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"Все мои дети" (США) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Ep. #9767

Joe shocks Kendall and Ryan by informing them that the crash didn't cause Spike's deafness. Krystal decides to leave Tad's house and move in with her daughter for some time. She tells Tad that she'd be able to run away from Pine Valley to protect Jenny, but Tad refuses to let her take their daughter. Adam is shocked to learn about Tad's custody plans from J.R. and he wants to confront Tad, but J.R. urges him to leave Krystal to handle Tad alone, and he reminds him about the similarity of the situation to when Adam sued Dixie for J.R.'s custody. Adam visits Tad and tells him that he has news that might make him change his mind about suing for Jenny's custody. Quentin and Aidan find the shelter and start getting into the hole. Zach immediately kills the snake and then tends to a bitten Greenlee by getting the poison out of her system. They both realize that someone is approaching them.

Ep. #9768

Erica comforts Kendall when Joe informs them that Greenlee isn't the one to blame for Spike's deafness. Josh is surprised to learn that Ryan has given up hope on ever finding Zach. Quentin and Aidan continue searching for Greenlee and Zach. Aidan is stunned to learn from Kendall about the fact that Greenlee is innocent. Zach and Greenlee are crushed when a part of the shelter collapses, and they try to think positive by telling jokes to each other. Julia asks Lily to talk to Kathy about losing her parents. Julia and Jack get comfortable while talking and Erica catches them holding hands, and then informs Jack about Greenlee's innocence. Adam tries to make Tad drop the lawsuit against Krystal in exchange for info on Kate, but Tad refuses the offer.



Ep. #9769

Ava and Jonathan fight over J.R. and Lily, as they both realize their engagement is in danger. Zach comforts Greenlee when she starts to panic due to lack of air in the shelter. Kendall runs through the woods yelling out Zach's name, but Aidan calms her and brings her back to Sylvester's place, where he tells her that he think they won't find Greenlee and Zach alive. Amanda and J.R. argue about the past and when J.R. tells Amanda that he remembers a part of the night he was drunk, she quickly runs away from the mansion. Annie visits Richie at the psych ward but their conversation turns into a game of blame and guilt. Just as she's about to leave, Janet helps Richie escape.



Ep. #9770

After another fight, Aidan and Kendall make love, and immediately regret it. Greenlee and Zach fear that they won't make it out of the shelter in time. Tad is surprised when Julia compares Tad's lawsuit against Krystal to something that Adam would usually do. Opal reads a Christmas story to the kids at the Miranda Center. Adam gives advice to Krystal on how to handle the lawsuit situation. Babe questions J.R. about what he remembers of the night Zach was run over, and he admits that he didn't hit Zach. Amanda enjoys her time at the yacht. Babe is surprised to find Richie at her condo.



Ep. #9771

Krystal rejects Adam's help in winning the custody of Jenny. Tad accidentally ends up at the chapel with Jenny and they run into Father Clarence, who gives Tad advice about life. Krystal arrives there too and both Krystal and Tad realize that the need to stop the lawsuit and do what's best for Jenny. Erica spends some time at Adam's mansion while waiting for her car to be fixed. Annie tells Ryan that he doesn't have to hire police investigator and that she'd like to kill Richie because it seems to be the only way to get rid of him, but Ryan convinces her otherwise, and then reads a Christmas story to Emma and Ian. Richie tries to convince Babe to believe him, but she's already sick of his mind games. Kendall and Aidan finally locate Greenlee and Zach, both is terrible state. Aidan fears for Greenlee's life because he can't find a pulse. Quentin helps them out, and later manages to get Kendall in the shelter to help out Zach. They are about to be taken out when a part of the wall collapses.



Ep. #9772

Richie is shocked when Ryan arrives at Babe's place and he tries to play mind games with her, but she just wants him out of her life to make room for peace and her kids. The police arrives and takes away Richie. Ryan tells Babe that it's surprising to see how much Richie cares for Babe since he didn't seem to show compassion for anyone else. J.R. is angry at himself for not being able to regain total memory of the night Zach was ran over. Adam receives a visit from Father Clarence who suggests Adam should use the DVD and the adoption papers as perfect Christmas gifts, but Adam refuses to listen to the priest's advice. J.R. goes to Dixie's grave and finally regains his memory. He then visits and confronts Amanda. Aidan, Kendall and Quentin manage to get Zach and Greenlee out of the shelter. They drive to the hospital, where the family receives good news about Zach, but Greenlee is in a very bad shape.



Ep. #9773

Adam fights with his conscience, revisits his past mistakes, and finally realizes that he needs to tell Tad that Kathy is actually Kate. Colby, Jenny, Babe, Little A, Julia and Kathy arrive at Tad and Krystal's for a Christmas feast. Adam arrives trying to tell them the truth, but Tad interrupts him by telling everyone that he and Krystal got married last night. J.R. confronts Amanda about the secrets she's been hiding, and she confesses to selling a DVD of his confession to Adam. Derek arrives at the yacht and finally clears J.R. of having anything to do with Zach's accident. Sean, Lily, Jack, Aidan, Erica and others wait to learn if Greenlee's condition is improving. Lily is having hard time adapting to the hospital. Kendall and Zach make up. Father Clarence shows up giving advice to Aidan, who is having hard time dealing with Greenlee's bad condition. Jack, Erica and Kendall arrive in Greenlee's room just as things get tough. At the last minute, Greenlee manages to show sings of life. Myrtle visits Zach.



Season 38, Episode 250 – Aired: 12/26/2007
Ep. #9774

Family and friends are relieved when Greenlee awakes. A stunned Adam tells Opal and Ruth about Krystal and Tad's marriage. They go on to explain to Adam how they got married, and Adam then decides not to tell them about who Kathy really is. Myrtle visits Zach. Zach thanks Josh for keeping his kids safe while he was missing. Kendall tells Greenlee that she isn't the one to blame for Spike's deafness. Greenlee starts crying, and Kendall tells her that she's glad she's alive. The entire family reunites in the hospital hall, where they are surprised by a visit from Bianca and Miranda. Erica makes a touching speech followed by singing and dancing.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9775

J.R. confronts Adam about the DVD and then leaves the mansion keen on never returning again. Bianca and Kendall catch up on what's been going on in their lives lately, and Kendall thinks of telling her about sleeping with Aidan, but she doesn't say anything. Zach learns from Derek that J.R. didn't run him over. Jack wants the police guard to leave the hospital, but they can't because the charges against Greenlee still haven't been dropped. Erica tries to talk to Jack, but he avoids her company. Jack and Greenlee bond. Kendall overhears Zach apologizing to Greenlee for the plot he hashed against her. Aidan and Kendall agree on keeping their 'little affair' a secret. Bianca encourages Erica not to give up hope on Jack.



Ep. #9776

Bianca and Babe bond over talking about their love lives. Adam and Erica talk about Krystal and Tad's surprising marriage. Julia and Jack bond while Julia is taking Jack's blood at the hospital. Tad and Krystal are welcomed at The Comeback by a group of friends who make them celebrate their marriage, but privately, neither of them are happy about it. Kendall admits to Greenlee that she was the one who plotted against her, and Greenlee feels like a fool. Greenlee wants to fight for freedom and court and renew their friendship. Zach reassures Aidan that he'll take care of Greenlee. Ren, Corrina, Colby and Sean witness yet another outburst from Dre, followed by the appearance of an unknown man who's working for Dre's father. Greenlee and Kendall discuss about Zach and Aidan, and Kendall is having hard time dealing with what she did. At the same time, Aidan thinks about the 'little affair' he had with Kendall, while talking to Zach. Kendall throws Hannah out of the hospital. Miranda and Bianca say goodbye to Erica.



Ep. #9777

Kendall confesses to Derek that she is the guilty one for everything that happened to her family, and Hannah overhears Derek talking about it on the phone. Jack and Erica realize that they still love each other. Krystal and Tad start making out, but Colby interrupts them. Greenlee faints while talking to Zach, and Joe explains that Greenlee is hyperglycemic. Kendall goes to the police station and turns herself in. Lily visits Richie in the psych ward. Annie and Ryan spend New Years Eve together making love. Hannah visits Zach, but he doesn't want her company.



Ep. #9778

Babe and J.R. share presents, and J.R. is touched by Babe's gift. He then proceeds to question her about her involvement with Richie. Hannah finished her job for Adam, as she hands over all of Chandler Enterprises back to him, and then enjoys talking about how she tricked Zach and took over the company behind his back. Adam offers her partnership, but she rejects him. Jack tells Greenlee that he'll defend Kendall in court. Aidan is still bothered by his affair with Kendall. Greenlee and Joe make an agreement so she'd be able to get out of the hospital and rest home. Richie lets his prison psychiatrist know that he tricked him and that Babe is getting all the insurance money. J.R. pays a little visit to Richie and threatens him to forget about Babe. Zach is angry at Kendall for turning herself into the police, but they make up by making love.



Ep. #9778

Babe and J.R. share presents, and J.R. is touched by Babe's gift. He then proceeds to question her about her involvement with Richie. Hannah finished her job for Adam, as she hands over all of Chandler Enterprises back to him, and then enjoys talking about how she tricked Zach and took over the company behind his back. Adam offers her partnership, but she rejects him. Jack tells Greenlee that he'll defend Kendall in court. Aidan is still bothered by his affair with Kendall. Greenlee and Joe make an agreement so she'd be able to get out of the hospital and rest home. Richie lets his prison psychiatrist know that he tricked him and that Babe is getting all the insurance money. J.R. pays a little visit to Richie and threatens him to forget about Babe. Zach is angry at Kendall for turning herself into the police, but they make up by making love.



Ep. #9779

While having breakfast with Jenny, Krystal and Tad spar over J.R. and Adam, who are having breakfast across the room. Adam wants to get back on father-and-son basis with J.R. and even offers him money to win his trust back. Richie hatches a silly plan to get Annie to the psych ward, but while trying to do it, Babe interrupts them. Joe won't let Greenlee go to the courthouse for Kendall's hearing, but Zach wheels her there anyway. The judge sees Greenlee's appearance as a good sign for Kendall. The hearing ends with the judge sentencing Kendall to 5 years of probation, with a $50,000 fine and a 5,000 hours of community service.



Ep. #9780

Hannah acts odd while talking to Josh. He finds it strange how she managed to sell the Chandler portfolio, but still has no idea what she had done. She refuses to go out with him. Kendall, Ryan, Zach and Aidan bring Greenlee home, and for once, they all share a friendly conversation. Hannah takes a rifle, dresses up and takes aim on the happy company. Babe interrupts Richie's perfect plan to set up Annie, so he rushes her away, as she leaves in tears. Annie refuses to stay at the hospital, but Richie cleverly makes her stay and then proceed with his crazy plan, but the doctor interrupts them. Babe arrives at Greenlee's place, as Hannah continues aiming. Ryan realizes that Kendall is in danger and he rushes to save her, and ends up shot!



Ep. #9781

Ryan is rushed to the hospital after being shot by Hannah. Aidan finds the rifle that Hannah used, but has no idea who shot Ryan. Richie and Annie are surprised when the doctor tells them that there might be a chance to save Richie's life. Babe comforts Richie. Joe informs Ryan's friends that Ryan will be okay. Hannah surprises John by confessing that she was working as a double agent, secretly stealing for Adam. She knocks him out and ties him to a chair. When he regains consciousness, he tries to reason with her, but she continues rambling on about how she plans to kill both Zach and Josh at the same time. Kendall and Zach arrive in front of Josh's do

Ep. #9782

J.R. tells Tad that he is seriously considering Adam's offer, although he promised himself that he won't. Ryan starts acting weird at the hospital. He wants out to be with Annie, but Julia doesn't allow it. Krystal makes Babe realize what is the actual problem in her love life. J.R. arrives at Babe's and asks to spend the night with her and their child. Dre shares a story about his family with Colby. Hannah manages to escape from Josh's place in time before Zach and Kendall burst inside. Hannah runs into Sean, seduces him, and they leave together.



Ep. #9783

Aidan and Kendall are still having hard time being around each other considering what happened between them. Ryan dances with Erica in his hospital room. He notices the tension between Erica and Julia, and Julia explains that it's because of Jack. Richie admits to Annie that he intended to frame her for murder on the day she visited him at the psych ward, and then he asks for a second chance, but Annie refuses. Jack and Greenlee talk about Greenlee's illness and Jack's love life while talking a walk out in the park. Greenlee's illness takes a turn for worse when she has a dizzy spell followed by hearing problems. Zach confronts Adam about Hannah's whereabouts, but Adam has no idea about it. Hannah calls Zach and asks for a meeting.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9784

Colby and Dre bond while talking about their parents. Babe and J.R. spend quality time with Little A as a family, and Babe agrees to be J.R.'s friend again. Sean is shocked to find out who Hannah actually is when he turns on the TV. Erica suspects that there might be something going on between Kendall and Aidan, but Kendall convinces her that it's nothing. Zach informs Aidan that he's meeting Hannah. Jack worries about Greenlee's health as Joe makes a check-up. She then leaves to the Slater house with Jack. Sean informs Jack about spending the night with Hannah, and Aidan admits that Zach went to meet her. Zach hikes to the top of Miller's Falls, as Hannah waits for him on the top.



Ep. #9785

Ryan continues acting weird even when he is released from the hospital. Richie manages to charm the doctors into believing that he is cured and that he can continue living his life normally. He learns that Dr. Chambers was murdered in prison, and later thanks his friend for offing the doc. Babe is stunned when J.R. asks for a shot at a future with her, and then she agrees to start as friends and then see where the future leads them. Richie enters Babe's apartment just and finds J.R. wearing nothing but a towel. Kendall, Erica, Greenlee and Jack worry as Aidan leaves to get Zach. Sean tells Jack about his hookup with Hannah. Kendall locks Erica and Jack together in a closet. Greenlee confides in Kendall about how Aidan is drifting away from her. Zach finds Hannah and they have a touching conversation, as Aidan arrives there too. Hannah tells Zach about how Alexander used her and how she always hoped that someday Zach will save her, but now it's all lost. Greenlee and Kendall arrive just as Hannah slips over the edge of the rocks.



Ep. #9786

Greenlee and Kendall arrive at the Falls just as Hannah slips, but Zach manages to catch her hand. The girls, along with Aidan and Zach, urge Hannah to hold on, but Hannah intentionally lets go of Zach's hand. The police arrives and the search team starts looking for Hannah's body. Zach has to deal with yet another loss, and Greenlee reminisces about the pain she felt when she lost Leo. Erica and Jack argue while being locked in the closet, but Julia comes to their rescue. Erica doesn't hide her animosity against Julia or her family. Richie plays the role of victim in front of Babe again, while a jealous J.R. takes care of Little A. Ryan continues surprising Annie with his odd behavior, as they make love on the balcony and then discuss future plans.

Ep. #9787

Adam asks Colby to help him plan a wedding reception for Krystal and Tad, and he assures her that he only wants to bury the hatchet and move on with his life. Krystal is reluctant to go on a real honeymoon with Tad, but she later surprises him in a Hawaiian costume and suggests they should start doing what married people do, but Colby interrupts them. Erica rants to her masseur about her love problems. Zach is having hard time dealing with losing Hannah. Kendall comforts him and they make love. Greenlee confides in Aidan about Leo and they return to the apartment, and then make love.



Ep. #9788

Aidan finds out that Quentin is having health problems and he is forced to knock him out so he'd go to the hospital. Colby tells Dre that the private investigators seem to have left and that Dre can come out of hiding. Sean tells Colby that he slept with Hannah. J.R. confronts Sean about it. Annie, Amanda and Babe arrange a party for Greenlee. Amanda tries to talk to Babe, but Babe refuses to listen to her. Ava tells Amanda that she and Jonathan broke up. Kendall continues to feel guilty about sleeping with Aidan when she thought Zach was dead. Josh visits Ryan. J.R. leases a condo next to Babe's. Richie is confused when Ryan acts different around him. Kendall is surprised when Ryan kisses her. Richie urges Annie to help him out.

Ep. #9789

Richie tries to manipulate Annie. Ryan's odd behavior continues to alarm Annie. Greenlee and Zach become closer while talking about Hannah and the bomb shelter experience. Greenlee takes an interest in Kendall's book. Babe wonders if J.R. leased the condo next to hers to prevent her from getting closer with Richie. They fight, but Krystal and Tad interrupt them, and then advise them separately to apologize. Kendall is surprised by Ryan's behavior. Palmer is alarmed when he hears Adam asking Erica to marry him again, and Erica convinces Palmer that she doesn't have any intention in doing so. The surprise party for Krystal and Tad continues as Adam follows an angry Krystal and then locks everyone else in the dining room.



Ep. #9790

Annie and Ryan fly around Pine Valley and land at the stables, where Annie congratulates Ryan a happy birthday and then he thanks her by calling her Kendall. Julia is puzzled when Opal recognizes Quentin as a familiar face, but he claims Opal confused him with someone else. Colby is upset to realize that she shouldn't have went along with her father's plan. Zach offers J.R. a job to help him find the person who hit him with a car. Adam tries to convince Krystal to marry him, but Krystal is determined to prove her love for Tad. Adam's minister arrives and Tad and Krystal renew their vows in front of their family and friends. Dre and Colby bond over the mistakes their parents did, and they kiss. Zach angrily confronts Adam for using Hannah. Krystal and Tad are surprised when Angie Hubbard arrives.

Ep. #9791

At the stables, Annie and Ryan joke about Ryan's name slip. Just as Richie is about to take Emma away, Annie informs Richie that she will get tested for the transplant, and a satisfied Richie walks away from Emma. Aidan pulls Zach away from Adam, who then collapses. Quentin is determined to leave the hospital, but his condition gets worse. Angie tends to Adam, and Tad fills Angie on what happened while she was gone. Angie is shocked to realize that Quentin is actually her son Frankie. Krystal tries to reason with Adam, without a success. Dre and Colby agree that their kiss was just a friendly gesture. Kendall is worried that Greenlee and Zach might have slept together in the shelter. Greenlee finds Zach and manages to calm him down