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"Все мои дети" (США) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Ep. #9792

Kendall keeps ranting about the possibility of Greenlee and Zach sleeping together in the bomb shelter and she won't listen to Aidan, who claims that nothing could have happened. Greenlee and Zach bond while talking about the time they spent in the bomb shelter, and then they return back to their loved ones. Colby is disappointed after being dragged into yet another of Adam's plots. He promises not to use her anymore and they make up. Krystal asks J.R. to move back into Adam's mansion so he'd be able to get info on Kate, and J.R., although reluctantly, agrees to help her. Angie catches up with Frankie, but their reunion is short-lived when Frankie's condition takes a turn for the worse. Angie and Julia discuss the rare medical case.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9793

Annie wants Richie to leave town for good if she is a match for a marrow transplant. Frankie questions Angie about his sister. Aidan and Greenlee have a small fight, but then Aidan takes Greenlee to the hospital to talk to Angie about Greenlee's treatment. Greenlee worries that she might end up like Frankie. She is forced to stay in the hospital, but as soon as she's left alone, Greenlee sneaks out. Ryan asks Zach to go to Africa with him for three months, but Zach refuses the idea. Aidan informs Zach that he needs to get tested to see if he got infected while being in the bomb shelter. Jack accidentally co-hosts Erica's show and they seem to be finally getting along again. Kendall freaks when she can't find her book, and Amanda and Babe help her look for it. She is shocked when a publisher appears at Fusion and offers to publish her book. Kendall confronts Greenlee.

Ep. #9794

Zach tells Julia that his health is perfect and that he isn't in danger of a disease from the bomb shelter. Greenlee and Kendall laugh after realizing how crazy Kendall's reaction was, and they share a drink. Julia arrives to get Greenlee back to the hospital, but she refuses to do so, until she can't seem to breathe. Zach joins Angie and Aidan in researching the woods area. Aidan learns that Sylvester was found dead. J.R. goes through with Krystal's plea to get closer to Adam so he'd be able to learn where Kate is. Ryan confides in Josh about trying to change his life. Annie goes through with the medical test that will show if she's a donor match for Richie. Ryan tries to stop her, but she decides to finish it. Krystal and Tad discuss about Adam and J.R. Krystal doesn't say anything about Kate.



Ep. #9795

Ryan snaps at Richie for convincing Annie to test as a possible donor match. Annie worries about Ryan's constant changes of heart and convinced him to go see a doctor. Babe and Amanda call a truce. Richie continues trying to win over Babe. Opal visits Frankie. Joe, Julia, Zach, Aidan, Angie and Kendall reunite at the hospital to take care of Greenlee, who is having serious health problems. Erica wants to know about Jack's relationship with Julia, but he claims they are only friends, and Erica doesn't believe him. He kisses her, but she backs away. Jesse suddenly arrives to Frankie's room.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9796

J.R. tries to break in Adam's safe but he has to cover for himself when Adam catches him snooping around. When he assures himself that Adam doesn't suspect anything J.R. returns to the safe, unaware that Adam is watching him from the next room. Annie is worried when Ryan forgets who Emma is. Ryan later comforts Emma who had a bad dream. Annie finds out that she is not a donor match for Richie. Richie continues trying to seduce Babe, but she wants to keep things on a friendly level. Annie informs Richie about the test results. Joe tells Zach that the virus that infected Greenlee and Frankie is mutating and that it can't be stopped. Kendall calls the people of Pine Valley to donate blood for Greenlee and Frankie. Greenlee is having trouble breathing, and later suffers a seizure. Kendall comforts Greenlee and they reminisce about the moments they spent together. Jesse apologizes to a sedated Frankie for leaving when he was a kid. Frankie is convinced that he had seen his father, but Angie thinks he's only hallucinating. Joe warns Angie about the conflict of interest concerning the treatment for Frankie.



Ep. #9797

Jack is grateful to Erica for donating blood for Greenlee and Frankie, and they kiss. Pam tries to convince Erica to get Samuel Woods to guest on her show. Ryan visits Greenlee at the hospital. Kendall is surprised when Ryan doesn't recall who Annie is. Joe and Angie finally inject the serum to Frankie's blood, and he has a bad reaction to it by daydreaming of Jesse's return home. Richie puts a weird idea in Emma's head, and both Annie and Ryan are appalled by it. Babe and Krystal give their blood at the hospital. Babe is convinced that J.R. is making a big mistake by moving back to Adam's mansion, but Krystal fills her in on her request. Adam gives J.R. a high-priced ring, and later listens to J.R. and Krystal's phone conversation.

Ep. #9798

The doctors work on Frankie's case, as Angie fears for her son's life. Julia wonders why Greenlee and Frankie are having different reactions to the illness. Zach, Aidan, Jack and others support Greenlee, as her condition takes a turn for the worse. Joe comforts Angie. Amanda questions Babe about Richie. Kendall meets with the book publisher.

Ep. #9799

Adam learns about Krystal's and J.R.'s agreement and angrily burns Kate's adoption record in the fireplace. Sam Woods phones to Erica saying that he isn't interesting in being on her show, and Erica immediately asks Pam to book him. Greenlee decides to take a chance and try a new treatment although Angie warns her that it's a long shot. Jesse visits Frankie again and almost runs into Angie. The following morning, Angie is surprised when the treatment doesn't any good to Greenlee. Erica and Jack wake up next to each other. Richie is surprised to learn that Emma can't test to be a donor for him. Annie is shocked when Ryan doesn't remember her and Emma at all.



Ep. #9800

A shocked Annie realizes that Ryan forgot the previous four years of his life. Kendall, Zach, Aidan and Jack watch as Angie and Joe try to stabilize Greenlee, who then has an out-of-body experience and fights for her life while seeing her loved ones around her, encouraging her to fight. Tad visits Frankie and talks to him about his father. He then suddenly sees Jesse, who quickly hides, as Tad rushes to get him. Ryan and Annie consult with Joe about Ryan's memory loss. J.R. apologizes to Babe. Stuart advises Adam to stop eavesdropping on J.R. and get the courage to confront his son, but Adam refuses to do so.

Ep. #9801

Kendall doesn't know how to deal with a lost Ryan, who is shocked to find out that Kendall married Zach. Angie admits to Jack that Greenlee might die. Aidan tells Angie that he'd like to get injected with the poison so the doctors could experiment on him, but his friends quickly reject the idea. Annie confides in Zach. Erica and Jack bond. Zach informs Kendall about Ryan's memory loss. Jesse walks up to Tad.



Ep. #9802

Ryan and Annie talk to Kendall and Zach about Ryan's amnesia and all the changes that happened during the time. Ryan is hurt to see how close Kendall and Zach are, and he expresses that he loves Kendall. Angie and Greenlee talk about life. Kendall's editor Kelly urges Amanda to call Kendall to the book singing event at conFusion, and Greenlee urges Kendall to attend the event. Greenlee tells Zach that she knows that everyone is hiding something from her. Aidan tells Zach that he'll keep an eye on Ryan. Frankie wants Angie to tell him about how Jesse died. Tad wants answers from Jesse, but he won't say what actually happened to him. Tad covers for Jesse when Angie almost catches them. Ryan approaches Kendall.

Ep. #9803

Adam sells a riverfront condo to Erica. Val informs Erica that her account has been frozen by the IRS. J.R. and Krystal discuss about Kate. Adam continues spying on his son. Krystal realizes that Babe is torn between J.R. and Richie. Little A accidentally drop Adam's ring in a hole at The Comeback. Annie tells Richie about Ryan's memory loss. Richie is about to leave to Mexico when he learns that a donor was found for him in Pine Valley. Ryan continues tries to get somewhere with Kendall, and Annie catches them hugging on the rooftop. She tells Ryan that it doesn't matter because he will eventually remember her. Greenlee and Zach discuss about Kendall.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9804

Annie does her best to spark Ryan's memory about the love they share, but he hurts her by saying that he feels nothing for her. Jesse reminisces about the past and promises himself that he won't put his family in danger. Zach tries to make Kendall relax, but she can't seem to stop thinking about Ryan's memory loss. Frankie is intrigued when Tad and Opal tell him stories about Jesse. Tad promises to Jesse, over the phone, that he won't revel his secret. Greenlee is grateful for being alive, and she makes plans for a future with Aidan. Tad asks Aidan to help him investigate a case. Greenlee calls Ryan to lunch. Aidan and Kendall are surprised when they find themselves on the same flight to New York. Jesse is a victim of a fight between an unknown man and a woman. Angie overhears the trauma call.

Ep. #9805

Angie reminisces about her past with Jesse, and remembers that today would be Jesse's birthday. Joe asks Angie to come work for the hospital full-time, but she says she can't. Jesse quickly escapes from the hospital before anyone can see him, and he runs to the cemetery. Angie decides to go to the cemetery. Zach tries to cheer up Annie with a pillow fight. Ryan and Greenlee reminisce about the old times, and then Ryan seeks answers from Greenlee. She suggests he should give Annie a chance. Aidan tells Kendall that he's working on a case. They soon begin talking about their night, and Kendall is frightened that someone might overhear.



Ep. #9806

Angie faints when she sees Jesse at the cemetery, and when the medics arrive Jesse hides. At the hospital, Angie claims that Jesse is alive, but Joe doesn't believe her. Joe tells Tad about the offer he made for Angie to stay at PHV. Jesse informs Tad about seeing Angie, and Tad asks him to stay in town. Zach asks Ryan to talk to his wife, but he makes yet another stupid comment, so Annie leaves. Ryan holds Spike and talks to him, although Zach reminds him that Spike can't hear him. Ryan apologizes to Annie. Kendall worries that she might be pregnant. Aidan returns to the hospital and surprises Greenlee.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9807

Erica is furious to learn that her bank accounts have been frozen. Pam surprises her by bringing Samuel Woods for an interview. Angie and Frankie discuss about the possibility of Jesse still being alive, but Angie quickly dismisses the idea, although she has suspicions. Tad urges Jesse to stay at his place, but Jesse is keen on leaving. Joe releases Greenlee from the hospital, and she happily plans a future with Aidan. Zach surprises Kendall at her book singing in Chicago and immediately notices something weird is going on. Kendall accidentally drops the pregnancy test out of her purse. Krystal confides in Babe about Tad's strange behavior. Richie tells Babe about the donor refusing to help Richie. Babe asks Krystal to help her break into Joe's office and find out who the donor match is. Adam isn't happy to learn that J.R. lost the ring he gave him. Colby gives J.R. the real ring that she found at The Comeback, and J.R. realizes that there is a microphone in it. Krystal and Babe break into Joe's office and learn that J.R. is a possible donor for Richie.



Ep. #9808

Angie seeks comfort at the Martin household, where Tad does his best to hide Jesse. Angie reminisces about her past with Jesse, as he overhears her talking and reminisces about them too. Krystal invites Angie to be their house guest, and then accidentally locks Jesse in the basement. Annie fantasizes about Ryan. Later, they go out on a date, but he can't stop talking about Spike. Erica completes her interview with Samuel Woods. Kendall manages to hide the pregnancy test from Zach.

Ep. #9809

Angie is about to leave Pine Valley when she realizes she's missing her wallet and her ticket. Krystal learns that Tad has been helping Jesse, and then tries to talk about it to Angie. Jesse buys a one-way ticket to Toronto, but when he falls asleep, Tad changes his destination. Ryan is angry at Annie for not telling him that Erin was murdered. Amanda questions Babe about J.R. Greenlee asks Aidan if he's noticed anything different about Kendall lately. Erica asks Kendall if she's pregnant, and Kendall confides in her about how she slept with Aidan. J.R. learns that Adam rejected the hospital's offer to be a donor for Richie in his name, and then shows Adam the ring that was bugged. Ryan is shocked to find out that Cambias isn't the workplace he used to know.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9810

Krystal convinces Angie to take a train, while Tad tries to guilt Jesse into staying in Pine Valley. Angie arrives at the station and sees Jesse through the window. The train leaves, but then suddenly goes backwards. Angie is in shock as Jesse steps off the train. Jack wants Erica to distance herself from a shady character like Samuel Woods. Aidan advises Josh to find a woman. Erica is thrilled when Kendall informs her that the pregnancy test was negative. Erica kisses Jack. Annie tells Greenlee to stay away from Ryan. Ryan angrily confronts Zach about all the changes that happened at Cambias and Pine Valley in general, and Zach fights back, urging Ryan to move on with his life. Greenlee and Kendall take the center stage to present the Fusion fashion show. Jack isn't happy to see the sparks between Erica and Samuel.

Ep. #9811

Erica opens the fashion show. Aidan is surprised when Greenlee confides in him about the possibility of Kendall being pregnant. Jack is annoyed by Samuel's presence at the show. Krystal wants Adam to reveal the info he has on Kate, but Tad interrupts her. Babe talks to J.R. about the possibility of revisiting their wild days. Ryan refuses to believe to Greenlee when she confirms that Ryan walked away from Cambias. Kendall informs Aidan that she isn't pregnant. As the fashion show comes to an end, Samuel sends cops to arrest Erica on the stage. Angie is shocked to realize that Jesse is alive, and after they go to a safe place, Jesse tries to explain what happened to him, but Angie only wants to hold him and enjoy the fact that he's alive.



Ep. #9812

Sam explains that Erica is being charged for insider trading, as the show goes off the air. Erica is taken to the police station where Jack tries to give her advice, but instead she fires him. She then tries to make a deal with Sam, who then charges her for attempted bribery of a public official too. Annie realizes that the only person in Ryan's mind is Kendall, and she angrily confronts him about it. Zach reminds Ryan to stay away from Kendall. Greenlee doesn't deny revealing Kendall's secret to Aidan. Ryan returns home to find Annie in a sexy outfit, but she's only reminding him of what he is missing. She then points to the suitcases that she packed and tells him to get out. Jesse tells Angie the truth about what happened 20 years ago, and then they make love.

Ep. #9813

Erica shares a prison cell with a hooker. Jack is frustrated when Erica can't keep quiet in front of a judge, who then sets bail for Erica in the amount of $1 million. Jack takes Erica home, where she has a dream of Sam rescuing her from Jack. J.R. and Babe play a game of poker and soon turn it intro strip poker. Their night turns passionate, as J.R. agrees to being Richie's donor. Kendall cries when she learns that her pregnancy test was negative. Greenlee and Aidan make love. Zach learns about Kendall's pregnancy suspicions. Richie breaks into the doctor's office and learns that J.R. is his donor match.



Ep. #9814

Frankie shows up at Krystal and Tad's place looking for info on Angie, whom he hasn't heard from since she left town. Jesse shares more info about all the years he spent running. Tad and Krystal find the due at the cabin, and they all realize that Frankie is there too. Aidan and Greenlee start a little picnic on the Fusion rooftop, but they are interrupted by Babe who informs them about police with new info on the bomb shelter. Ryan and Annie separately arrive and Kendall and Zach's place where the doctor helps with Spike's cochlear implant. Everyone is happy when Spike is able to hear again. Ryan thinks of proposing to Kendall. Zach, Kendall and Greenlee are shocked when Derek informs them that the body found at the bomb shelter was murdered.

Ep. #9815

Kendall, Aidan, Zach and Greenlee learn that the man found in the bomb shelter is John Remington, a police cop that was suppose to be shot on the day Jesse was killed. Babe and J.R. make love. Afterwards, Richie's goons kidnap J.R. Babe informs Richie about J.R. being a donor match, and Richie pretends to be surprised. Jesse tells Frankie the story about his exit from Pine Valley years ago, and Frankie eventually believes his father. He slaps him and then hugs him. Angie thanks Tad and Krystal for helping Jesse. Krystal, Tad, Angie and Frankie manage to convince Jesse to stay in town and fight. Meanwhile, at an unknown location, two men are looking through tapes of Pine Valley hospital and learn that Jesse is alive.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9816

Ryan and Annie explain to Emma how Ryan's memory loss is forcing Ryan to take some time away from them. Annie remains strong and determined that Ryan needs to be far away as long as he is thinking about Kendall and Greenlee, and after Ryan leaves, Annie breaks down in tears. Erica advises Kendall to try to avoid having Aidan as a bodyguard, but Kendall thinks Zach might be more suspicious if Kendall continues avoiding Aidan. Erica is surprised when Pam informs her that the network canceled New Beginnings. Zach and Greenlee talk about their time in the shelter over drinks at conFusion. Babe is surprised when Richie tells her that he got a donor match in Austin and she has no idea that Richie is, once again, lying. Derek questions Angie about Remy. Jesse is having nightmares about being tortured. The doctors start the procedure on J.R.

Ep. #9817

Erica, Val and Pam clear out the New Beginnings office. Jack, Erica and Sam discuss about a possible agreement on Erica's case and Jack comes up with an idea, only to get rejected by both Sam and Erica. Sam makes up his own terms and gives them a day to think about it. Annie wonders if Hannah killing Ryan would have been a better option than having him lose his memory. Ryan tries to find possible solutions to his memory loss by talking to Joe. Maksim from Dancing with the Stars teaches the Fusion girls how to pole dance. Ryan arrives and Annie notices that he is focused on Greenlee and Kendall the entire time. Zach makes another job offer to Aidan.



Season 39, Episode 38 – Aired: 2/27/2008
Ep. #9818

Kendall, Zach, Greenlee, Ryan and Annie end up stuck together in an elevator, and the tension between them causes yet another round of fights connected to Ryan's memory loss. Jesse asks Angie not to come visit him at the cabin because he considers it too dangerous for her, but she then refuses to listen to him. Frankie has been accepted to the internship program at the Pine Valley hospital. Colby and Frankie meet each other for the first time. Joe welcomes Angie back to the hospital. Someone is taking pictures of Frankie in the park. Richie orders the doctors to put J.R. in a body bag when they're done with the procedure, and then he dreams of a perfect time he'll spend with Babe. Krystal realizes that Babe didn't fell in love with J.R. again, but that she only gave in to lust.



Ep. #9819

Adam refuses to help out Erica. Babe and Krystal find J.R. in the bed with a hooker named Treena. They bring him back to the Chandler mansion, where J.R. tries to convince them that he was kidnapped, and Krystal is the only one who actually believes him. Richie is filled with emotion when the doctor informs him that he is on the road to full recovery. Erica and Palmer chat about Erica's problems. Zach and Samuel don't get along. Amanda and Annie chat about Annie's change of life. Annie starts flirting with a guy at conFusion until Zach arrives and manages to scare him off. Greenlee shares more stories about her past with Ryan, but Ryan can't remember anything. She gets mad when she realizes that Ryan doesn't remember their love at all, and then she passionately kisses him.

Ep. #9820

Angie, Jesse and Tad search for records on Jesse's murder in 1988, but they come to a realization that someone must have taken them. Tad pays off a security guard to let him take a peek at the video surveillance and he realizes that someone cut out parts of the tape. Zach tries to stop Annie from flirting with other guys. Ryan is jealous when he and Greenlee enter the club to see Annie flirting with a guy named Robert Gardner. A stranger enters Kendall hotel room. Sam tells his campaign manager that he isn't trying to badmouth Erica to help his campaign. Erica refuses to do charity work to help her career. Opal comments that there is still attraction between Erica and Jack. Robert returns to his room and starts watching the DVD of Jesse.



Ep. #9821

Jesse insists on leaving Pine Valley, but neither Jesse nor Angie would allow him to do something like that. Jesse then suggests revealing that he didn't die, but they convince him to drop that idea too. Rob goes to Tad's office. Jack angrily quits being Erica's attorney when Opal convinces her to make a plea. After a bit of pole dancing, Greenlee and Zach confide in each other about their lives. Ryan passionately kisses Annie and they make love at the yacht room. Kendall tries to make a deal with a raged fan, but at the very end she's forced to protect herself. Aidan realizes that something is off and he leaves to find Kendall spraying her attacker with mace.

Ep. #9822

Angie and Jesse listen as Tad meets Robert Gardner, his so-called "uncle." When Robert leaves, the trio discusses about Remy. Babe is angry when Krystal continues defending J.R. Babe doesn't trust J.R., and he urges her to explain why she trusts Richie more than she trusts him. Richie learns that he'll have to stay at the hospital for a bit longer. Aidan comforts Kendall, who's trying to deal with the rush she felt during the attack. Krystal runs into Rob, and later Tad explains who Rob is.



Ep. #9823

Ryan is having hard time dealing with the fact that he doesn't remember Annie. He lies to Annie about having a flashback of her, and then later tries to contact Kendall. Kendall has a nightmare about her attacker. Erica thanks Zach for lying to Kendall. She is later confronted by an unknown person who claims that what Erica did is a crime. Babe, Amanda and Greenlee aren't satisfied with their choice of models. Greenlee wonders why Ryan could have remembered Annie and he doesn't remember her. Colby and Adam are surprised when Dre turns out to be Sam's son. Dre tells Sam that he doesn't need him.

Season 39, Episode 44 – Aired: 3/6/2008
Ep. #9824

Colby takes J.R. to the hospital, where Joe has to do a check up. He is reluctant to believe J.R. that he isn't drinking again. Richie is transferred to the Pine Valley hospital next to J.R.'s bed. Frankie offers his help to Angie. Colby and Frankie don't get along. Joe matches Frankie and Colby for an intern program. Angie and Jesse continue their investigation. Opal tries to banish Robert from Tad's house when she recognizes him, but when Rob explains that he is nothing like Ray, she agrees to talk to him. Opal then shares the history of the family with Rob. Tad tries to get Krystal to get out of town with Jenny for their safety, but Krystal refuses. Angie and Tad arrive at Remy's house to see his mother. Annie warns Babe about Richie.



Ep. #9825

Greenlee and Zach confide in each other about the recent developments in their lives. Aidan and Kendall spend a romantic dinner together when the service brings them dinner for a couple instead of the usual diner. They start talking about their life and then end up playing a soccer game with pillows and chairs. Ryan tries to get the hotel clerk to give him the key of Kendall's hotel room and he eventually manages to convince her to do so. He enters Kendall's room just as Kendall and Aidan being wrestling. Tad and Angie try to convince Remy's mother to listen to them, but she threatens Angie with a shot gun and rushes her out of the house until Tad convinced her to listen to them. Later, as they exit the place, Tad realizes someone is following him and Angie. Frankie and Jesse bond while playing video games. Rob surprises Jesse.



Ep. #9826

Jesse informs Tad about Rob's visit, and Tad realizes that Jesse needs a new place to hideout. Tad gives an ultimatum to Krystal to either run out of town or move in with Adam, in order to protect his family, and Krystal is forced to move back into Adam's mansion. Adam tries to bond with J.R. Once he returns home, he's shocked to find Krystal and Jenny there. Zach and Annie bond while taking care of Spike. Kendall makes plans with Ryan. Aidan informs Zach about Ryan's presence in L.A.

Ep. #9827

Tad is forced to beg Adam to let him stay at the mansion along with Krystal, Jenny, Babe and Little A in order to protect their lives. Adam makes a few remarks to the seriousness of the situation, but he realizes later just how much important it is, and he agrees to help them out. Erica and Jack spend their last night together before court by reminiscing about their adventures together. Kendall and Ryan discuss about the past, and Aidan catches them together. Greenlee, Amanda, Babe and Annie try to make a new fragrance together at Fusion.



Ep. #9828

Babe isn't happy to learn about her new living arrangements. Babe visits Richie at the hospital and asks J.R. to leave Richie alone. Richie kisses Babe to make J.R. jealous. Babe still doesn't think that J.R. is innocent. Robert tries to get Tad to confide in him about Jesse's presence in Pine Valley, but Tad refuses to share any info. Jesse finds a new clue. Joe and Angie agree on having research done on Richie. Stuart and Krystal talk at the mansion. J.R. tells Babe that he will also be living at the mansion. Robert visits and Mrs. Remington and assures her that their plan is working fine.

Ep. #9829

Josh encourages Erica not to take Sam's deal in court. Erica arrives at the courtroom in a disguise, and runs into Carmen Morales, a woman who is also on trial. Annie is angry when she finds a plane ticket to L.A. in Ryan's jacket pocket, and she confronts him about it. Kendall tells Aidan that he shouldn't have told Zach about Ryan's presence during the tour. Zach is worried because Kendall keeps lying to him.
Episode Overview