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"Все мои дети" (США) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Ep. #9650

Di and Babe comfort Annie, who is breaking under stress over Greenlee, and her work at Fusion. Ryan wants Greenlee out of his life immediately, but she refuses to do so. They begin a long discussion which ends with Greenlee saying she won't ever have anything do do with Ryan. Annie realizes Ryan had a meeting with Greenlee. Jack plays games with Erica in the hospital, and they end up making love. Amanda pretends to be a victim in front of Seamus' pilot. Aidan warns Amanda not to get too involved with J.R. Adam tries to persuade Zach to give him more time, but Zach is reckless. He wants what is his immediately. Colby is mad at Adam after learning about the loan. Alone at the beach, Greenlee promises not to stop fighting.



Ep. #9651

Jack and Erica continue to revel in their recent reunion, and Pam tries to convince the two that if they come clean with their reconciliation they\'ll be viewed as frauds. Erica is willing to consider keeping things quiet for now, until Pam reveals that a tabloid is about to expose the truth about her and Jack. Kendall is caught in an awkward position when Greenlee and Josh both begin comparing notes on how bad their love lives are, and is chagrined when the two reveal they were playing her. Adam challenged Zach to a game of baccarat while at the casino, and asks Slater to let him stay in the house for a month while he tries to figure out what to do with his family. Annie remains upset with Ryan, who tries to convince her that he told Greenlee she\'s out of his life, and she heads off to bed alone. Tad realises that J.R. was behind his own kidnapping.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9652

Colby stands up for Krystal when she comes under fire for working at the Comeback, and later faces some pointed questions from Krystal about Sven. Kendall tries to help Annie and Ryan find a way to deal with their Greenlee problem so they can save their marriage. Aidan warns Amanda that if she continues her involvement with J.R. it will only lead to pain. Di warns Ava not to toy with Aidan, then Jonathan prepares Ava for a job at the Comeback. J.R. admits to Adam that he staged his own kidnapping, which leads to Adam walking away from his son.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9653

Kendall organises a retreat for the women of Fusion, but things go badly when Greenlee cannot forget her animosity toward Annie. The women all stage makeovers, which go badly, except to give Babe an idea for a new product. Colby and Ava are catering the event at Kendall's request, and things continue to go badly between them, although Colby does feel sympathy for Ava after learning about her relationship with her mother. Ava wants to be the new face of Fusion, which Greenlee refuses to even consider. Kendall wonders if Lily could be a good bet as spokesmodel.



Ep. #9654

Adam is unable to forgive J.R. for staging his own kidnapping and losing everything. Ava is thrilled when Jonathan asks her out for the evening. Zach continues to delight in punishing J.R. Kendall talks with Lily about modeling for Fusion.

Ep. #9655

Despite Adam's earlier reticence toward his son, the two finally decide to join forces to bring down Zach. Annie and Greenlee finally confront each other, and each go for the jugular. Erica tries to convince Ryan to fight for a future with Annie.

Ep. #9656

Jonathan sadly realises that Lily is in his past. After encountering Ava, who has recently been told she doesn\'t have what Fusion is looking for, he kisses her passionately. Jamie figures out that J.R. was involved in his own kidnapping as Babe learns to understand that J.R. and Amanda are getting involved. Greenlee has to accept that Ryan has moved on with Annie, as Annie promises Ryan their marriage is strong.



Ep. #9657

Colby tries to push Krystal and Adam together by exposing J.R.'s kidnapping hoax, and later is touched when Sean admits his feelings for her. Jonathan and Ava make love. Josh stops things before they go too far with Greenlee. Lily admits to Di that it is hard to see Jonathan with Ava. Kendall is pleased to learn what Zach did to J.R. and Adam.

Ep. #9658

Stuart tries to convince Zach to sell the mansion back to him, and Zach agrees to consider the idea. Lily is devastated to realise that Jonathan and Ava slept together. Ryan and Annie revel in their reunion, but Annie is non-plussed when she believes that Josh and Greenlee are sleeping together. Ava learns that she is Fusion's newest model.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9659

Barbara tries to expose Jack and Erica's reunion, but Sean sabotages his mother's efforts. Aidan isn't pleased that Jonathan and Ava are getting involved. The Martins and the Careys gather to christen baby Jenny as Adam watches, and Krystal asks Colby to be her godmother. Kendall realises that Amanda and J.R. are growing closer and tries to warn the younger woman about him.
Episode Overview



Ep. #9660

Jonathan is strongly affected when he sees Ava acting as Lily for part of the Fusion Green campaign. Adam asks Erica for a reunion, but she reminds him that it is Krystal that he loves. Sean and Colby grow closer. Tad suggests to Krystal that she and Jenny move in with him (platonically) so that they can raise their daughter together. Greenlee remains pained to see Ryan and Annie together.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9661

The women of Fusion enjoy a little girl-bonding at a New York sleepover. Ava and Jonathan sleep together, and Ava realizes Jonathan probably thinks of her as Lily. Colby makes a wrong assumption whilst seeing Ava and Sean on the beach together. Erica and Jack spend some time together. Krystal confronts J.R. about the kidnapping scheme.



Ep. #9662

While talking to Di, Jonathan realizes how much he hurt Ava. Colby finds a hurt Ava at The Comeback and finds out that Ava actually set up Sean and that Adam payed her to do it. Lily breaks down while hearing about Jonathan and Ava. Erica is confused while seeing Greenlee with Spike, but Kendall reassures her that she has the control over Greenlee. Krystal thinks of moving in with Tad.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9663

Greenlee and Kendall fight over taking Spike on their trip to New York. The girls of Fusion are stunned when Ava arrives with a new look. Kendall fires Ava. J.R. is determined to do the right thing for the company, and learns about Josh's plans for the company. A hurt Colby leaves Adam alone after finding out about the scheme against Sean, and tells him she's moving in with Krystal. Adam is shocked to hear that they will all now live with Tad. Sean tries to convince Ava that he loves her for what she is, but she doesn't trust him.



Ep. #9664

Babe finds herself, once again, in the middle of Kendall and Greenlee's fight. Tad is glad when Krystal agrees to move in with him. Kendall feels pain. Amanda realizes how much Jonathan cares for Ava. Krystal decides not to rehire Ava. J.R. tries to prove to Adam that he wants to fix everything and save their business, but Adam feels betrayed by him. Erica and Jack inform Sean and Lily about getting back together.

Ep. #9665

Feeling pain, Kendall realizes she must rush to Pine Valley to save her yet unborn baby, so she decides to let Babe drive her there, and she leaves Greenlee to take care of Spike and bring him back home. Ryan and Zach are stuck in traffic in NY. As soon as they learn about Kendall, they manage to get a helicopter to take them to Pine Valley. Tad advises Colby to turn to Krystal, and then wants Adam to leave Colby and J.R. to live their own lives. Krystal is surprised to learn how much sympathy Colby has for Ava. Amanda learns that J.R. is broke, but still, she wants to be with him.

Ep. #9666

Joe and his team work hard to help Kendall, to stop premature labor. Zach stands by Kendall's side, and they learn that the baby is a boy. Babe and Ryan realize that Greenlee has disappeared with Spike and immediately issue an Amber Alert. Nobody knows that Greenlee suffered a car accident with Spike. Aidan and Krystal learn about J.R.'s relationship with Amanda. Jonathan tries to talk to Ava, but she won't listen to him. She meets with a drug dealer and then takes a pill. Amanda consoles Jonathan, who later gets into a fight with J.R.



Ep. #9667

An injured Greenlee pulls herself out of the wrecked car and finds Spike, who was thrown out of the car during the accident, and realizes he is injured. Kendall's condition is still very serious and everyone is on the edge because they don't know where Greenlee or Spike are. Jack refuses to believe that Greenlee took Spike away, but Erica thinks Greenlee is capable of everything. Jonathan vows to make Greenlee pay for what she did. Tad convinces Ryan not to give up hope. Kendall goes into labor when Ryan tells her about Spike.

Ep. #9668

A heavily injured Greenlee manages to call Ryan and inform him about the accident, but she passes out before she can tell him where she is located. Aidan finds a way to track down the mobile phone, and soon they find Greenlee and Spike. Meanwhile, Kendall's condition is worse when her water breaks, and the life of her unborn baby is in serious danger. Di and Jonathan find out that a strange woman is causing a scene at the boathouse, and they suspect it's Ava. Adam finds Ava drugged up and she falls into the water. Adam is forced to save her life when Ava can't swim, and then he leaves before anyone can see him. Krystal learns about what Adam did. Livia reminds Jack about the divorce deadline.



Ep. #9669

Spike and Greenlee are rushed to the hospital. Kendall finally gives birth to a boy, but the baby is in a very fragile state and is being kept alive by the machines. The doctor talks to Zach about the consequences of premature birth. Zach is shocked when Erica suggests they should christen the baby boy in case something happens to him. Joe informs the family about Spike's dangerous operation. The operation ends good, but Spike's condition is still very serious. Jack is taken aback when he learns that Greenlee was heading out of Pine Valley with Spike. Krystal is concerned for Adam.

Ep. #9670

Kendall wants to see her kids. Erica apologizes for bringing the chaplain to the hospital, and for trying to keep Kendall and Zach away from each other in the past. Annie comforts Ryan, as he tries to deal with Spike's accident. Derek question Greenlee in the hospital, and she makes up a few details. Erica blames Greenlee for everything that happened and tries to force Greenlee to admit the truth, but Jack takes Erica out of the room. Erica is surprised when Jack defends Greenlee, but he only wants to hear the entire truth before he can judge anyone. Jack tells Derek that Greenlee saved Spike's life, but Erica is still sure that Greenlee tried to run away with Spike. Greenlee visits Spike, but Ryan kicks her out. Krystal suggests that Babe should take care of Fusion while Kendall rests. Babe finds Ava in the hospital and tells that she wants Ava to return to her work. Ava rejects the offer, but then Babe starts yelling at her and orders her to help out.



Ep. #9671

Although they'd rather be with Kendall in the hospital, the girls of Fusion have to continue running the place, and with Ava's help, Di, Amanda and Babe come to an interesting new idea. Jack asks Erica not to put Greenlee between them. Josh takes Greenlee back to the penthouse after Ryan kicks her out of Spike's room. Kendall, Annie, Ryan and Zach are trying to deal with the illness of their children. Myrtle leaves an encouraging message to Zach, who seems to be breaking down by the minute. Erica comforts a heartbroken Kendall.

Ep. #9672

Babe and Di corner Greenlee, trying to make her admit what she did, but Greenlee won't admit anything. Amanda tries to stop the girls from fighting, but things seem to be getting out of hand. When a reporter calls asking for a story on Spike, Greenlee lies about saving Spike, and it makes the girls even more mad. Annie gives a word of advice to Zach while visiting with Emma. Kendall, Zach, Ryan and Annie finally get good news on the babies' health. Jack wants Ava to help him clear Sean's name by catching the drug dealers, but Ava is reluctant. She eventually agrees to the deal, but asks Jack not to say anything to Lily. Ava then lies to Lily about the drug charges. Sean informs Colby about Jack's plans. Adam, Tad and Jack fight. Zach and Kendall name their baby Ian.



Ep. #9673

Ava, Derek and Jack work on a plan to catch the drug dealer. At the beach, Aidan wants to know the truth from Greenlee, but she refuses to admit anything, and claims she did what was right for Spike. As the best solution to the entire situation, Jack suggests Greenlee should leave Pine Valley. Kendall, Ryan, Zach and Annie are happy when Spike regains consciousness. Annie comforts Zach. Ryan finally breaks down. Ava won't listen to Jonathan, but the man catches up with her at the beach, tells her that he wants her and kisses her.

Ep. #9674

Jonathan desperately tries to convince Ava that he wants her and that he can't be without her, but Ava thinks he only wants her in bed. Greenlee is shocked when Jack suggests she should leave Pine Valley, for the good of everyone. They continue fighting until Greenlee realizes she's all alone and that she even can't trust her father. Babe is surprised and shocked when Erica thanks her for the help with Kendall, and she puts aside the past. She also warns Babe to keep a close eye on Greenlee. Josh reconnects with Kendall, and he promises that Greenlee no longer exists for him. Adam and Zach talk about the baby but their conversation soon turns into business talk. Zach comforts Kendall. Ava meets with Lenny.



Ep. #9675

Ava is nervous when the police team wires her up for the meeting with Lenny. She in anxious to get as much info from Lenny as she can, but Lenny keeps on dragging their meeting. He soon realizes there is something strange about Ava. Greenlee tries to write a letter to Kendall, but she realizes Kendall won't care for anything she has to say. Ryan wants to take Spike home, but Joe suggests that Spike should stay in the hospital at least a week longer for observation. Zach takes Kendall out to the hospital garden and tries to cheer her up. Kendall worries for her children, and she's afraid that she might not make a mother-son connection with Ian. Greenlee enters Spike's hospital room and talks to the boy. Suddenly, Kendall and Zach return to find Greenlee, and Kendall immediately grabs Greenlee. They start fighting and knocking over metal plates, but when they fall to the floor, Spike seems to totally unaware of it. Zach turns to Kendall and tells her that there's something wrong with their son.



Ep. #9676

A fight between Greenlee and Kendall is broken when Zach realizes that something is wrong with Spike. While waiting for the prognosis, Ryan tells Greenlee to get out of his life. Joe then informs Zach, Kendall, Ryan and Annie that Spike is deaf! Somebody kidnaps Greenlee at the hospital. Erica visits Adam and asks him to leave Zach alone, but Adam won't give in. Then Erica starts talking about Spike and Ian, and she breaks down to tears. Adam comforts her, and after she leaves, he informs a person to continue working on the plans to take back Chandler Enterprises. Jonathan and Lily talk about Ava. Amanda is disappointed to learn that J.R. still hasn't found the missing money, but J.R. surprises her by inviting her to spend some time with him on a yacht. Ava convinces Lenny to pull out the drugs, but her plan is ruined when J.R. and Amanda arrive at the beach. J.R. starts suspecting that something is wrong and he won't leave them alone. Soon, Lenny realizes that Ava is wired, so he takes her hostage and drags her to a shack on the beach.



Ep. #9677

Tad, Sean, Babe and Stuart help Krystal, Jenny and Colby to move into their new home. Tad and Sean bond while talking about girls. Kendall can't come to terms with Spike's deafness, while Erica surprises everyone by showing how much she cares for Spike. Annie comforts Ryan, and then makes a phone call asking someone for help. Dr. Delano lets Zach feed Ian for the first time, and then later Zach convinces Kendall to participate too. Jonathan and Amanda are angry at J.R. for ruining Ava's cover. Lenny negotiates with the police. J.R. enters the shack and tries to convince Lenny to trust him.
Episode Overview

Ep. #9678

Kendall and Ryan spend the night looking over Spike and talking about Greenlee. At the yacht club, Greenlee confronts Aidan about taking her away from the hospital against her will. He informs her about Spike's deafness and they talk about a way that Greenlee could regain the trust of the people that she hurt. Adam sees a report about Lenny and instantly claims that it's another of J.R.'s planned situations. Jonathan questions Amanda about her relationship with J.R. Babe, Krystal, Colby, Sean and Tad arrive at the beach after learning about the kidnapping. Babe worries about J.R. and then reassures Amanda that it's all going to be okay. Jonathan is worried about Ava. Adam arrives at the beach and Jack immediately reports that Adam was behind the drug charges, so Derek goes after Adam, and Adam soon experiences a sharp pain and almost falls over. In the shack, Ava and J.R. start arguing. Lenny tries to control the situation, but Ava and J.R. come up with a plan to start fighting. Soon, Lenny and J.R. end up fighting for the gun. Krystal and Colby are trying to take care of Adam, but he refuses to let them help him. Suddenly, a shot is heard from inside the shack. Lenny and Ava exit and J.R. is behind them with a gun. The police arrests Lenny. Lily rushes to Ava and the girls hug.



Ep. #9679

Stuart tries to cheer up Adam and make him realize that he can still fix his life, but Adam is hopeless. Suddenly, Stuart comes to an idea---Adam will pretend to be Stuart while painting at Tad's house. Babe wants J.R. to watch out and never put himself in danger again. Adam (as Stuart) enters the house and overhears a conversation between Krystal and Tad in which Krystal admits that she still has feelings for Adam. Kendall isn't happy when Ryan agrees with Dr. Norton to keep Spike in the hospital longer and then later go to Dallas to pick up the equipment for Spike. Zach saves the day by ordering someone to pick up the merchandise and bring it to Pine Balley. Once again, Erica puts the subject of Greenlee between herself and Jack.

Ep. #9680

The family is overcome with emotion while the doctors test Spike's hearing. Kendall pushes a crib against a wall while trying to deal with the situation. Erica is also having hard time dealing with the sudden tragedy. Aidan takes Greenlee back to the crash site, where he tries to make her deal with what she did.



Ep. #9681

The doctors inform Kendall, Ryan and the rest of the family about Spike's hearing, and the family has to deal with the truth. Greenlee tries to talk to Kendall, but Josh and Jonathan won't let her. Zach tries to persuade Kendall to agree on surgery for Spike, but she refuses to accept it. Jack and Erica fight over Greenlee again. Ava makes a deal with a shady manager which promises her a great career, and then Colby confronts Ava about her lies. Krystal refuses to serve alcohol to Greenlee, so she finds company in a guy named Wheeler and then refuses to accept Aidan's word of advice about the guy.

Ep. #9682

A sympathetic Bianca phones home to talk to Kendall, and she notices that Kendall has been spending more time with Spike rather than with Ian. Kendall doesn't want to talk to Jack when he refuses to arrest Greenlee. Aidan punches Wheeler and forces him to leave the bar. Greenlee wonders why is Aidan still protecting her, and he gives her an advice about life. Kendall has a nightmare in which she stabs Greenlee, and then she wakes up to find Greenlee standing near. Annie informs Di about leaving Pine Valley for a while to meet "him." Zach and Ryan fight over who is the man that caused the pain to the family.



Ep. #9683

Di covers for Annie when Ryan questions her about Annie's whereabouts. She tells him that Annie is doing research on deafness, but Ryan senses that something is going on. Meanwhile, Annie visits her deaf father Walter and seeks help, but Walter refuses to have anything to do with his daughter. However, he gives her the address of the person that helped him with his deafness. Annie breaks down in tears when she learns that the address is actually a graveyard with her mother's grave. Ava enjoys playing a celebrity at the Youth Club, while Jonathan hopes for a great future between them. Babe questions Di about Annie. Kendall bursts at Greenlee and makes it clear that she will never forgive her for what she's done.

Ep. #9684

Zach helps Kendall feed Ian and everything is going fine until Kendall has visions of Greenlee with Spike, so she rushes to protect her child. Greenlee finds Dr. Hilliard, a doctor which could help Spike and then secretly arranges a meeting with him. Annie tells Ryan about the visit to her father. Ryan asks Annie to teach him sign language. Jack gives Erica the divorce papers. They soon get to lovemaking, but their fun is interrupted when a footage of their fight is played on the show.



Ep. #9685

A frustrated Jack lashes out at Greenlee. Zach learns that Ian needs brain surgery as soon as possible. Aidan and Di break up when Di informs him about moving to New York City. Kendall is optimistic when Dr. Hillard explains how to handle Spike's situation, but Zach isn't as convinced as Kendall is. Ryan is proud of Annie trying to help Spike. However, she refuses to talk about her past. Annie is disturbed when she receives a mysterious phone call of a children's nursery rhyme. Jack refuses to star in another show with Erica, but she lies to the network and decides to go through with it.

Ep. #9686

Aidan is heartbroken after the breakup, but Greenlee keeps on rubbing salt in his wound. She is happy that someone else's life is apparently going wrong. She tries to make him play a game with her, but instead he leaves her to pay the check. Annie is freaked out by the mysterious phone call, and after calling the day camp, she realizes that a man took Emma, but her concern is over when Jonathan comes home with Emma. Suddenly the phone rings again, but Annie won't let Jonathan answer it. Joe counsels Zach about the problems with Ian. Kendall talks to Dr. Hillard about the treatment for Spike.



Ep. #9687

Babe agrees to let J.R. and Amanda take Little Adam for a day trip. Ava arrives at Fusion with Andy Conway, her new manager, and everyone is surprised by her new look until they realize that Andy is a crook. Babe tears up Ava's contract with Andy and shows him the way out, and then convinces Ava that it's for the best. Ryan refuses to listen to Dr. Hillard. Lily gives Zach a gift for Ian. Dr. Delano informs the family about Ian's successful surgery. Zach is mad at Kendall for neglecting Ian. Jamie informs Tad about a new job opportunity in a new AIDS clinic in Africa, and Tad realizes he must let Jamie go. Jamie encourages Josh to give the Martin family a chance. Joe comforts his son. Jamie informs Babe about moving and she's having hard time letting him go.

Ep. #9688

Annie won't confide in Ryan about her problems, and when she eventually does, she doesn't reveal much to him. Ava talks to Spike and makes a few life conclusions, although he can't hear her. Zach vents at Kendall for taking more time for Spike rather than Ian. He visits Ethan's grave, and then later returns to the hospital and embraces Kendall. Babe is having hard time dealing with the fact that Jamie is leaving Pine Valley. J.R. joins Jamie and Babe and they all reminisce about the past moments between them.