversation which turns into an embrace, J.R. witnesses a close moment between the two. Ryan gives Jonathan a chance to join him in a new company he is starting, and then later warns Jonathan about Ava.