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"Молодые и дерзкие"(США) - резюме серий на английском языке

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Ep. #6883

Paul and Nick are able to subdue Gary and rescue Victoria. While Nick takes her to the hospital to be checked out by a doctor, Paul heads up to the main house to tell Nikki and Sharon that Victoria has been found. Nikki calls Victor at the office and wants him to meet her at the hospital. Ashley is there with him and as he kisses her goodbye, he tells her that he loves her. She is glad that everything has worked out. When Diane arrives at the office, she is hoping to see Victor, but instead she finds Ashley. Diane warns Ashley that her world is about to blow up and nothing but heartbreak lies ahead. Jack and Jill are having at drink at Gina's when Jill spots Forsythe. She wants to secure a memo from him stating that they will have their loan answer by a certain date, but Jack doesn't want to appear desperate. Jill feels it's time to talk to Nikki about helping to bail Jabot out of their financial problems. Ryan tells Tricia that she should come with him to Seattle, but she doesn't think that will help her. When Keith arrives she begins to pack her bags to go to London with him.



Ep. #6884

Diane tells Ashley that Victor wants to bring down Jack and is using Ashley to do so. Ashley doesn't believe her and leaves. She spots a note on Connie's desk indicating that Forsythe's meeting with Jack went very well and that Jack totally took the bait. Ashley finds Brad and Nikki and asks them to hurry over to Jabot. She then informs Jack that they have been tricked and it's all her fault. Victor is surprised to find Diane in his office. He asks if Ashley was still there when she arrived. Sharon wants to know if Nick has spoken to his father about their trip to Milwaukee. Nick tells her that he plans to discuss it with Victor tomorrow. The worst case scenario is that they will be out on their own, which is scary, but exciting. Nick says that he is glad that the stalker is behind bars. Warton approaches and says he agrees with Nick. Ryan wants Tricia to stay with him and work out their problems instead of running off to London. Tricia feels that only her father understands what she is going through. Neil is furious when Malcolm tells him he flew to Paris to see Dru. When he goes to leave, Dru is standing at the door.



Ep. #6885

At first, Ashley refuses to reveal to Jack how she knows that they are being swindled. She then confesses to Jack that Victor is behind the deceit and they need to make a deal with Brad and Nikki as soon as possible. When Brad finds out that Jack is part of the negotiations, he declines to be a part of it. Forsythe finally meets Victor and informs him that the Abbott meeting went well. Victor tells him he is reevaluating his entire strategy because he may have too much to lose. Nick admits to Warton that he was wrong about him being the stalker. However, he can't forget about what happened between them while they were in prison together. Warton answers his cell phone and quietly tells someone that he is getting reacquainted with their mutual friend, Nick. Tricia finally agrees to go with Ryan. Keith offers her a place to stay if things don't work out and warns Ryan not to mess up. Neil wonders why he and Dru ever slept together. He wishes they had worked things through before she left. She assumes he is blaming her and goes for the door, but Neil stops her. Malcolm is telling Olivia about Dru's return from Paris when she collapses, falling to the ground.



Ep. #6887

Ashley feels that Jack should tell John about the new loan before John hears about it somewhere else. He agrees, but wants to do so in person. Ashley is sorry she let her guard down with Victor and is now paying the price. Victor wonders if there is any connection between Jabot's loan being paid off and Ashley's mood change. Diane knows something is bothering him and tries to find out what it is. Victor doesn't think it's any of her business. Victor demands that Forsythe find out how the whole thing went down. Later, Victor answers the phone and when no one speaks, he asks if it is Ashley. He desperately wants to talk to her. Jill finds Brittany and Billy alone at the pool area. Brittany excuses herself and Billy tries to defend himself, swearing that Raul and Mac just left. He explains that he likes Brittany and wants Jill to reconsider his grounding. Jill tells herself that she will have to get to know Brittany better. Mac daydreams that Billy can't stop thinking about her. Dru is shocked to find out that Olivia needs a bone marrow transplant and rushes to her side.



Ep. #6888

When Victoria returns from the hospital, she tells her parents that it's good to be home. Victor and Nikki express concern about her recovery, but she insists that she must get on with her life. Later, Victoria looks out the window and remembers her nightmare experience with Gary. She breaks down and sobs. Ashley is angry with Jack. If it wasn't for the bad blood between Victor and him, she would still have her relationship with Victor. Ashley is worried that Victor bought up more of the Jabot debts than they are aware of and wants to find out exactly what debts Victor owns. Nikki's enthusiasm for her new position at Jabot forces Jack to warn her to restrain herself when it comes to Ashley. Ashley has more knowledge in the business than she does. Mac is surprised when Brittany shows up at the Chancellor Estate. Jill wants Brittany to help keep Billy from drinking. Raul tells Mac that they should put in a good word about Brittany to Billy's parents. Tomas lets Nina shave off his mustache.



Ep. #6889

Brad and Nikki get together before their first board meeting. They are both excited and begin to kiss, but Jill arrives and tells them to save it. During the meeting, Jill comments on Nikki's behavior in the boardroom. Brad steps in and tells them to be civil since they are on the same team. Jill feels like they are ganging up on her and leaves.

Ep. #6890

Kay visits Victoria and tries to convince her to rest before returning to the office. Victor is furious when he finds out that Nikki left Victoria alone to go shopping. In the Jabot boardroom, Jack, Jill, Ashley, Brad and Nikki are trying to define their roles in the company. Nikki is insulted when Ashley states that she should be placed where she can get the best training. Later, Nikki is taking in the ambience of the boardroom when Victor calls, demanding to know where she is. Sharon and Nick are stunned that Chris is working with Michael Baldwin. Chris asks them to give him another chance. When Chris leaves, they approach Paul and ask how he can support what Chris is doing. Back at the office, Chris is upset that Michael made a pitch without talking to her first. Michael defends himself by saying many law firms are after the case. He feels justified when he receives a call telling him they have the case. Billy and Mac talk about their relationship. Billy decides that they will be best friends since he has Brittany and she has Raul. Nina asks Tomas if he read her manuscript while she was out.



Ep. #6891

Ashley is looking at a magazine article about Victor Newman. She flashes back to recent moments with Victor and wonders how many times can she continue to let herself be fooled by him. Jack arrives to update Ashley on the Jabot loan situation. It seems that the companies that held the loans have been bought up by another company. They both realize that Victor must be behind it. Brock senses there is something wrong with Mac and wants to help her. She confides in him about Billy and that there is no way he could ever care for her. Brock wants to be there for her and Mac appreciates it. She calls him Dad for the first time. Billy is down by the pool looking at a picture of Mac when Brittany arrives. He is glad to see her. When Raul realizes Mac hasn't arrived he calls her at home. She tells him she isn't feeling well, but he talks her into coming over to Billy's for awhile. Brock and Kay talk about the loss of Kay's husband, Phillip. Brock tells both her and Jill that they must honor his spirit.



Ep. #6893

Ashley is furious at Victor. She is no longer blinded by love and sees him for the manipulative, ruthless man he really is. She never wants anything to do with him again and leaves. Diane is surprised when she learns that Jack had no idea she informed Ashley of Victor's plot to take over Jabot. Jack admires the fact that she was able to get Ashley out of Victor's life and now stands a chance with him. Michael is about to call Alice when Nick barges into his office. Nick states that Chris will not be handling Cassie's final adoption and wants Michael to stay clear of Alice. When Michael finally does speak to Alice, he holds back the fact that Sharon and Nick are planning to adopt Cassie. However, the mention of Cassie's name sets Alice's mind in motion. Chris confides in Paul that she won't be working on Cassie's case any longer. Paul tells her not to beat herself up over it and urges her to move on. Malcolm overhears Olivia tell Neil that she wants him to be Nate's guardian, but Neil asks her to reconsider. Malcolm puts Nate to bed, telling him he will always be there for him.



Ep. #6894

Diane reminds Victor that she is moving out today. She insists on making breakfast for him, pondering when to tell him about her pregnancy. Later she tells Marissa that since Ashley is now out of the picture, Victor will only have her to turn to. Marissa is skeptical.

Ep. #6895

Neil agrees to look out for Nate if something happens to Victoria, which leaves Malcolm furious. J.T. is determined for Brittany not to become prom queen. Jill suggests Brittany to Brad and Jack as the new face of Glow. Ashley plans to formally announce her pregnancy. Victor dismisses Nikki's career and suggests a long vacation.
Episode Overview

Ep. #6896

Ashley informs Brad that Victor was holding the note on Jabot. She thinks it's possible that Victor may have been using her the whole time they were together. Nikki enters the boardroom as Ashley leaves to look in on Olivia. Nikki wonders why Ashley was in Brad's arms when she arrived.



Ep. #6897

Nikki warns Brad not to go to see Victor. She is sure Victor will know if he is lying, but Brad disagrees. Brad tells Victor that he knows about the Jabot situation through Ashley and how betrayed she feels. He assures him that even if he did have information about what was going on he wouldn't tell him. Victor is sure that Brad knows more than he is letting on. When John arrives home from his trip and wants to know about the business, Jack reveals that Brad and Nikki are the new investors in Jabot. Chris doesn't think that Michael did the right thing by siding with Jack; he needs to be objective if he is going to mediate between Jack, Brad and Victor. Mac is feeling the strain of working with Billy and asks Brock to help change her schedule at the shelter. Billy is looking at a picture of Mac while saying good night to Brittany over the phone. Victor arrives home and is surprised to see that Diane is still there. She starts lifting a heavy bag when Marissa stops her. Victor asks what's going on and Diane reveals that she is pregnant.



Ep. #6898

Jack explains that they are lucky Brad and Nikki put up the money or else Victor would have stolen the company from them. John isn't happy that they both want seats on the board. Jack mentions that Brad had a clause in his contract with Victor and legally can't accept a job with the competition. He tells John he is working on it with a lawyer. Jack tries to comfort Ashley over her broken relationship with Victor, but she turns away. Brad meets up with Michael at the restaurant and tries to lay the ground work for his dealings with Jack. Victor tells Diane he had no idea she was pregnant and wants her to spend another night in the apartment. He wonders who the father could be. Victor then calls Ashley, begging her not to hang up. She tells him that he has deliberately hurt her family and hangs up the receiver. Dru is upset when she learns that she is not an exact match to her sister. However, the bone marrow transplant can still take place. Olivia asks Neil to bring Nate to the hospital to visit her before the chemotherapy starts.



Ep. #6899

Jack, Ashley and Billy head for the Coffeehouse to find out if the kids are actually going to vote for Brittany. Jill's idea of a prom queen for the GLOW GIRL might be just what they need to promote the product. Jack asks Mac's opinion of the idea and she thinks it's very cool.
Episode Overview

Ep. #6900

Brad thinks the prom queen ad campaign might work, but is angry with Jack for keeping him out of the loop. Jack insists they can't do anything to make Victor suspicious. Neil doesn't understand what Victor is going to do with the information regarding Brad's loan to Jabot.

Ep. #6901

Ashley tells Victor that he means the world to her, but since she cannot trust him, their relationship has to be over. Victor insists it will never be over for them. Neil explains to Victor that he still hasn't figured out who came up with the other half of Jabot's loan.



Ep. #6902

Nikki walks out on Brad after learning he knew about Ashley and Victor's relationship and didn't tell her. Ashley still wonders if there is a chance that Victor will sue Jabot. Nikki and Nick talk about Nick's plans to expand the coffeehouse, and Nikki's newfound independence. Billy believes that Mac requested they no longer tutor together, but it was Brock.
Episode Overview

Ep. #6903

Victor arrives home, still brooding over Ashley. Diane realizes he's upset over Ashley and Victor asks Diane to join him for dinner. When Victor leaves the room to change, Marissa enters with Diane's luggage, but Diane tells her to put the luggage back. Marissa explains that the bid she placed on the house has been accepted and she can move right away.

Ep. #6904

Sharon and Miguel prepare for Cassie's party. Nick tells Sharon he set up an interview with a potential new manager for Crimson Lights II that evening. John Silva comes by to drop off the adoption papers. Sharon and Nick are thrilled that Cassie is officially theirs.



Ep. #6905

Victor tells Neil that his major concern is mending fences with Nick. He decides to stop insisting Nick sell the coffeehouse and give him a board seat at Newman Enterprises. Chris defends Michael to Sharon, saying that he never told Alice about the adoption. Alice only found out about the adoption after Cassie called to invite her to the adoption party.

Ep. #6906

Victor is furious when he finds out that Nick is opening a Crimson Lights franchise in Milwaukee and plans to continue opening others. Nick doesn't feel he needs Victor's approval and insists he knows what he is doing. Victor tells Nick that his future is based on what Victor has given him. Victoria is bored at the spa and goes to see Ryan in Seattle. Ryan admits to her that Tricia has left him and he doubts she will be coming back. Victoria offers to stay with him until his business is settled, but Ryan feels there is too much history between them for her to stay. Jill is shocked when Lauren Fenmore shows up with prom dresses for Mac to try on. This prompts Jill to ask Brittany to fly out to Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles with her to find the perfect dress. Jill doesn't want Mac outdoing the eventual prom queen and GLOW GIRL. When Lauren goes to visit Jack, she can tell there are problems going on at Jabot, but Jack doesn't want to discuss it. He is thrilled that she is in town and recalls how easy it is to talk to her. Raul sells Ashley on an idea to promote GLOW on the JABOT web page.



Ep. #6907

Victor finds Nikki at the Jabot lab. Nikki thinks he is there to see Ashley and they begin hurling verbal insults at each other. Victor is upset that Nikki didn't inform him about Nick's idea to expand the coffeehouse. Nikki is thrilled that Nick is trying to make a life for himself outside the family.

Ep. #6908

Billy thinks his mother has too much invested in his prom date with Brittany, and Jill admits that there is a lot riding on this campaign. Victoria is supportive of Nick's ideas to expand the coffeehouse. Ashley asks Olivia to be the godmother to her baby. Nikki's attempts to get involved in the photo shoot are vetoed.

Ep. #6909

Jill reminds the director of the Glow Girl that the shoot is all about Brittany. J.T. and Brendan waste no time letting the other kids at the prom know that Brittany doesn't deserve to be prom queen. Nick and Victoria talk about the coffee house expansion, and Nick admits that he worries Victor will put a stop to his plans. Nina admits to Christine she's writing about the baby who was stolen from her.



Ep. #6910

The camera follows Billy and Brittany all over the dance floor, but Mac also gets a lot of camera time, which doesn't make Jill happy. J.T. is intent on Brittany not being crowned prom queen and tells everyone to vote for Rianna.

Ep. #6911

Nick tells Victor he's quitting. Victor tells him that he is acting out of anger, but Nick insists that his decision is final and he doesn't need to think it over, as Victor demands. Victoria is worried about Nick and Victor's fallout and asks Nikki to speak to Victor.

Ep. #6912

Ryan asks Victor if it is okay for him to help Victoria pick up the pieces at Brash and Sassy, as well as help repair her personal life. At first, Victor feels that Ryan is emotionally unstable himself, but then admits that Victoria needs a friend now. Victoria tells Nikki that she doesn't blame Victor for being upset with Nick.
Episode Overview

Ep. #6914

Nikki tells Jack that Victoria's reaction to her job at Jabot is worse than she anticipated. Jack explains that Mac will be the new star of the website campaign, but Jill insists that if Mac is in, Billy is out. Jack counters that if Jill pulls Billy out, the gap between her and her son will be bigger than ever.

Ep. #6915

Nick agrees to go along with Victor's terms and stay with Newman Enterprises for the sake of the family. Nick tells Victoria and Ryan that he's reconsidered Victor's proposal. Victoria and Ryan are thrilled, but Victoria is still concerned about Nick's acceptance of Nikki working at Jabot. She needs to know exactly where Nick stands because Newman Enterprises is suffering.
Episode Overview



Ep. #6916

Mac admits to Billy that she is afraid of Jill. She also tells him that she has to leave because her mother has legal custody of her. If Mac is found, she will have to return to her mother and step-father, who terrifies her. At first, Billy has a plan to reveal Jill's threats against Mac, but after he sees Mac's fear, they decide to keep their romance a secret until they figure out how to handle Jill.

Ep. #6917

Nina calls Chris to make plans for their annual 4th of July celebration, but Chris tells Nina that she and Paul want to spend the holiday alone. Mary calls Chris and Paul to invite them to her house for a 4th of July barbeque and Paul reluctantly accepts the invitation.

Ep. #6918

Billy walks Mac to the house and Billy escapes before Raul and Jill enter. Jill suspects something is going on with Mac, but Mac covers. When Raul tells Mac that she will be featured in the Jabot commercial, Mac objects.
Episode Overview

Ep. #6919

Diane offers to make peace with Victoria, but Victoria isn't buying it. She assures Diane that she doesn't want Diane living with Victor any more than Diane wants her there. Nikki sees Miguel carrying bags out of the house. He tells her that Victoria has moved in with Victor.



Ep. #6920

Nikki begs Victoria to try and work out their differences. Diane intervenes, but Nikki tells her to stay out of it. Victoria asks Diane if she's noticed that she's been stabbed in the back and tells her mother she has nothing to say to her.
Episode Overview

Ep. #6921

Victor gets a surprise visit from Governor Jesse Ventura. He says that he is in Genoa City for business and decided to stop by to see an old friend. Governor Ventura suggests they run together in the 2004 election under the ticket V &

Ep. #6922

Olivia talks with Nathan and he encourages her to find peace with herself. She admits that she's tired of fighting. Neil and Dru react in horror when Olivia's heart monitor flat-lines. Brittany and Raul arrive for the photo shoot.

Ep. #6923

Brad explains to Victoria how upset Nikki is, but Victoria tells Brad to mind his own business and asks where her mother is. Brad tells her that she is in Europe to get some distance from her. Brad apologizes to Ashley for getting upset over her relationship with Victor.



Ep. #6924

Ashley and Jack confirm that the Glow By Jabot House is on, whether Jill agrees or not. Jack tells Raul, Billy and Brittany that the web site is up and running. Raul is happy that Mac will be spending so much time with him this summer, but when he begins kissing her, Mac tells him to stop.

Ep. #6925

John Silva tells Victor that Newman Enterprises can sue Brad as well as Jabot, if Jabot knew of Brad's contract with Newman Enterprises. John Silva and Victor decide to make a formal demand to Brad, having him describe his duties at Jabot. Ashley overhears Jack and Brad discussing her relationship with Victor.

Ep. #6926

Victor instructs John Silva to take legal action against Brad, but to leave Jabot alone for the moment. Chris and Paul go to the fertility doctor. When Paul's sperm is tested and found to be fine, Chris wonders if she is the problem.



Ep. #6927

As Victor watches Brad and Ashley, Victoria confronts him. She asks Victor why he didn't sue Jabot. Victor keeps his eyes on Brad and Ashley and Victoria realizes that he isn't suing because of Ashley. She asks Victor if he and Ashley are in a relationship.

Ep. #6928

Michael orders Phyllis out of his office. She can't believe he and Christine are partners and insists that he conned Chris into it. Michael tells Phyllis that he wants nothing to do with her. Mamie thinks it is a good idea for Dru to stay at Neil's apartment while Olivia recovers.

Ep. #6929

Victor takes Diane to the doctor when she has difficulties. Neil assures Victoria that whatever Victor and Ashley shared is long over. Jack is prepared to hire Phyllis for the website, but she no longer seems interested. Mac tells Raul she wants to be only friends. J.T. is suspicious of Billy's feelings for Mac. Malcolm accuses Dru of shying away from a relationship with him because she still wants Neil.